Whats For Dinner?

I culled spendable currency from my collection and headed to a local supermarket today.
To my surprise, I was able to obtain $10 worth of fresh shrimp for under $3.

Tonight, I will have wok stir-fry shrimp and Chinese vegatables with fine imported
spices and seasonings from Europe and Asia
(from my spice cabinet, guarded as well as my liquor cabinet)
over a bed of long grained rice lightly seasoned with saffron, a bowl or two of my "secret" hot and sour soup recipe including tofu, ginger and shitake mushrooms, and a pot of oolong tea.

Sure beats the usual bland ramen dinner a college student becomes used to and will never eat again. EVER.

Got plenty tonight for all of your bowls, too. May I also fill your cup of tea? Come and enjoy!

A very fine meal indeed; one not usually prepared due to financial constraints.

Hope all of my Friends are well!

My Best Wishes,


PS. I don't know who said it first, but my good Friend Ken told me years ago that,

"Everything looks better on a full stomach." :icon_thumright:

Y'all have a great week!

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Meatloaf , spinach , and mashed taters . Washed down with a recent fermentation of Bud Light . Pickled eggs for desert .
Let the flatulence begin .

Meatloaf , spinach , and mashed taters . Washed down with a recent fermentation of Bud Light . Pickled eggs for desert .
Let the flatulence begin .

Dang, Bro, I got a big jug of pickled sausages and big hunks of cheese to add to your party!

Bet I'd hold my own in your "contest!"

Where's them pickled hard-boiled eggs?
AH! there they are!

Are you ready?


PS. Bud Light? You sick dog!
Let's get together sometime!

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Tonight I made a 3 pound meatloaf topped with Piquant sauce and cooked a bag of Italian vegetable mix. I vacum sealed eight meals and put them in the freezer that left one for tonite. I drank my usual 2 cups of coffee and topped it off with a slice of cherry pie with 2 scoops of vanilla ice-cream. Frank
And now for my second desert.


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Fresh baked country ham , steamed cabbage seasoned with bacon grease , a killer stuffing , and a leftover grilled cheese
samich so it doesn't go to waste . And Bud Light :tongue3:

Baked spaghetti garlic toast and coffee. Carrot cake for desert. Two labbats getting stale in fridge,maybe i need to test one.

And. my Lord is beside me tomorrow as I volunteer to serve Thanksgiving meals at my local shelter.

I am thankful that I''m serving and that I may make contact with individuals that I may further help.

My Lord will guide me tomorrow, as every day.

Hope All have a Happy and Wonderful Thanksgiving!

My Best Wishes,


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Well, I had the meatloaf again with the Italian Veg. mix and two cups of coffee. The pie this time was pumpkin with whipped cream. The meal taste even better this time. some meals seam to benefit from freezing. Frank


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I actually thought of you yesterday as I gave of my time to help others. I also thought of Greydigger, Mia, Mental Granny and ALL of my Friends, past and present here at Treasurenet.

My ability to help others this Holiday is what I believe the Family of Treasurenet is all about.

May Everyone truly appreciate the sprit of the Holidays and have a Very, Merry CHRISTMAS!

My Best,

PS. If I bring a pie, will you make coffee?

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Heck you don,t even need to bring pie.:coffee2: but it may come in handy for a topper off ,r.
You are well thought of for your service to your fellow kind.

Sadly, I've had no pie this holiday....

Tonight, while I study for an important test, I'll have the great American stand by;

Direct... From Scott's kitchen, tonight only, I present: Cheese burgers and french fries!
Both hot and delicious with plenty of catsup!

And a whole, big, fat, juicy dill pickle!

Hey, You! Pucker up and take a big bite!

Hope all are well!

Best Wishes,

PS. Studying here...
Any help on ancient Egyptian funerary practices and architecture
from the first Dynasty to say, the Roman conquest?
I have a two-page essay due on this in addition to 20 other questions.

And, Friends, there ain't any multiple choice questions here;

All but 2-3 are of the "fill in the blank/short answer" type format.

I really appreciate your help.....

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At the top of Hatshepsut's Obelisk, at Karnak Temple: (translation) Amen-Ra, Lord of the heaven. May there be given to she the one "Two Lands", complete authority, to the daughter of Ra (Maet-Ka-Ra), likewise love, that she may live.

They believed that they passed into a different world, but the inscriptions were a kind of passport that said they were a worthy person. They went thru several checkpoints where they had to justify how they had lived in the world and they even had some "pass words" to bypass the bad things they had done.

I did a couple of paintings of Egyptian writing and even got to the point where I could read them. They are in vertical columns that read top to bottom and left column to right column. Never know when you will have to read one! lol Frank

Ref: Understanding Hieroglyphs By: Hilary Wilson
Good luck on the essay and test. Frankskull etc 018-2.webp

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Goober had to work through saturday so didn't get started on this turkey till sunday.

Apple smoked
Injected with apple cider cinnamon honey and a few other spices
My first shot (haha) at using injectors Turned out PDG



Intense studying for end of semester and Finals.

Tonight, to remind myself of the hardships of college, I am having my "glorified" ramen dish.

Soon, I will be camping in the mountains and eating well! :thumbsup:

To all of my Friends here at Treasurenet,

My Best Wishes,


PS. In reply to what to consider for my Anthropology course, I direct you to this update---


(post #86)

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Chitterlings may be perishable ; but , the way they smell , how can you tell ?


I once was the maintenence supervisor of a 6 block stretch of "tax Credit" rental properties. Uh, huh.

Among the many betting "pools" developed with other employees regarding which crime
would be prevelent tommorow were--a drive-by shooting or two? Abandonment of stolen car? Body found behind apartment XXX? Body found in the trunk of an abandoned stolen car behind apartment XXX?

Variations of the "pools" changed daily....
And I had to fix anything broken or shot up. Sheesh.

Anyway, the gist of this prelude is to set the following tale of Thanksgiving for me during this time.

It just so happenned that the day before Thanksgiving, it was scheduled for furnace filter replacement. The smell of chitterlings cooking was discernable two blocks before I arrived on the property.

"OK, Boys, I'm going in! I have no bio-mask, but I have my orders. Who's with me in this mission?"

I believe that "death" has a less offensive smell....

My Best,


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Well , rotting pigs and rotting human corpses smell about the same ......................


Don't know what I'll have for dinner tonight. Possibly leftovers in the fridge to "clean up" and sort what I will take with me camping this weekend.
Unfortunately, ramen may be part of this weekend's camping trip.
This semester's studies are over and I'm ready for some campfire cookin'! :icon_thumright:

If any one is interested in my camping meals and adventures, check this thread!


My Best Wishes,


Meatloaf and peas, 2 cups of French Roast and a slice of pound cake.
As far as camping, I am a bit spoiled. As I have aged, my body Demands a bit more comfort. Frank300MH.webp Hay, even the Elk liked the rig!

I like the corn/maize idea. Lye would indicate the making of hominy and grits. That is definately a culture of southern Appalacia.

I bet I'd get into trouble taking a southern Appalachia beverage. Moonshine!

Keep the ideas flowin' Friends!


PS. Today was a recipe for corn pudding from my local supermarket:


Here is the result of my submission.


Post #89.

Thanks to all who replied on the subject!

My Best,


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