Where do you think the Lost Dutchman mine is?

The LDM is on Bluff Springs Mountain. I found it after deciphering Edgar Cayce's reading on February 10, 2010. I met with Kurt Painter aka Silent Hunter (on Desert Biomes - DesertUSA website) and Jim Hatt at the museum and gave them the coordinates. I was double-crossed after being sent five pics by Kurt of the waste pile, 2-room cave, outcropping Waltz covered up, marker resembles Peralta STONE maps, entrance to mine The Peralta never complete. I emailed pics to all the expert non-believers, Kollenborne, Clay WORST/SENATOR McCain and they said show me the gold. No one can claim it, so I quit trying and staked a claim on BLM land. Women were the first to search and this woman found it. I have been rescued three times by helicopter and paid my dues. My book is written and soon to be published. I will give exact location. Stand by.


The LDM is on Bluff Springs Mountain. I found it after deciphering Edgar Cayce's reading on February 10, 2010. I met with Kurt Painter aka Silent Hunter (on Desert Biomes - DesertUSA website) and Jim Hatt at the museum and gave them the coordinates. I was double-crossed after being sent five pics by Kurt of the waste pile, 2-room cave, outcropping Waltz covered up, marker resembles Peralta STONE maps, entrance to mine The Peralta never complete. I emailed pics to all the expert non-believers, Kollenborne, Clay WORST/SENATOR McCain and they said show me the gold. No one can claim it, so I quit trying and staked a claim on BLM land. Women were the first to search and this woman found it. I have been rescued three times by helicopter and paid my dues. My book is written and soon to be published. I will give exact location. Stand by.

I know Kurt quite well and find it difficult to imaging the man "double crossing" anyone. I can only hope that you are mistaken or that your issues stem from some unfortunate misunderstanding. Kurt, his wonderful wife, his beautiful children, they are good people.

Very disappointing to read something like this especially from a new member.

Anyway, welcome to Tnet and best of luck to you with your book.

I know Kurt quite well and find it difficult to imaging the man "double crossing" anyone. I can only hope that you are mistaken or that your issues stem from some unfortunate misunderstanding. Kurt, his wonderful wife, his beautiful children, they are good people.

Very disappointing to read something like this especially from a new member.

Anyway, welcome to Tnet and best of luck to you with your book.

What probably happened was that they didn't put a lot of stock in assistanttoauthors' theory and just never called or wrote back. While I don't know Kurt very well, I was quite friendly with Jim. I know Jim would never "double-cross" anybody. After Jim died, Kurt did take what info Jim gave him, and tried to warn everybody away from Tortilla Mt. I had to remind Kurt that Jim gave me just as much of his research materials as he gave Kurt. He didn't have a monopoly on anything. That did put me a little off on Kurt. Before Jim died, Kurt was a quiet guy that was very low key on a couple of forums. After Jim died, he kind of went wild.


What probably happened was that they didn't put a lot of stock in assistanttoauthors' theory and just never called or wrote back. While I don't know Kurt very well, I was quite friendly with Jim. I know Jim would never "double-cross" anybody. After Jim died, Kurt did take what info Jim gave him, and tried to warn everybody away from Tortilla Mt. I had to remind Kurt that Jim gave me just as much of his research materials as he gave Kurt. He didn't have a monopoly on anything. That did put me a little off on Kurt. Before Jim died, Kurt was a quiet guy that was very low key on a couple of forums. After Jim died, he kind of went wild.


You are of course correct. But, we all react to loss in our own way and like the rest of us, Kurt is human and not impervious to mistakes. I think our emotions cloud our judgement sometimes which results in reactive decisions. From what I know of Kurt, perhaps he was simply trying too hard to hold onto the experiences he had made with Jim.

Believe me, when you are deep in the Superstitions and things go wrong, Kurt is the one person that you want at your side. A few ambitious treasure hunter already know this.

"And that's all I have to say about that."
F. Gump

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You are of course correct. But, we all react to loss in our own way and like the rest of us, Kurt is human and not impervious to mistakes. I think our emotions cloud our judgement sometimes which results in reactive decisions. From what I know of Kurt, perhaps he was simply trying too hard to hold onto the experiences he had made with Jim.

Believe me, when you are deep in the Superstitions and things go wrong, Kurt is the one person that you want at your side. A few ambitious treasure hunter already know this.

"And that's all I have to say about that."
F. Gump

That is not the way it seemed to me and several other people. What it looked like was that after he got whatever Jim gave him (research materials), he started claiming areas (online, not legally), and telling people they had better not come to any of Jim's Old Camps or nose around the Tortilla Mt area. I think he got more info than he knew what to do with, and thought he could just take Jim's Research and find the LDM right away (just read many of his posts). Looked like he just didn't want anybody else near where he thought Jim believed the LDM to be. Most people that knew Jim knew he liked Tortilla Mt.


That is not the way it seemed to me and several other people. What it looked like was that after he got whatever Jim gave him (research materials), he started claiming areas (online, not legally), and telling people they had better not come to any of Jim's Old Camps or nose around the Tortilla Mt area. I think he got more info than he knew what to do with, and thought he could just take Jim's Research and find the LDM right away (just read many of his posts). Looked like he just didn't want anybody else near where he thought Jim believed the LDM to be. Most people that knew Jim knew he liked Tortilla Mt.

i've never ran across anyone around here that had anything good to say about kurt...and as far as jim hatt goes...all the research that kurt got from hatt didnt lead hatt to the ldm and it wont lead kurt there either

i've never ran across anyone around here that had anything good to say about kurt...and as far as jim hatt goes...all the research that kurt got from hatt didnt lead hatt to the ldm and it wont lead kurt there either

Kurt used to come on DUSA and talk about how close he and his "team" were to finding the LDM. Haven't heard from him in a while. He used to post that he was going to go out and fly over the mountains in a helo, and it was my impression that he was inferring he was a helicopter pilot (even though he never came out and said that). I found out much later that he was something akin to a janitor at that helicopter company. I don't know if that is true or not.

Don't be so quick to dismiss Jim's ideas. He spent a Godawful lot of time in those mountains, and he was not a stupid guy prone to flights of fancy. He was one of the more level headed Treasure Hunters I have met. Before he died, he sent me a huge envelope with pictures, maps, and CD's full of videos, interviews, drawings, and a bunch more. I know what he thought and where he liked. His ideas are very good.


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Kurt used to come on DUSA and talk about how close he and his "team" were to finding the LDM. Haven't heard from him in a while. He used to post that he was going to go out and fly over the mountains in a helo, and it was my impression that he was inferring he was a helicopter pilot (even though he never came out and said that). I found out much later that he was something akin to a janitor at that helicopter company. I don't know if that is true or not.

Don't be so quick to dismiss Jim's ideas. He spent a Godawful lot of time in those mountains, and he was not a stupid guy prone to flights of fancy. He was one of the more level headed Treasure Hunters I have met. Before he died, he sent me a huge envelope with pictures, maps, and CD's full of videos, interviews, drawings, and a bunch more. I know what he thought and where he liked. His ideas are very good.

mike..i dont discount jim's research...he did put alot of effort in his search...but....i dont think he knew where the ldm is...like countless others that have put just as much time into searching for the ldm...they all think they are right on top of it..i know a couple others around here that know what jim knew...they too thought they could go right to it and dig it up...it didnt take too long before they figured out treasure hunting and lost mine hunting isnt as easy as it seems...lol

thanks for your opinion and some might stick to the topic rather than make off color comments about other posters. wrong. I made no error but thanks for posting your opinion about me It seems there is some confusion about crystallization from molten rock (magma/lava) versus precipitation from a high pressure high temperature probably 'critical' solution which is replenished/recycled many many times over millions of years. This is why secondary replacement is called a deposit. It occurs in a metamorphic/tectonic event and IS NOT crystallization of magma or lava. There is no solution known to man of any kind that is rich enough in silicon or minerals to just cool into a mineralized secondary vein. There are no known gold rich magmas/lavas known in all known geologic history. When a magma cools quickly we end up with fine grained rock. When it cools slowly the grains grow larger and greater mineral separations can occur. None of that in any way causes gold to concentrate, occur or veins of mineralization to 'intrude'.

Why would you say that? Who ever made any claim about glacial actions in the Superstitions to which you respond? Do you have any solid evidence of any gold rich quartz veins in the 'younger than caldera' rocks in the supes?

Hydrothermal anything is a metamorphic process caused by tectonics. Without tectonics there would be only igneous and sedimentary rocks, (and even then no more new crustal rock would be cycled out to the surface and the planet would eventually weather flatter and flatter) and no gold laden veins. I am not aware of any geologic evidence of gold bearing veins being or having been formed in any post caldera rock, are you?

Crystalized Gold is a very real thing - and has been found in other places, similar to the Supes.


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