Dick Hurtz, Seranus, Jack Goff... This is some funny stuff!
I've got a pretty normal name, but Daddy never called me by name. Instead, it was always Pot Likker, Cooter, or Knot Head. Wonderful man whom I miss dearly. Thank God I still have a good head of dark hair, because aside from numerous scars, there are ridges and dents aplenty up there. I see now where the Knot Head came from. Mama said that my head was pretty deformed at birth and my nose was pushed up into my face. She told me that she would just sit and massage my still malleable skull each day to sorta shape things up. Oh, the love of a mother. The nose took care of itself, and then some. Daddy told me one day that I had a Roman nose, which I thought sounded pretty cool. Then, he said it was roaming all over my face. Stepped right into that one.