Whats the fastest car you ever drove?

Sometime around 1970 , I was 16 , my brother was 27. He had done well in life to be so young. He owned a lot of cars. I remember going with him to our local Porsche dealer ( knoxville) test drive a car. He bought it and brought it home. It was a very futuristic looking car. Not a typical 911T. It was different. It was a 914. But not a typical 914. It had a six cylinder engine just like the big boys. It was a very very rare 914-6 . It was like no other car i have ever been in. I'm sure a big block corvette could beat it in a drag race but not by much. On mountain roads it was like driving an alien space ship at ground level, In other words it could run and handle like it was not of this earth. The fun lasted exactly a year. Brother's Super Model Girlfriend totaled it at Sugarlands in The Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Have you ever heard the old expression " run like stink ! " ? Well , that car could could go like stink !

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Cars are to slow ,its way cheaper ao go fast on 2 whells . My bike does 100 mph in 1 st gear and 192 mph out of the box unless you have 1000 hp its no real contest .. BMW S-1000 rr pulls whellies at 143 in 4 th gear without trying .

Quite true... Vouchable indeed

Bro had a 1969 Mercury Cougar XR-7 428 V8 with headers and dual quads (0-60 in 5.6 seconds, 1/4 mile in 14.1 seconds @ 103 mph.)
He did 120 MPH on the bypass more than once. Basically, a street legal 1/4 miler.

Kinda old timey; but that's what I am: an old timer, 72 next month. In 1960 I bought a 1956 Plymouth, 2-door, Plaza body, (cheapest) with a 263 c.i. engine (I believe that's the right size), and 3 speed 'on the column' tranny. It was only 5 weeks until the engine started 'knocking'. A friend and I pulled the engine out and stripped it down. There wasn't much to work with except the heads and the block. A man I worked with was rebuilding engines on the side in his garage. I took the engine to him and he rebuilt it. The block was bored .040 over size. The heads and manifold were ok after cleaning. That was all 'keepable'. All new valve seats, valves, springs, etc. to rebuild the heads, .010/.010 crankshaft, all new pistons and rods, etc. He told me to keep below 30 mph until I had driven it 100 miles, below 50 until I had driven it 1000 miles; then just how ever I wanted to drive it. I was on a 2 lane highway when it hit 1000 miles driven. I speeded up to probably a 100 mph. About 5 months, I was stopped by the highway patrol. He gave me a ticket for 75 mph in a 55 mph. He told me that he had been up to 140 and was barely gaining on me. He said that I had been doing at least 138 mph. He had chased me over 10 miles before I happened to see his 'red lights' flashing and pulled over. The meter only went to 100. I knew it was useless to keep going because I knew who was chasing me and he knew me. He was the only one that worked that stretch of highway on Friday nights. He would have just got me later!
Gee, I could tell so many stories! About the 1953 Jaguar, the little 1965 Pontiac LeMans, etc., etc.; but I believe the old '56 Plymouth was the fastest I have driven. I raced a 1960 Chevy with 3 deuces one night for over 6 miles and was at least a 1/2 mile in the lead when we reached town.

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I had a 1965 Pontiac 421 CI engine with a quad and 4 speed stick. Going to Montana I opened it up.....137.5 MPH on the speedometer......maybe a true 130 MPH. Then I had a 2002 Explorer 4 L, V-6, F I, 5 speed stick. Again opened it up going to Montana....top speed was 102.5 speedometer. The must have had a chip due to the Firestone tire problems in those days. Now I have a 2010 Nissan Exterra, 4 L, (260 HP) 6 speed stick and have yet to open it up. But in dragging at stop lights, I'm 45-2 (wins.losses) in 4 yrs. One loss was when I miss shifted from 2nd to 5th, the other was I got blown away by a 2013 Mustang with "575 H P" painted on his passenger door.

Saxo with engine off a space shuttle.
I also drove a mk1 golf with one of those big engines off an ocean liner

171 windows down iPhone on speedo elevation 5,300'

Hope the statute of limitations has run out!!!

!958 Ford Fairlane Police Interceptor!!! I still can't believe how fast that car would let a 17 year old drive without killing me! I regularly went over 120 on the Interstate! One night in 1968, about 11 pm, a Sting Ray attempted to force me into the breakdown lane as I came up onto the travel lanes from a ramp.
I dropped behind him and went to his left, hitting passing gear, shocking him into reality as I left about 50 feet of rubber while hitting 60 mph! I had it almost floored and quickly approached 140, the speedo's limit. I looked in the mirror to check on the Vette. He was way back! Looking ahead, I saw taillights, but not close. I checked the Vette again, and saw him shake a bit, then a cloud of white smoke!!! I think he missed a shift!
I looked front again!!! those taillights were coming up fast, and I was still gaining speed- and still not floored! I was afraid if I hit the brakes, they'd lock up, so I simply took my foot off the gas and VERY lightly touched the brakes. As I feared, the car started swerving. I aimed for the shoulder, but there was a rock ledge close to the tarmac!!! I straightened back out, but my right rear tire was in the soft shoulder, then the back bumper (remember those???) hit the rock wall, and kicked the car back on the lane! I flew past the 3 cars in the 3 lanes like they were blurs!
I didn't touch the gas for about 3 more miles, and only slowed to 45. I took an exit and pulled to the side and stopped. That's when the 'chicken leg' set in. It didn't settle down for 15 minutes!!!
It was the last time I street raced!
Now I ave an 85 Mustang GT hatchback. The ORIGINAL 5.0 (225 BHP rated) has been ported, polished, planed, etc., with an Edelbrock Performer 4V and intake. I added Flowmaster American Thunder true dual exhaust with a BBK off-road H-pipe. All smog stuff is deleted. 'MyLNor' does 0-60 in about 5 seconds. Quarter mile is in the 12's. Moving to Florida from Massachusetts, we got 27 mpg at an average speed of 80 mph!!! I haven't street raced the car, nor will I. It's all at the strip now.

I wonder how many speedos give the wrong numbers? My 70 Roadrunner, with 383, would seem to float at the hundred mark, so thats as fast as I wanted to go, which is quite enough.
Most of my cars read about 5mph slower than they were going, according to speed monitor signs (a mix of inaccuracies, I think). But my cop cars, I've owned 2, had calibrated speedos that were on the money!

Fun and Fastest Cars

Fun and Fast.

German Built MB380 SL. The two men who built it engraved their names and date of completion on a tag on the inside of the drivers door.

Fun and Fast
German Built 633CSI CALIFORNIA CAR Second Owner Triple Black
The Shark IMG_0398.webp

Most Fun
15th Anniversary Hurst Olds With 3 Slap Stick Shifters
Before Complete Restoration IMG_0397.webp

Fastest: 1962 Pontiac Catalina Convertible with 421 SD.
I'll Have To Post Pics Later of That One image.webp

That Indian Head Pic Is From A '53 Pontiac.

On the Hurst Olds I didn't put fast because my father was a big collector of Vintage Pontiacs & we would go to car shows with the clubs & then have to go back & get them of course. Well one show when the Hurst was in it my Mom had driven Dad and me up to get it and his '58 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE. It was an indoor show and when we got outside he said Do you wanna race back to the shop? I started laughing and said The Hurst Against The Bonneville? He says yea, I got $100 that says I win. Heck Yeah I said, an easy $100, You Bet! It was about 15 miles to the shop. Two, two lane hiways till the exit for the shop. We both got on the first Hiway at the same time, very little traffic and I was GONE, Stereo Cranked Up, Beautiful Day and Thinking about what I was gonna get with my Free & Easy $100. Just before the next hiway I looked again in my rear view mirror and I could not believe it. I see those big headlights of that '58 coming up fast! I floor the Hurst to the second Hiway and keep it buried. Still the '58 is closing in on me. I've got it floored...He passed me about a mile from the exit to the shop like I was sitting still!! Anyway, he won. Mom was waiting at the shop for us, we pulled inside and he got out laughing. I wasn't. Mom said what happened. He told her and said Where do you want to go for dinner? She looked at me with a 'You Didn't Know Did You Look'. I said...What? She says that he used to race their first '58 for paychecks every week and Never Lost! 'Now you tell me I say as I give him MY $100! He was still laughing. It's a pretty fast car, Stock in 1/8th or 1/4,mile IF you use the auto-manual shift. Nothing Crazy Fast Though.

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I was 57-4 with my 2010 Nissan Exterra when I sold it. I now have a 2015 Nissan Exterra, 6 speed, same as the 2010. I've had it 1-1/2 yrs now and am only 17-2 (wins/losses). Again one of my losses was my foot slipped off the gas pedal. The 2015 was the last yr Nissan made the Exterra. Now they make the goofy 'Cross Over' whatever it's called.

SLR MaClaren on the F1 track in Budapest Hungary Almost broke 200 in the straight 5 attempts and Almost

Tesla 2 door. Friend of a friend ordered one. I believe it was the 2nd year of production. It had the "computer mod update" that allowed 0-60 in 3 secs. We went on TN-58 between Chattanooga and Harrison by the lakes and floored it. Honestly was too taken aback by the acceleration to keep an eye on my iPhone stopwatch but it made a believer out of me.

I've owned a few muscle cars over the years that were fast....but.My Cobra, by far,031.webp IS the fastest...period001.webp

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January 1973, I had an emergency run from Marysville, Wa. to Sandpoint, Idaho in my '66 Impala 327 2 speed slip and slide Powerglide transmission. Shortly after getting on Hwy 2 heading east, a Lincoln blew past me and I thought I would let him run speed trap, and got in behind him. We hit speeds of 120, and my hood stayed popped, held by the latch. Stopped once for gas, both of us at the same station. We just looked at each other and grinned. 389 miles in 4 hours and 10 minutes. My recap snow treads were totally bald, and my engine was smoking and tinking. It was never the same again. The emergency was bogus. White knuckle ride all the way.

78 firebird firmula 350 lt 1 what made it do 190 was the stock 273 gears

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