Whats For Dinner?

Meatloaf and peas, 2 cups of French Roast and a slice of pound cake.
As far as camping, I am a bit spoiled. As I have aged, my body Demands a bit more comfort. FrankView attachment 708918 Hay, even the Elk liked the rig!

My Friend, I'm absolutely certain that the comforts of such "camping" have their merits, however, when I camp and hike into Nature's bosom, I also like the feeling of knowing that my survival is in my hands only and being able to deal with anything that Nature may throw my way.

I have tent camped in the snow below zero, I have chased down my tent being blown by a tornado (?) and sought shelter from walnut-sized hail. Not to mention a few encounters with bears.

You wanna know what I'm the most wary of, while I'm deep in the mountains?

Other people. 'Nuff said.

My Best Wishes,


PS. Nice rig! :icon_thumright: You come on here to Georgia sometime soon and let's do some camping!

PSS. If anyone gets unwanted fruitcake this holiday season, PM me for possible arrangements concerning shipping costs to me....

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I've done that primitive camping in all weathers . I climbed down out of the trees and started walking erect to enjoy more creature comforts . Nice to know how; but , , I'd rather not .
If Frankn would have me at his fire I would rather camp with him .

I've done that primitive camping in all weathers . I climbed down out of the trees and started walking erect to enjoy more creature comforts . Nice to know how; but , , I'd rather not .
If Frankn would have me at his fire I would rather camp with him .

Truckin, My Friend,

Thought I may have lost you somewhere.....I don't keep up with threads as much as I used to....Glad to hear from you!

Now then, "primitive camping," as you call it, is everything that I seek when I camp.

However, to prevent further thread subject hijacking, (on my part) I suggest any other discussions on camping either here:


or here:

Hiking / Camping

Hope you are well my Friend.

My Best Wishes,


PS. Concerning "walking erect" and climbing from a tree,
I can supply information on archaelogical hominoid bipedalism, if you're interested.....:tongue3:

Great Ice-Breaker at a party, right?

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Tonight, as a diversion from my usual dinner fare of ramen, I have home-made potato soup, brisket barbeque sandwiches, dill pickle spears, chipolte peppers and sweet tea. Dessert looks like pop tarts and ice cream. :tongue3:

Such a move forward....:dontknow:

My Best,


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Nice!.brisket especially.
Here tonight,
Meatballs.(angus ground,cracker crumbs,egg,pepper,sweet basil,one chili sauce,one grape jelly.)Sauce and jelly and touch of water to crock pot. Balance mixed then rolled to around 2 inchers. Browned and added to stirred mix in pot.
Baked potatoes,peas and carrots,coffee.
A Hershey's mini chocolate bar for desert.

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I'm sure that no one wants to hear of my daily ramen recipe attempts.

However, tonight I have made a Cheesburger patty melt, home-made french fries with ranch dip,
a relish plate including a fat, juicy dill pickle, a whole pickled jalepano pepper and a side of buttered corn.

Might be the last Pop-Tart and the rest of the ice cream....
and a nice, hot cup of coffee....



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Tonight I will have "trial by fire."

I have stir-fry shrimp on a bed of rice with traditional vegetables and three different peppers.

Don't worry... I should live, but I'll certainly pay for such a fine dinner....



PS. Pass the fire extinguisher.....

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Tonight, the choices are less "exotic."

I'm sick of ramen.
Peanut butter is so "yesterday."

What's for dinner tonight? More rice?

{Checking 'fridge and cabinets....}

I give up....

What are YOU having for dinner?
(And, if I bring my own plate, can I have some? I'll help with the dishes....)

My Best,


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Sloppy joe, no warmed over left over reruns though. P.b. reserved for toast most mornings. Hmm.. we could scratch up something. Always jasmine rice and venison on hand. Freezer needs my version of defrosting,(pull lower basket and bust ice by hand and remove)if found some stray veggies would triumph over canned to go with rice.
Worse case ,"starvation rations"of spam and beans could be called on!

GREAT news from Virginia! Cooking and eating "ROAD-KILL" is now LEGAL in Virginia! For YOUR camping pleasure...

Now, most folks think of "road kill" as possums, armadilloes or any other various slow moving critters.

Truth be told, road kill includes venison, large fowl such as turkey and other substantial or exotic supply of meals.

Why, I had to drive around and chase that cow half-way accross the pasture to finally hit her....:tongue3:

Seriously, if you have friends in law enforcement, ask about hit deers and check
with your local processing locations! :thumbsup:

Best Wishes,


PS. CSB....(an acronym for "Cool Story, Bro....)

I was spending the night under a bridge outside of Dahlonega, Georgia,
about 20-25 (?) years ago with a "celebrity" of the area of sorts;...

I still have a photo-copy, around here somewhere, of an article about him in the local newspaper.
(Dahlonega Nugget?)

His name is Jim Staggs and I haven't thought of this for years....might have to do some googling....

Anyway, we were enjoying a campfire, songs played on his guitar (left-handed like me!)
and a few nips on a pint of whiskey.

My hearing picked up the sound of someone coming towards our location.
It was a county deputy and he said, "Jim, you want a deer?"

It was a deer that was hit and killed in a minor accident and the driver didn't want it.

We went and collected the deer, still warm, and cleaned and sectioned our gift.

He had friends in town where he recieved his mail and who would store items for him,
including perishables needing refrigeration.

We took the butchered meat to freeze, saved out about 10 pounds of prime flank,
grabbed a pound of butter and ate like Kings that night! :thumbsup:

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Road hit deer here used to go to needy institutions till u.s.d.a. said they needed inspection. Police will issue a permit,they don,t have to get uniform or vehicle soiled or smelly. don,t blame them for not missing that chore. Many get recovered sans permit. Now many stations have a list of volunteers to come get deer. Just go down list till they get a taker. Have enjoyed fresh pheasant too after watching it bounce off a car. Enjoy!.

Road hit deer here used to go to needy institutions till u.s.d.a. said they needed inspection. Police will issue a permit,they don,t have to get uniform or vehicle soiled or smelly. don,t blame them for not missing that chore. Many get recovered sans permit. Now many stations have a list of volunteers to come get deer. Just go down list till they get a taker. Have enjoyed fresh pheasant too after watching it bounce off a car. Enjoy!.

See...? NO ONE has to go hungry...

Y'all makin me hungry...and all I got tonight is beans and rice. Screw the ramen. I'm SO sick of ramen.....

I got some butter, spices and seasonings....anyone got some roadkill? (Fresh only....)

I can supply squirrel, obtained by head-shots, for squirrel meat, dumplings and gravy.....

Rabbits? Let's go huntimg!



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"And tonight, my Lord, we have yesterday's saved peanut butter and jelly sandwich and ramen of your desire."

"Very well then, I shall dine tonight in thought of all students seeking higher education....."

My Best,


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Just cashed in several rolls of pennies and now I'm turned loose in a grocery store with cash in hand!

What shall I have for dinner tonight?

I decide on a frozen pizza, but, I don't stop there!

I get a tin of anchovies, some fresh musrooms, some Hormel pepperonni, shredded mozzarella cheese,
some pepperocini and chipole peppers, and, child, let me tell you, I'll eat like a king should eat tonight! :thumbsup:

Tomorrow, it's back to ramen......:BangHead:

Hope all are well.

Please enjoy this song of one who is always hungry......

Same artist here.....

"Honey, that's a heavy load that we bare....."

My Best,


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Dinner tonight was a delicious soup made from kielbasa,potatoes,fire roasted tomatoes,chicken broth,garlic and onions,garbanzo beans,and sautéed collards and a hunk of cornbread on the side.

Dinner tonight was a delicious soup made from kielbasa,potatoes,fire roasted tomatoes,chicken broth,garlic and onions,garbanzo beans,and sautéed collards and a hunk of cornbread on the side.


I got my bowl and silverware in hand. Ummmm....Colllards....hell yes!!! I''m in love!!!
I'm comin' to see ya girl;.....

(maybe I can dance, maybe not, .....but, I'm always hungry......so let's just see how THIS works out..........)

My Best,


PS. All baggage left at the door, yes?

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AU24K said:

I got my bowl and silverware in hand. Ummmm....Colllards....hell yes!!! I''m in love!!!
I'm comin' to see ya girl;.....

(maybe I can dance, maybe not, .....but, I'm always hungry......so let's just see how THIS works out..........)

My Best,


PS. All baggage left at the door, yes?

Well you're always welcome but you might have to dance with my mister too,lol!

Coilygirl, sounds amazing, AU24K I'll meet ya there! for me it was homemade beef stew with garlic toast. Perfect for a cold night. My friends brother died so I am making sure she has good food to eat, she hates to cook, & stress & junk food are not conducive to good health so tonight it will be homemade minestroni & sourdough.

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