When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain

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Re: When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain
Reply To This Topic #833 Posted Today at 09:34:55 AM
Your feeble attempts at personal attacks, merely attest to your lack of any substantial evidence to back up your fantasized claims.
You are still your own best debunker.
Thanks for your help
Thank You EE ...Do you have any more gossip to put on this LRL board?..Art
Quote from: aarthrj3811 on Today at 09:34:55 AM
Your feeble attempts at personal attacks, merely attest to your lack of any substantial evidence to back up your fantasized claims.
You are still your own best debunker.
Thanks for your help.
Thank You EE ...Do you have any more gossip to put on this LRL board?..Art

Thank You for the skeptic answer...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Thank You for the skeptic answer...Art

Your feeble attempts at personal attacks, merely attest to your lack of any substantial evidence to back up your fantasized claims.

You are still your own best debunker.

Thanks for your help.

Don't stop now, you are batting 1000!


Your feeble attempts at personal attacks, merely attest to your lack of any substantial evidence to back up your fantasized claims.

You are still your own best debunker.

Thanks for your help.

Don't stop now, you are batting 1000!
Good to see that you are following SWR’s tactics after the “10 count”..Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Your feeble attempts at personal attacks, merely attest to your lack of any substantial evidence to back up your fantasized claims.

You are still your own best debunker.

Thanks for your help.

Don't stop now, you are batting 1000!
Good to see that you are following SWR’s tactics after the “10 count”..Art


A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud These points have never been rationally refuted.

Interesting data---> aplikicable to dowsing and remote sensing.

The Guiana dolphin possesses the astounding ability toXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in just a bat of an eye, and of course they’ve got echolocation. But in addition to those traits, researchers have now discovered one more accessory in the clever cetaceans’ toolkit: electroreceptors.
With the keen knack to spot electrical vibrations, the dolphins can sense the electric fields of their prey and use it to uncover various objects within their vicinity such as mackerel, herring or the occasional codfish. It’s the very first time the ability has been discovered amongst true mammals, which are those that evolved during the Triassic period.
According to a recent paper, scientists explored the anatomy in a dead dolphin and also guided a live one to interact with an electric field identical to that created by a fish. In the past, it was hypothesized that the animals might have electroreceptors as evidenced by the dark pits, called vibrissal crypts, found on their snouts. Ancestral dolphins had whiskers emerging from these pits, which would increase their sensitivity and suggest that they indeed have been receptors. But in present-day dolphins the pits were considered trivial, partially because they no longer have whiskers.
However, infrared photographs taken during the study revealed the crypts “lighting up with activity,” proving to researchers that the crypts are put to use. The team used tissue samples of the deceased dolphin’s beak, and examined the cellular structure of the crypts which uncovered no indication of hair particles or whiskers. Instead, a gel-like substance was discovered in its cells. It is a similar liquid to that found in the receptors of electrical fish that helps produce frequency cues, and ultimately confirms that dolphins have electro-sensory ability.
Electroreception is rare, but occurs in a few mammals. The echidna, a spiny anteater residing in Australia and New Guinea, has electroreceptors in his snout. The amazing critter, just for reference, also has a four-headed penis.
While some humans might drool at the prospect of gaining electrosensory ability, it seems we might have already had it. Scientists think that all original animals with backbones, including early ancestors of humans, could sense electricity. As they developed, mammals, reptiles, birds and the majority of fish lost the the ability, probably because they didn’t much need it. Today, only sharks and a few other seagoing species can sense electricity. However, it seems that some remnant of the trait has been left behind: the same genes that help regulate the development of electroreceptors in sharks have been implicated in the development of the head and facial features in humans.

Also --> NASA has been interested in quantum levitation for quite a while, as it turns out. But it isn’t until now that we’ve started to see such vivid demonstrations of its possibilities. Previously, a majority of the research had actually been taken on by amateurs, and for a long time, NASA worked closely with them in search of solutions.
A Russian physicist named Evgeny Podkletnov first postulated the idea in a paper published in 1992, but has been largely uninvolved with the study and development of the phenomenon since then. It took NASA years to reproduce what Podkletnov had written about, due in part to the fact that Podkletnov was not an electromechanical expert and couldn’t do much to help with the system’s actual construction. After internal concerns about drifting into ‘tin foil hat’ territory', NASA pulled out and passed the torch to civilian teams.

Teams like Tel Aviv University’s Superconductivity Group are now reminding us of the incredible potential in this hazy area of scientific research. With NASA strapped for cash and out of the picture, can the rest of us pick up the slack to make it work with heavier stuff, like cars? If we ever want to finally cut back on all the energy we use schlepping stuff around, the answer will have to be ‘yes.’

Interesting to note that the top scienitsts resorted to AMATURES ! So who knows about LRL's, same catagory?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real, all you talk about is speculation or theory... Nothing ever anything more.

Real, all you talk about is speculation or theory... Nothing ever anything more.
Those of us who enjoy searching for the truth enjoy the posts of the “Real Deal”

Wer Lieber, mein kommerad: I have always said I would discuss the 'theories' of possible Lrl's, no? So it is entirely on point and applicable.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Yes you have always said that you would talk about theory's. But bringing theory and speculation into a thread all the time does not prove it. Just like all of these threads really revert back and forth to three things.

1) Users demanding Proof that LRL's do not work from Skeptics.
2) Skeptics demanding Proof that LRL's do not work from Users.
3) Evidence is shown from ither side, and the oposite side automatically does not call it proof.

now for theory lets start a theory of the devices in it's own thread so that it can be properly discussed.

now for theory lets start a theory of the devices in it's own thread so that it can be properly discussed.
That seems like it would be interesting..So what’s keeping you from doing just that. It would be nice to know what the theory of operation is of the 100’s of different makes and models of LRL’s ...Makes and models and who the Manufactures are should be included...I have used 7 different LRL's made by 6 differnet manufactuers and they all work on a different theroy...Art

Hio wer lieber: I have posted many times on the basic theory / s. It is simply the picking up the electro magnetic fields of the objects by appropriate senses of humans, such as are used in dowsing. Incidentally the Dolphin discoveries tend to explain / verify the same ability in humans, which is exactly what is needed, and IS used, in dowsing etc..

These senses are basically controlled by the brain as usual, and so can be programmed visually, mechanically, or mentally to receive any frequency / ies and home in on it / them. In other words this sense can be fine tuned to anything, organic or inorganic.

Like everything else regarding human abilities, the transference of this ability to a mechanical device is now in it's initial investigative state. We have binoculars and glasses etc., to augment sight, audio amplifiers for hearing, mechanical devices to amplify physical effort, vehicles to amplify movement, both terrestrial and in space. and on to infinity.

LrL's are simply another step, while perhaps not perfected yet, they will be eventually, since they are simply acting and amplifying a basic, human, energy receptive effect.

No, they do not work by themselves, any more than the other basic mechanical devices used by Humans. Of course, since we are advancing expotentially, many now do have feed back systems that do effectively allow them to semi police and regulate themselves.

Don Jose de La Mancha


One thing you left out of your dolphin report, was the range of that type of sensing.

And your statement that LRLs don't work very good now, is incorrect. There is no range, long or short, at which any LRL will work, with or without a human holding it.

You are not just comparing apples to oranges, you are trying to compare computers to boulders.


~Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp~
Great Post...Some people can drive a nail straight or hit the right spot with a splitting maul. Some people can pick up any TV remote and make it work the first time. Some people can hit a 95 MPH fast ball...Heck ..I know a guy that can’t walk and chew gum at the same time but he can put a perfect edge on a knife every time. Every human has the ability to excel at some thing. It all depends on what he has taught his brain to do..Art

HI Ee: you posted --> One thing you left out of your dolphin report, was the range of that type of sensing.

sheesh, that of course would depend entirely upon the sensitivity of the receptor in any frequency.
You also posted --> There is no range, long or short, at which any LRL will work, with or without a human
That sounds remarkably like the early days of flying machines, among a multitude of other things that we now take for granted.

Don Jose de La Mancha

And your statement that LRLs don't work very good now, is incorrect. There is no range, long or short, at which any LRL will work, with or without a human holding it.
That is a very bold claim..
Re: When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain
Reply To This Topic #818 Posted Oct 22, 2011, 06:23:16 AM
Just a few questions this morning..
How many LRL’s have you operated?
How many LRL’s have you held in your hand?
How many LRL’s have you opened up to look at the electronics?
How many LRL’s have you tested with electronic test equipment.
How many manufacturers of LRL’s have you had explain their theories to you?
How many LRL schematics have you read that came from the manufactures?
No need to go on as if you answer these questions honestly every one will know just what you are..Art..

Now..Unless you want to keep posting gossip Please prove your claim..Art

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
You also posted --> There is no range, long or short, at which any LRL will work, with or without a human
That sounds remarkably like the early days of flying machines, among a multitude of other things that we now take for granted.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Typical of fraudulent LRL promoters, you attempt to utilize truth, by trying to apply it in an aberrated fashion, to prove something unrelated.

Some day there might be ways of identifying precious metals, and even other materials, at long distances, through earth, water, and other barriers.

But currently, all devices referred to as "LRLs" are a hoax, and promoting the sales of them is fraudulent, because they don't work. Not for treasure hunting. Not for explosive detecting. Not for drug detecting. And not for detecting the presence of people.

Your ideas of what might be possible in the future, has nothing to do with the criminal activities of con artists, and you should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting that they do.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

But currently, all devices referred to as "LRLs" are a hoax, and promoting the sales of them is fraudulent, because they don't work. Not for treasure hunting. Not for explosive detecting. Not for drug detecting. And not for detecting the presence of people.
An other wild claim...Please give us the information that you keep claiming to have?..Art

aarthrj3811 said:
But currently, all devices referred to as "LRLs" are a hoax, and promoting the sales of them is fraudulent, because they don't work. Not for treasure hunting. Not for explosive detecting. Not for drug detecting. And not for detecting the presence of people.

An other wild claim...Please give us the information that you keep claiming to have?..Art


A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud

Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Do The Math!

The Questions LRLers Refuse to Answer

Known Facts About LRLs

Maybe We Can Agree

Different Ways of Testing LRLs

Random Double-Blind Tests for LRLs

The above discussions demonstrate that LRLs simply don't work.


EE, sigh, I am disappointed in you. Back to the point that was asked of me, and answered many times, we are discusing 'theories'. By it's very nature in normal definition, theories do not mean factual proof, but mental efforts to attempt to do so. As a matter of fact most science is based upon theories rather than flat, true proof.

We just don't know, but have come up with a series of theories that work well enough to do scientific and practical physical work even if eventually they may be proven to be completely incorrect.

Don Jose de La Mancha

But currently, all devices referred to as "LRLs" are a hoax, and promoting the sales of them is fraudulent, because they don't work. Not for treasure hunting. Not for explosive detecting. Not for drug detecting. And not for detecting the presence of people.
An other wild claim...Please give us the information that you keep claiming to have?..Art

A Dozen Points Proving LRL Fraud

Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Do The Math!

The Questions LRLers Refuse to Answer

Known Facts About LRLs

Maybe We Can Agree

Different Ways of Testing LRLs

Random Double-Blind Tests for LRLs

The above discussions demonstrate that LRLs simply don't work.
Darn EE...Why did you not give me the information that you claim that you have...We have all read your personal opinion threads that are now dead and find no useful information except for the post from people who know something about LRL’s made for treasure hunting....Art

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