When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain

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But no mention of why the coin was so clean comming out of the ground.
Do you know the condition of the coin when it was lost? Do you know when it was lost? Do you know what minerals are in the ground at that location and what the clay content is? I seldom look for lost pocket change so I am not very knowledgeable about what it should have looked like.
That's because he polished it up real nice, before he "hid" it there, so it would show up good in his video!
Could be that the person who lost it had shined it in his pocket and lost it 2 or 3 days before I recovered it?...
You skeptics seem to have an excuse for every thing..Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Could be that the person who lost it had shined it in his pocket and lost it 2 or 3 days before I recovered it?...

Lost it, then placed a marker rock over it? :laughing7:

Besides, we went all over this many months ago. Nobody goes out there anymore. You yourself said that it would have been lost many years ago, when it was a campground or something like that.

If you could find anything, you would be able to prove it to the World, and wouldn't need to make fake videos.

And if LRLs really worked, nobody would need to prove it, because the World would already know.


Lost it, then placed a marker rock over it?
The coin was under the marker @ 8 inch’s from the rock

Besides, we went all over this many months ago. Nobody goes out there anymore. You yourself said that it would have been lost many years ago, when it was a campground or something like that.

I guess you did not read the text at http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,305970.0.html
The place is an off road vehicle park..Can’t you see all the tire track?

If you could find anything, you would be able to prove it to the World, and wouldn't need to make fake videos.
WE have already proved it to people from all over the world

And if LRLs really worked, nobody would need to prove it, because the World would already know.
They do..Have you not read all the testimonials from all over the world? The only ones that don’t know are mostly people who claim to be EE’s from the USA..Art


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aarthrj3811 said:
They do..Have you not read all the testimonials from all over the world? The only ones that don’t know are mostly people who claim to be EE’s from the USA..Art

Your video is an obvious fake. If you could really locate stuff, you would have provided real proof by now.


Your video is an obvious fake. If you could really locate stuff, you would have provided real proof by now
Wrong again ..I have ask you before ...what would be real proof to you?

aarthrj3811 said:
Your video is an obvious fake. If you could really locate stuff, you would have provided real proof by now
Wrong again ..I have ask you before ...what would be real proof to you?

And I've told you before---a scientifically controlled, random double-blind test.

How you accomplish that is your problem.

It would be easy enough, if you don't try to turn it into something it isn't.


aarthrj3811 said:
Lost it, then placed a marker rock over it?
The coin was under the marker @ 8 inch’s from the rock

Besides, we went all over this many months ago. Nobody goes out there anymore. You yourself said that it would have been lost many years ago, when it was a campground or something like that.

I guess you did not read the text at http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,305970.0.html
The place is an off road vehicle park..Can’t you see all the tire track?

If you could find anything, you would be able to prove it to the World, and wouldn't need to make fake videos.
WE have already proved it to people from all over the world

And if LRLs really worked, nobody would need to prove it, because the World would already know.
They do..Have you not read all the testimonials from all over the world? The only ones that don’t know are mostly people who claim to be EE’s from the USA..Art
Art it could easly be under the rock. Why? because you had dug the whole area and dug through the soil to find it, removed the rocks from the bucket and continued. Also, I guess your right you never seen a coin dug before because you plant yours. Check the todays finds.

Art it could easly be under the rock. Why? because you had dug the whole area and dug through the soil to find it, removed the rocks from the bucket and continued. Also, I guess your right you never seen a coin dug before because you plant yours. Check the todays finds.
Did you not notice that the tool did not swing when my heel was on the rock? Did you not see that the two visible rocks did not go into the bucket? I guess your eyeballs continue to not see things as they are...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Art it could easly be under the rock. Why? because you had dug the whole area and dug through the soil to find it, removed the rocks from the bucket and continued. Also, I guess your right you never seen a coin dug before because you plant yours. Check the todays finds.
Did you not notice that the tool did not swing when my heel was on the rock? Did you not see that the two visible rocks did not go into the bucket? I guess your eyeballs continue to not see things as they are...Art

I did notice that those were moved before the shovel went into bucket. Sorry, on that part, but that still does not stop you from using it as the reference to were you placed the coin yourself. Also I love how you took the coin out of your pocket for the rangertel to refind the object on top of the ground.

On a side note.... Were did you get the screen for the bucket? I have been looking for one. I have been looking for one to be able to stack and make a sieve above the bucket.

On a side note.... Were did you get the screen for the bucket? I have been looking for one. I have been looking for one to be able to stack and make a sieve above the bucket.

You can buy them at most mining shops...also on the internet. http://www.keeneeng.com/
That is where I used to buy all my Gold Dredgers and equipment...I have screens from ¼ inch to 200 mesh that fit 5 gallon buckets. You will have to decide which sizes you need..I need to tell you that when you get to the small sizes “1/8 inch to 200 mesh” they work much better if the bucket is full of water.

The one I used that day was a homemade one..I drilled the pop rivets out of a bad screen and replaced the screen with a ½ inch square piece of hardware cloth.

I know it is hard or you to see a movie that busts you believe system but you have saw it...Art

A fallacy is an idea which many people believe to be true, but which is in fact false because it is based on incorrect information or reasoning.
In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system (usually a linear system) to oscillate at larger amplitude at some frequencies than at others. These are known as the system's resonant frequencies (or resonance frequencies). At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude oscillations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resonance
"It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows."
- Epictetus

"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend."
- Henri Bergson

"Physical perception occurs by means of quantum processes."
- Dr. J.J. Hurtak

"For those who don't believe, no amount of evidence is enough. And for those who do believe, no evidence is necessary."

I know it is hard or you to see a movie that busts you believe system but you have saw it...Art

Absolutely Classic!!!

Keep them coming, Art. You've said more about yourself, and your scam LRLs, in that one ill-constructed sentence than any of us could possibly write about you.

Great job.

:thumbsup: :coffee2:

I know it is hard or you to see a movie that busts you believe system but you have saw it...Art
I know it is hard on you to see a movie that busts you believe system but you have saw it...Art
Gee Ted...Copy and paste is a simple concept. I don’t know how you got the words all messed up..

aarthrj3811 said:
On a side note.... Were did you get the screen for the bucket? I have been looking for one. I have been looking for one to be able to stack and make a sieve above the bucket.

You can buy them at most mining shops...also on the internet. http://www.keeneeng.com/
That is where I used to buy all my Gold Dredgers and equipment...I have screens from ¼ inch to 200 mesh that fit 5 gallon buckets. You will have to decide which sizes you need..I need to tell you that when you get to the small sizes “1/8 inch to 200 mesh” they work much better if the bucket is full of water.

The one I used that day was a homemade one..I drilled the pop rivets out of a bad screen and replaced the screen with a ½ inch square piece of hardware cloth.

I know it is hard or you to see a movie that busts you believe system but you have saw it...Art

A fallacy is an idea which many people believe to be true, but which is in fact false because it is based on incorrect information or reasoning.
In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system (usually a linear system) to oscillate at larger amplitude at some frequencies than at others. These are known as the system's resonant frequencies (or resonance frequencies). At these frequencies, even small periodic driving forces can produce large amplitude oscillations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resonance
"It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows."
- Epictetus

"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend."
- Henri Bergson

"Physical perception occurs by means of quantum processes."
- Dr. J.J. Hurtak

"For those who don't believe, no amount of evidence is enough. And for those who do believe, no evidence is necessary."

Ted did copy it word for word.. I highlighted it red.. you did say or instead of on.

Hmm I wonder where that fits into discussing the scientific theories behind possible working lrl's ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Since they have no Scientific Theories about LRL’s they are stuck with insulting the people who use them..You know...How they put together sentences, spell and any other thing that they can think of..When visual proof is provide They can not seem to see it..They beg and beg for photo’s, movies and testimonials and when presented with them they declare that they are all fake..
This week EE told me this
It appears that about 99% of the LRLers posts are not on topic, and don't belong here.

And the posts by those knowledgeable in electronics do belong here.
I don’t know what to think about this statement...I always thought this was a board to discuss LRL’s made for treasure hunting...I have also notice that the people who claim to be knowledgeable in electronics add nothing about locating treasure and recovering it...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Since they have no Scientific Theories about LRL’s they are stuck with insulting the people who use them..You know...How they put together sentences, spell and any other thing that they can think of..When visual proof is provide They can not seem to see it..They beg and beg for photo’s, movies and testimonials and when presented with them they declare that they are all fake..
This week EE told me this

It appears that about 99% of the LRLers posts are not on topic, and don't belong here.

And the posts by those knowledgeable in electronics do belong here.

I don’t know what to think about this statement...I always thought this was a board to discuss LRL’s made for treasure hunting...I have also notice that the people who claim to be knowledgeable in electronics add nothing about locating treasure and recovering it...Art

You left the whole point out of that quote, Art.

What I actually said was that the Notice, at the top of the LRL Section, from Marc, indicates that it is for the discussion of LRL devices. It doesn't say anything about alleged treasure hunting stories, or testimonials, or your alleged experiences with locating Tic-Tacs.

No, it's about the LRLs themselves. Therefore, it can be about the circuitry, and the electronics related to that, or about proven science in relation to that. It can even be about the manufacturers' and promoters' alleged theories of why they should work, and whether or not those theories are scientifically sound.

And it's not about insulting people who point out real facts which might contradict your opinions or claims.

So, yes, most of the posts by those knowledgeable in electronics are about LRLs, and belong here. Not counting their replies to posts which contain, or consist entirely of, insults.

While, on the other hand, it appears that most of the posts by LRL promoters are only about their alleged experiences in the field, and in their back yards, and recommendations that people should use LRLs, excuses of why they cannot provide any scientific proof to the World that LRLs work, and insults to anyone who doesn't "believe" their stories.

So, what's the problem?


P.S. It's not nice to take someone's quote out of context, and try to give it a twisted meaning. :nono:

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Hmm I wonder where that fits into discussing the scientific theories behind possible working lrl's ?

Don Jose de La Mancha


That sounds like an interesting topic for you to start a new thread about.

But please try to keep out the nonsense, or it will degrade into just another brawl.


You left the whole point out of that quote, Art.

What I actually said was that the Notice, at the top of the LRL Section, from Marc, indicates that it is for the discussion of LRL devices. It doesn't say anything about alleged treasure hunting stories, or testimonials, or your alleged experiences with locating Tic-Tacs.
Treasure Hunting Stories, testimonials and experiments are discussing LRL’s

No, it's about the LRLs themselves. Therefore, it can be about the circuitry, and the electronics related to that, or about proven science in relation to that. It can even be about the manufacturers' and promoters' alleged theories of why they should work, and whether or not those theories are scientifically sound.

And leave out what is important to treasure hunters? How to operate their LRL,s, the success of other treasure hunters, how to become informed consumers and all the other parts of treasure hunting..Darn..Is all the stuff I have learned this year now void?

And it's not about insulting people who point out real facts which might contradict your opinions or claims.
I apologized for insulting you by saying you were wrong.

So, yes, most of the posts by those knowledgeable in electronics are about LRLs, and belong here. Not counting their replies to posts which contain, or consist entirely of, insults.
If you say so...but who is to say which non treasure hunter is knowledgeable in electronics?

While, on the other hand, it appears that most of the posts by LRL promoters are only about their alleged experiences in the field, and in their back yards, and recommendations that people should use LRLs,
Are LRL’s not designed to work in the field and back yards?
excuses of why they cannot provide any scientific proof to the World that LRLs work, and insults to anyone who doesn't "believe" their stories.
Please tell us where and how to prove it to the world ?

So, what's the problem?
I don’t have a problem..I know I have use 7 LRL’s and located and recover gold. Those knowledgeable in electronics say all LRL's are fraudulent and do not work..In my opinion they are not fraudulent and the ones I have used find treasure so I was not sccammed...Art
Remember Marc?
Re: When Science shouts to the deaf
Reply To This Topic #35 Posted Jun 16, 2010, 04:00:20 PM Quote

This is ME. Marc Austin... the administrator and owner of this site. I am the one who warns people against fraudulent devices.

I have never said "there is not a device capable of locating gold and silver from a distance".

I have only stated the FACT... that >I< have seen people ripped off by fraudulent devices... and I recommend spending money to chat with a geophysicist BEFORE spending ONE dime on ANY LRL. Just get a second opinion before making your purchase. The wad you save just might be your own! HMM, a new header for the LRL forum!

Now - if you have a problem running your potential purchase past someone educated in things like locating things.... well say so... so we can cut to the chase.

aarthrj3811 said:
You left the whole point out of that quote, Art.

What I actually said was that the Notice, at the top of the LRL Section, from Marc, indicates that it is for the discussion of LRL devices. It doesn't say anything about alleged treasure hunting stories, or testimonials, or your alleged experiences with locating Tic-Tacs.
Treasure Hunting Stories, testimonials and experiments are discussing LRL’s

No, that would be discussing your alleged adventures. There is a difference.

No, it's about the LRLs themselves. Therefore, it can be about the circuitry, and the electronics related to that, or about proven science in relation to that. It can even be about the manufacturers' and promoters' alleged theories of why they should work, and whether or not those theories are scientifically sound.

And leave out what is important to treasure hunters? How to operate their LRL,s, the success of other treasure hunters, how to become informed consumers and all the other parts of treasure hunting..Darn..Is all the stuff I have learned this year now void?

There are other sections in this Website for discussing adventures and treasures.

And it's not about insulting people who point out real facts which might contradict your opinions or claims.
I apologized for insulting you by saying you were wrong.

So, yes, most of the posts by those knowledgeable in electronics are about LRLs, and belong here. Not counting their replies to posts which contain, or consist entirely of, insults.
If you say so...but who is to say which non treasure hunter is knowledgeable in electronics?

When someone states some fact about, or principle of, electronics---it is easy enough to check the Web to see if it is true or not. Nobody needs to prove anything personal about themselves. People who BS about electronics are easy enough to spot.

While, on the other hand, it appears that most of the posts by LRL promoters are only about their alleged experiences in the field, and in their back yards, and recommendations that people should use LRLs,
Are LRL’s not designed to work in the field and back yards?

So far, there has been no real evidence that LRLs were designed to actually work, anywhere.

excuses of why they cannot provide any scientific proof to the World that LRLs work, and insults to anyone who doesn't "believe" their stories.
Please tell us where and how to prove it to the world ?

As I've said before, that is entirely the problem of LRL makers and promoters.

So, what's the problem?
I don’t have a problem..I know I have use 7 LRL’s and located and recover gold. Those knowledgeable in electronics say are fraudulent and do not work..Art

The overwhelming evidence is that LRLs do not work.

If you want to provide real, scientifically acceptable evidence that they do, that's up to you, and it would be applicable to discussing the devices, because it would provide facts about the devices.

Otherwise, it's just irrelevant stories, and useless clutter on a forum. In other words, it's just noise. Like yelling when other people are trying to talk. It's interference, and is considered to be Trolling. The reason is that there is no way to respond to it, except by either arguing or "believing." And neither of those is compatible with a coherent, or intelligent, discussion.

Remember Marc?
Re: When Science shouts to the deaf
Reply To This Topic #35 Posted Jun 16, 2010, 04:00:20 PM Quote

This is ME. Marc Austin... the administrator and owner of this site. I am the one who warns people against fraudulent devices.

I have never said "there is not a device capable of locating gold and silver from a distance".

I have only stated the FACT... that >I< have seen people ripped off by fraudulent devices... and I recommend spending money to chat with a geophysicist BEFORE spending ONE dime on ANY LRL. Just get a second opinion before making your purchase. The wad you save just might be your own! HMM, a new header for the LRL forum!

You seem to want to omit this part, of what Marc also said: "...I open this forum to the discussion of said [LRL] devices."

Now - if you have a problem running your potential purchase past someone educated in things like locating things.... well say so... so we can cut to the chase.

Because there is no real evidence that LRLs actually work at all, your being "educated" in them is dubious, at best. Before you start bragging about your alleged experiences with them, you should first firmly establish to the World, that they actually do work. How you do that, as I said, is your problem.


Treasure Hunting Stories, testimonials and experiments are discussing LRL’s
No, that would be discussing your alleged adventures. There is a difference.

So the 60 plus testimonials on this board and the 100’s on the internet are all alleged adventures?
And leave out what is important to treasure hunters? How to operate their LRL,s, the success of other treasure hunters, how to become informed consumers and all the other parts of treasure hunting..Darn..Is all the stuff I have learned this year now void?
There are other sections in this Website for discussing adventures and treasures.

But the start of this board say’s ... Long Range Locators...It seems to me that I am in the right section..Seems to me that you belong in Tech Talk, Techniques, I Couldn't Believe My Eyes!, Arm Chair Treasure Hunting, Psychics/Mediums/Paranormal or the Non-sense boards
When someone states some fact about, or principle of, electronics---it is easy enough to check the Web to see if it is true or not. Nobody needs to prove anything personal about themselves. People who BS about electronics are easy enough to spot.
Yes they are

Are LRL’s not designed to work in the field and back yards?
So far, there has been no real evidence that LRLs were designed to actually work, anywhere.
We have proved our facts with testimonials. Movies and Photo’s..You with personal opinions.
Please tell us where and how to prove it to the world ?
As I've said before, that is entirely the problem of LRL makers and promoters.
Thank you for that admission
I don’t have a problem..I know I have use 7 LRL’s and located and recover gold. Those knowledgeable in electronics say are fraudulent and do not work..
The overwhelming evidence is that LRLs do not work.

If you want to provide real, scientifically acceptable evidence that they do, that's up to you, and it would be applicable to discussing the devices, because it would provide facts about the devices.

Otherwise, it's just irrelevant stories, and useless clutter on a forum. In other words, it's just noise. Like yelling when other people are trying to talk. It's interference, and is considered to be Trolling. The reason is that there is no way to respond to it, except by either arguing or "believing." And neither of those is compatible with a coherent, or intelligent, discussion.
Thank You for the “RANT~
You seem to want to omit this part, of what Marc also said: "...I open this forum to the discussion of said [LRL] devices."
We have been trying to discuss LRL’s but with a lot of interruptions.
Because there is no real evidence that LRLs actually work at all, your being "educated" in them is dubious, at best. Before you start bragging about your alleged experiences with them, you should first firmly establish to the World, that they actually do work. How you do that, as I said, is your problem.
Gee EE..I ask you how this can be done above and you gave me this answer..
As I've said before, that is entirely the problem of LRL makers and promoters.
The only ones I see making outrages claims on here are the skeptics...Art

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