Names you wouldn't & shouldn't name your' kids as they may live up to that name!

My name's David. I wanted to name my son Harley, then he would be Harley, David's son.
wasn't to be. He's Thomas John.
My kids grew up with a girl named Harley Davidson Guess how she turned out? Bit of a rebel to say the least

Dick Hurtz, Seranus, Jack Goff... This is some funny stuff!

I've got a pretty normal name, but Daddy never called me by name. Instead, it was always Pot Likker, Cooter, or Knot Head. Wonderful man whom I miss dearly. Thank God I still have a good head of dark hair, because aside from numerous scars, there are ridges and dents aplenty up there. I see now where the Knot Head came from. Mama said that my head was pretty deformed at birth and my nose was pushed up into my face. She told me that she would just sit and massage my still malleable skull each day to sorta shape things up. Oh, the love of a mother. The nose took care of itself, and then some. Daddy told me one day that I had a Roman nose, which I thought sounded pretty cool. Then, he said it was roaming all over my face. Stepped right into that one.

I own a business and recently a European gentleman of unknown origin purchased something. My dutiful employee took a photo of the card to make sure I saw it. The guy's name was Johan Boner. He could have any first name in the world but it still wouldn't change his last name. Tough name to live with in an English speaking country.

Okay I should have thought of this one earlier. This is hands down the most cruel name on this forum and this is 100% true. We are talking late 80's early 90's. I was in middle school in a fairly small town. A new kid came to town and his last name is escaping me but his first name was Aryan. I'm not sure if his name was actually spelled differently but that is how it was pronounced. The part of it that is so rough for him is that he was black. Now given this was before the internet was a thing but we're talking post world war II. I'm thinking they had good intentions but how could anyone make that mistake? I don't think any kids really had a clue about Aryans and all that ignorant garbage, but I can imagine he went on to have a hard time with that name.

I went through 2nd Batallion Plt. 217 D Co. at P.I. from Feb.6 - May 4th 1976.

I was in 1st battalion b company plt.137 from Apr. 8th to 23 June 1975 Just a little before you.
Semper Fi brother.

doobee or dooby. good or bad ?

My last name is Jones...pretty common for sure. I tried to name my first son Indiana but my wife would have no part in it. When my second son came along i was able to pick his middle name. We now have a Dow Jones in the family. He is living up to his name!

Dick Hurtz, Seranus, Jack Goff... This is some funny stuff!

I've got a pretty normal name, but Daddy never called me by name. Instead, it was always Pot Likker, Cooter, or Knot Head. Wonderful man whom I miss dearly. Thank God I still have a good head of dark hair, because aside from numerous scars, there are ridges and dents aplenty up there. I see now where the Knot Head came from. Mama said that my head was pretty deformed at birth and my nose was pushed up into my face. She told me that she would just sit and massage my still malleable skull each day to sorta shape things up. Oh, the love of a mother. The nose took care of itself, and then some. Daddy told me one day that I had a Roman nose, which I thought sounded pretty cool. Then, he said it was roaming all over my face. Stepped right into that one.

Reading this, I think of my Gramps....
My whole life his nickname for me was Rooster Fish, thought it was an endearing and special name....
Before he passed, we were playing golf, and he started to get sentimental as we knew his end was near. We shared expressions of love and gratitude for each other, and then I asked him why he always called me Rooster Fish.
He explained to me that a Rooster was a cock, and a Fish was a sucker.
I miss him so much.

At Fort Sheridan, Illinois which was my last Duty Station, I had a bud that lived in the same barracks. His last name escapes me but his first name was "Dip". We had a lot of fun with that one at his expense but I apologized before I got out. I'm still not sure he forgave me or not!

I went through 2nd Batallion Plt. 217 D Co. at P.I. from Feb.6 - May 4th 1976.

Holepuncher, when did you go through Recruit Training on P.I.? And Semper Fi Devil Dog.

At Fort Sheridan, Illinois which was my last Duty Station, I had a bud that lived in the same barracks. His last name escapes me but his first name was "Dip". We had a lot of fun with that one at his expense but I apologized before I got out. I'm still not sure he forgave me or not!

I'll bet his Drill Sergeants had fun too. Lol

All “good”names so far and funny to hear. I was in high school refinishing furniture in 85-86 and worked with a man named Peter Tickle. I always thought his mom and dad had it out for him for some reason. Lol. I would have changed my name I think. Had to be hard in school growing up.

Should have named them Ima and Ura
When I was a kid, I clipped an article out of the newspaper entitled "What's in a name". I can't remember all of the funny names, but there was a married couple named Ima and Ura Hogg. Another was Mary Louise Pantzeroff.
My ophthalmologist is Dr Hertz. One of my customers is a lady with last name of Loser, of course she pronounces it Low-zer.
I wish I could remember the rest of the names in that article.

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