When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain

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PuffDaddy said:
You'll have to change your own diapers...and powder your own bottom.......

Excellent! Another #22 in the bottom link. Keep going, you're on a roll!

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof! And quit complaining about the truth, the facts, and reality!

P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

PuffDaddy said:
You're grasping at straws,because you're a chicken.
The Long Ranger

You asked for a "treasure lead"
When one was offered, you turned tail so fast you
twisted your neck, you are clearly the "chicken"

If the Lost Dutchman is too tough for ya, there are
plenty more "treasure leads" in the Treasure Legends
and Cache Hunting sections of this forum, as well as
many more in the state specific sections, pick one and
find it. You won't, because you can't, your LRL is a fraud,
you'll cackle like the rest of the
LRL believers who get caught in there own lies.

Like the other LRL believers,
you are nothing but...... puff, daddy.

Sigh :sad10:

Art, those schematics were posted as a reference to what I was asking for. Kind of like this picture I am posting now. Here is a real electronic schematic for a FM bug transmitter aka a wireless microphone. I am looking for one of these made by the manufacture of their equipment. Or since these others like Puff and that other guy claim they have made their own that are not fradulent, but refuse to put up here because we are closed minded skeptics is just a sad excuse of they really don't got it. It is just like kids on a playground. They claim to have something then you ask to see it and they are like no you can't. The reason is that kid dose not have what they claim they have.

Now will you so called inventors please post an electronic diagram? Or how about this post a picture of your LRL put together, not open. Post something other than this childish BS. Pretending to have something but stating our minds cannot handle it or that we will just throw it out is obserd. Yes we will look for things to find out if it truly works or not.

Also who the heck is Randi? I keep seeing his GD name but have no clue who the heck he is.

werleibr said:
Sigh :sad10:

Art, those schematics were posted as a reference to what I was asking for. Kind of like this picture I am posting now. Here is a real electronic schematic for a FM bug transmitter aka a wireless microphone. I am looking for one of these made by the manufacture of their equipment. Or since these others like Puff and that other guy claim they have made their own that are not fradulent, but refuse to put up here because we are closed minded skeptics is just a sad excuse of they really don't got it. It is just like kids on a playground. They claim to have something then you ask to see it and they are like no you can't. The reason is that kid dose not have what they claim they have.

Now will you so called inventors please post an electronic diagram? Or how about this post a picture of your LRL put together, not open. Post something other than this childish BS. Pretending to have something but stating our minds cannot handle it or that we will just throw it out is obserd. Yes we will look for things to find out if it truly works or not.

Also who the heck is Randi? I keep seeing his GD name but have no clue who the heck he is.

Randi is the LRL believers worst nightmare, he lives in
their dreams and makes them screams >:D

He'll pay for proof, they have only poooooooof.

They attack him behind his back with smack?

His prize they can't win, many years it has been.

The money they can't claim, their devices, too lame.

It's Amazing how the mere mention of his name
makes them squirms like worms.

And next up in the puppet show, our little Con Artie
will misquote and take out of context the words of
his arch enemy.....The Amazing Randi....

Take it away Art...............................

Art, those schematics were posted as a reference to what I was asking for
Thank you..It is good that you do not know if the schematics are real or not. Puff daddies device would not be his secret if he posted the schematics...
Hey Pronghorn..Randi is not a player ...He has been exposed for what he is.
A Self-Confessed Liar
To be fair, he has never claimed to be anything other than a showman, best expressed by his own remark,
'I am a charlatan, a liar, a thief and a fake altogether.'

ok who ever he is, I don't care and don't follow him.. I am asking for myself and that is that.

In a perfect world, there would be no harm in posting a schematic or even a picture of my device. But, if there are that many educated electronic engineers and gurus on here, I would think they could surely design one themselves, if one which they claim is uneducated can build one. Everyone wants a schematic shown them so they can replicate it and go find their own treasure. I gave some hints in another post about it, but I kept getting negative reactions to it, so I started posting all kinds of garbage to throw all off the track. Most on here don't even know how these things work, even those that use them, so how could they explain to anyone the principles of operation. If you had a device that worked, would you show that schematic to the world, on the internet? I could care less what people in other parts of the country find, but if someone in my neighborhood would see the schematics and build one, I might lose my opportunity to find the few I am searching for. I have spent many years designing and building all kinds of devices, from LRL's to self powered machinery. I have not patented any because of being robbed of one I designed and told an associate about it. They patented it and I was left with nothing. There are not many I trust because of that incident. I will do this for all of you though. If anyone can tell me how a LRL is supposed to work, I will give you enough information that you can build a working unit. It doesn't have to be detailed, just a basic, broad description of what a LRL is. Anything negative, and I will just leave it where it is. This is my last ditched effort to help those who truly want or need help. rockhound

werleibr said:
ok who ever he is, I don't care and don't follow him.. I am asking for myself and that is that.

He is a professional magician, his stage name is, "The Amazing Randi."

Besides performing as a magician, he also exposes "paranormal fakery." He has posted a one million dollar reward for anyone who can prove that they have some kind of paranormal power, and has included dowsing in that offer.

That's where the LRL promoters get burned by him, because he is allowing LRL to try for the prize, too, since many of them claim that it is related to dowsing.

So far, nobody has been able to pass his scientific, random double blind test, and win the prize.

The only thing they can do is say that his test is fraudulent. But it is strictly scientific, and a metal detector, for example, could easily pass a similar test designed for them, every time.

There is also Carl's random double-blind test, with a $25,000.00 prize, which they, of course, also hate and claim is fraudulent.

They use some of the silliest reason that anyone has ever heard, to avoid taking or even talking about these offers!

It's all very humorous, really. Except that from time-to-time, they recommend to some curious person that they should buy an LRL and "learn how to use it." You pretty much know the rest of the story....


rockhound said:
In a perfect world, there would be no harm in posting a schematic or even a picture of my device. But, if there are that many educated electronic engineers and gurus on here, I would think they could surely design one themselves, if one which they claim is uneducated can build one. Everyone wants a schematic shown them so they can replicate it and go find their own treasure. I gave some hints in another post about it, but I kept getting negative reactions to it, so I started posting all kinds of garbage to throw all off the track. Most on here don't even know how these things work, even those that use them, so how could they explain to anyone the principles of operation. If you had a device that worked, would you show that schematic to the world, on the internet? I could care less what people in other parts of the country find, but if someone in my neighborhood would see the schematics and build one, I might lose my opportunity to find the few I am searching for. I have spent many years designing and building all kinds of devices, from LRL's to self powered machinery. I have not patented any because of being robbed of one I designed and told an associate about it. They patented it and I was left with nothing. There are not many I trust because of that incident. I will do this for all of you though. If anyone can tell me how a LRL is supposed to work, I will give you enough information that you can build a working unit. It doesn't have to be detailed, just a basic, broad description of what a LRL is. Anything negative, and I will just leave it where it is. This is my last ditched effort to help those who truly want or need help. rockhound


Oops....You used the wrong account to post that.

Your "rockhound" personality hadn't built one yet, but was only shopping around for followers as he tried to assemble one from a signal generator and a CB linear amplifier (won't work).

He didn't know diddly about electronics, and he tried to say that he would find a way to fine-tune his Flux Capacitor when I asked him how he would generate the 1.21 gigawatts required for it!

You, on the other hand, don't know scat about antennas, or anything else electronic.

A few posts back, you said the opposite of your post the day before, the same mistake that the Fenix Brothers (admitted to be 9 people using the same account), made which exposed them.

And you both had the top priority of "guarding your precious secrets." Which, of course, would be totally worthless, because it's all a made up story. Along with "Fenix" and his crew, who reported that they were experimenting with new concepts, and developing a "secret device."

And it seems you both showed up shortly after "Fenix" was banned.

You'll need to do better than that, whoever you are.


aarthrj3811 said:
To be fair, he has never claimed to be anything other than a showman, best expressed by his own remark, 'I am a charlatan, a liar, a thief and a fake altogether.'

Randi said this, to indicate that, as a magician he was merely an entertainer, and was not claiming to have paranormal powers.

You can see that this fits with his program to expose paranormal fakery.

It is obviously as simple as that.

But the LRL promoters take it out of context, because that's all they can do.

The more the LRL promoters say, the more they expose their own scams!


PuffDaddy said:
When he exibited trepidation over this offer,I stated,that he could hide a hundred silver dollars in a field,and that I would only keep one of them,for a memento.


You asked for a real treasure, and I gave you one.

No trepidation on my part, and my offer still stands.

You merely tried to weasel out of it, and now you're trying to alter the facts.

Write when you have "Longe Range Located" the LDM. And you get to keep all the loot, too!

Or, if you want a planted target, just do Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00!

Make up your mind which you want, huh?

(Here comes more lame excuses....)


So far, nobody has been able to pass his scientific, random double blind test, and win the prize.

I guess you do not understand that no one will ever be allowed to take the test. He shows people failing the test on his infomercials but that is just show business to get donations for his bogus foundation.

There is also Carl's random double-blind test, with a $25,000.00 prize, which they, of course, also hate and claim is fraudulent.
http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,411065.0.html..Will prove just what Carl’s fake Double blind test is..It will only prove if one person can or can not use a LRL...Art

PuffDaddy said:
pronghorn said:
PuffDaddy said:
You're grasping at straws,because you're a chicken.
The Long Ranger

You asked for a "treasure lead"
When one was offered, you turned tail so fast you
twisted your neck, you are clearly the "chicken"

If the Lost Dutchman is too tough for ya, there are
plenty more "treasure leads" in the Treasure Legends
and Cache Hunting sections of this forum, as well as
many more in the state specific sections, pick one and
find it. You won't, because you can't, your LRL is a fraud,
you'll cackle like the rest of the
LRL believers who get caught in there own lies.

Like the other LRL believers,
you are nothing but...... puff, daddy.

Chicken Little,

I asked Heckel if we could pursue one of his personal leads--that he felt confident was still there,even though,conventional metal detectors had not proven successful--so he could witness the result. When he exibited trepidation over this offer,I stated,that he could hide a hundred silver dollars in a field,and that I would only keep one of them,for a memento.

Carl and Randi both,are shaking their heads,at your absurd Superstition posturing. Get honest man!

Tell me Chicken Little--Will your sky truely fall,when someone comes along,who truely has achieved Long Range Detection--Or,are you going to celibrate,with the rest of the honest world...?!

The Long Ranger

Guess what Long Ranger....You made a minor slip, and you will at this time start to back peddle. Read carefully above... Do you see it.. No? Let me make it bolder and larger.
Tell me Chicken Little--Will your sky truely fall,when someone comes along,who truely has achieved Long Range Detection--Or,are you going to celibrate,with the rest of the honest world...?!

Do you see it.. No?
Will your sky truely fall,when someone comes along,who truely has achieved Long Range Detection--

How about now? You just admitted that no one has come along and truely achieved long rage detection!! Not EVEN YOU!!!


PuffDaddy said:
All I require is a simulated post-hole cache test.

You don't have the right to "require" anything. You're a fake.

I refuse to do the shell-game test

Obviously. No surprise there.

You can speculate how my system works--after the fact.

No speculation necessary---you don't have a system.

Otherwise,it's premature to be talking tech.

No, it's useless to try and talk tech with you, because you have no comprehension of electronics, other than to parrot a few buzz words off other Internet sites.

aarthrj3811 said:
So far, nobody has been able to pass his scientific, random double blind test, and win the prize.

I guess you do not understand that no one will ever be allowed to take the test. He shows people failing the test on his infomercials but that is just show business to get donations for his bogus foundation.

Just another of your lame accusations, because you could never make your LRLs actually find anything.

There is also Carl's random double-blind test, with a $25,000.00 prize, which they, of course, also hate and claim is fraudulent.
http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,411065.0.html..Will prove just what Carl’s fake Double blind test is..It will only prove if one person can or can not use a LRL...Art

That's the whole point, Einstein. If one person can pass the test, he wins the $25,000.00.

So far, not one person has had the guts to even take the test!

All of your silly whining as already been covered before on here, many, many times---

Art\'s Motto.webp


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That's the whole point, Einstein. If one person can pass the test, he wins the $25,000.00.
So far, not one person has had the guts to even take the test!
Wrong again...The people that have wanted to do the test have not been able to agree with Carl’s contract..I have not saw his contract and doubt if you have..

he wins the $25,000.00.
Yes they would but it would not be excepted by the Scientfic community as a true Double blind test so would prove nothing..art

aarthrj3811 said:
That's the whole point, Einstein. If one person can pass the test, he wins the $25,000.00.
So far, not one person has had the guts to even take the test!
Wrong again...The people that have wanted to do the test have not been able to agree with Carl’s contract..I have not saw his contract and doubt if you have..

Yes you have. There's a link to the protocols right at the top of the Reward page.

he wins the $25,000.00.
Yes they would but it would not be excepted by the Scientfic community as a true Double blind test so would prove nothing..art

His random double-blind test follows The Scientific Method for electronic equipment exactly. You have no idea what the term "double-blind" means, and you have proven your lack of knowledge about this time after time, right on this forum.

I have advised you to consult your local school or college about it, but of course you always refuse, because you prefer your own aberrated version in order to provide yourself with another lame excuse for not taking his test.

Plus, you have admitted on several occasions that his test would prove whether or not a person could get an LRL to work; so you have already validated the authenticity of his test. It's too late for you to change that now. Sorry.

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