When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain

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  • inside.webp
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Ah yes...the Omni Range Master....from the LRL manufacture that was put out of business by the State of Nevada.
I have heard that rumor but can not find the court records...

aarthrj3811 said:
This is a Omni Range Master made by a NASA Physicist..Eyeball this unit as it has the strongest signal of any I have used..Art

Gee Artie, if you are going to lift a photograph from another person (Carl Moreland in this case), you should at least acknowledge
the source rather than plagiarizing it. Or better still, put a link to where the photograph came from.

More info on the inventor can be found here http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php?topic=296263.0

Oh, and his (in)famous meteorite finds scam. http://meteorite-identification.com/mwnews/08022007.html

Now, you were saying Artie?

Darren Garrison and SWR…Those are real great people to call as proof..Art

I just happened to be one of the people that helped move the meterorites from the shop...It seems that the magnetic properties of the meterorites were interfering with the test equipment in the Computer Repair shop next door...Art

Sorry SWR..Wrong again
Definition of SOLICIT
transitive verb
a : to make petition to : ENTREAT b : to approach with a request or plea <solicited Congress for funding>
: to urge (as one's cause) strongly
a : to entice or lure especially into evil b : to proposition (someone) especially as or in the character of a prostitute
: to try to obtain by usually urgent requests or pleas

aarthrj3811 said:
Sorry SWR..Wrong again
Definition of SOLICIT
transitive verb
a : to make petition to : ENTREAT b : to approach with a request or plea <solicited Congress for funding>
: to urge (as one's cause) strongly
a : to entice or lure especially into evil b : to proposition (someone) especially as or in the character of a prostitute
: to try to obtain by usually urgent requests or pleas


You often have a problem understanding your own posted definitions. As is the case with this one.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

You often have a problem understanding your own posted definitions. As is the case with this one.
I guess that I was taught a much better way of Reading Comprehension in Grade School…art

Hmmm. solcit? is that what that gorgeous gal in the short, extremely tight fitting dress was asking me the other night ??? I never did understand just what she wanted??? why would she be interested in showing me a trick?

Don Jose de La Mancha ( el chaste puzzled saint )

Likely a magician like Randi. Just make sure no adams apple involved or you may end up like our little rabbits with all kinds of

dents in the fenders.

His magnetic moments are achieved only when he concetrates or seems to deeply think about it. This means that it is commanded by electric pulses from his brain.

Check this. On this BBC coverage video, when his father throw coins at him, they imediately stick to his body.


We will see much more powers like this and beyond in the recent future. This will be like a wakeup call for science to rewrite and research right many of their incomplete and wrong concepts.
Just wait and see.

Is it possible that some of us have evolved to have an enhanced understanding while others have regressed? Hmmmm,,,

That would explain a lot. Nah, I'm sticking to the "sick-ology" theory. It's too perfect for them. Like a sock on a rooster.

Ha,ha,ha,ha! Oh man...

The explanation link you provided is pathetic shallow water.

So skin friction is responsible to make it possible that 42 pounds of iron stick to the boy's body and also responsible for his gift being reported to have cured several people's painful injuries?? :tongue3:

You see, that's what happens when some idiot in the internet tries to explain something he does not have the slightest idea about using physics and science as a lifeline to blasfemy.

C'mon, post some more nonsenses. Make my day. :thumbsup:

I'd like to see what would happen if this magnetic boy was to come in close contact with
Dr. Hung's favorite magnetic man.

Would they inexorably be stuck together forever? ::)

The part in the news article, about it only working on bare skin, sums it all up. 42 pounds of pull should stick to him through a shirt, jeans, or anything.

And why doesen't he make things jump to him, like any real magnet would do?

If hung-up would fall for this, he would fall for LRLs, too!

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Yeah, then hung-up tries to "prove" that it's due to magnetism, by pointing out that non-ferrous coins stick to his skin.

Would somebody please tell hung-up that he just de-bunked himself?

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Re: When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain

Yes it seems that the Skeptics can not explain what is happing to these people…The only explanation they have given is Paranormal, Pseudoscientific or Supernatural..Art

Art, you forgot The 10,001 Post Prediction. They also have insults, demands, excuses, and transference to share with us. O-Boy

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