you guys are over engineering this dutchman stuff.....he didnt have any degrees or formal training...just boots on the ground....if you would quit overthinking and start hiking you might find something also
You are 100% correct. The only reason for going in depth to try to explain things is that a lot of people do not understand the geology involved. I was not trying to "over engineer" the thing, just explaining it. When I hunt for the LDM I do study the geology and use every tool in the chest, but Waltz had no mining degrees just many years of successful prospecting experience. I agree that experience in the field,
boots on the ground, trumps any scientific paper or theory. If you can arrange to make a trip to the Superstitions you will not regret it even if you don't find the Lost Dutchman's mine.
To all: I neglected to add that part which Conceptualized raised, the
tectonic activity really creates the
largest cracks and voids, uplifts and sinks etc, but the whole point was hopefully clear enough. I do make mistakes once in a while. Waltz's gold mine will be a quartz deposit, and these formed in the voids in the country rock which is mostly volcanic except for one small area in the SWA. As Conceptualized stated,
the edges of the calderas are the most promising areas to find those voids and cracks which might have chalcedony, quartz and maybe gold. But don't rule out the seemingly 'barren' areas either, for there are signs of hydrothermal activity in some very unlikely looking places even right in the calderas where they should not be, as many Dutch hunters can tell you from finding them. One such area is on the south flank of Superstition mountain, in the area of the Palmer mine which produced some gold. (That is NOT in the middle of one of the three main calderas, it is on the edge but the geology looks most unpromising until you notice the chalcedony and quartz, as well as black sands.)
I see that others have already addressed the question about why to use the portable drywasher, for concentrating samples and save water. That method of following up the gold until you lose it, to find the vein has worked in many gold districts over centuries. I think that is how the LDM could be found today, without any clues of any kind.
Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.