Names you wouldn't & shouldn't name your' kids as they may live up to that name!

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Funny. Thanks guys. I needed that. It's STILL raining here and I'm very thankful it's not snow.

Anyway, on an aside, I got a kick out of a placemat I had a long time ago at a now long closed restaurant in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Some of the place names in that county are, well, different, for instance:

Puseyville, Intercourse, Mount Hope, Mount Joy, Leacock, Lampeter, Peach Bottom, and if there are any more, never mind. Now please realize these are small places.
As an infant while dad and grandpa worked on the highway, I lived in West Middlesex and Intercourse....(Aaaah the Amish)...on a side note I once worked for a man named Dick Clapp....:tongue3:

I'm still laughing. Years ago I had someone give me their name and I almost choked on the phone it was so off, I don't know if I remember it now, but I'll think on it.

My moms dad, Gramps, passed away 5 years ago.
His name was Napoleon Bonaparte Triplett.
His best friend growing up in the hills of Kentucky was a boy named Peckerneck.
He swore on his life it wasn’t a nickname.

Not dumb names, but here is a dumb story.....
My wife’s sister had a kid, named her Emily.....ok
3 months later, my wife’s brother and his wife had a girl themselves.
Even though they had met baby Emily, she obviously didn’t make much of an impression on them.
When they told us that their bundle of joy’s name was Emily, we were like huh?
Dummies had no clue what sisters kid name was.
So for the past 9 years the Emily’s are now known as Emily 1 and Emily 2.
Or as I call them, a Thing 1 and Thing 2.

I'm still laughing. Years ago I had someone give me their name and I almost choked on the phone it was so off, I don't know if I remember it now, but I'll think on it.
So I have been fortunate enough to circle the globe. 9 times. At least. I have set foot on every continent (except antarctica which doesn't count) and have found myself in almost every British Colonized or former colonized country in the world. As most of you know Randy in any British Colonized Country means er... horny? SO anyway being a Randy Dickey has brought mixed expressions Similar to what Smokey has described above. I can't tell you how many gasps, chokes, excuse me's etc.. I have heard. My favorite over the phone "your name sir? Randy Dickey excuse me? Randy Dickey Hickey? no, Dickey Could you please spell that?" Oh the hysteria

My favorite reply to my daughters when they ask something is "Whatever". On that note, I guess it is a good thing my last name is not Crap or Dam and that me and the ex did not have a son because I would have probably named him "Who Givesa Crap" or "Who Givesa Dam".

By the way, who in the right mind would name their' kid "Moon Zappa"??!! Did Frank have a Ray Gun that the Ray could reach the Moon or did she go around Mooning everybody before she was named? Or how about Dweezil Zappa"? I mean, did the poor kid Dweezil all over the place before being given that name??!!:icon_scratch::BangHead: And don't even get me started on their' middle names. Of course, I am not even sure Dweezil has a middle name but Moon Unit, come on now.

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Grew up with a Tom Sawyer in my school. I was actually envious that he had that name as I was a big Tom Sawyer fan.
As a young teen I was skateboarding and a police officer stopped us. He asked for all our names. This was before we had id's. I told him my name was Bob Smith... of course it wasn't! He was another kid I went to school with. Many years later I worked with a different Bob Smith... so I had to tell the guy about it. Went to school with a kid named Goff... father was named Jack.

reminded me of P.I. 65 Whats ur name boy? gable sir clark

I knew a guy named Harry Mann...I think his parents named All their 7-8 kids like that on purpose. I can't remember all of their names except there was a sister named Sharon A. Mann.

Every kid had some reference to a Man. On some, there was No Middle Name, just an initial.


Had a Dick Trickle in my neighbourhood.

I've enjoyed this thread, really have nothing to say here except I HATE my name.

I'm Roger.

Over the years there were many mis-directions = Rodger Dodger, etc.


I've enjoyed this thread, really have nothing to say here except I HATE my name.

I'm Roger.

Over the years there were many mis-directions = Rodger Dodger, etc.

Rodger is under Over and Over is Under Dunn Airplane What a great movie

The girl on Wheel Of Fortune right now, her last name is Buttmaster.

There was a rose when I was going through boot camp. You weren't at P. I. in 75 were you?

I went through 2nd Batallion Plt. 217 D Co. at P.I. from Feb.6 - May 4th 1976.

Rodger is under Over and Over is Under Dunn Airplane What a great movie

"I am serious, and don't call me Shirley" Lol great stuff.

I grew up with a friend named Mike Hunt as well. He always said if he had a son, he was going to name him York. He only got 2 daughters, no sons.

Dick trickle is as bad as Dick Hurtz from Holden.(name of a town)

My name's David. I wanted to name my son Harley, then he would be Harley, David's son.
wasn't to be. He's Thomas John.

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