Whats For Dinner?

Ah, another semester is facing me, so, in light of being a poor college student, I have for your enjoyment tonight a ramen meal prepared with additions and crackers as a side....

We'll get through this, my friends.

My best,

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What are your memories of when you first learned to cook "What's For Dinner?"

Being able to use a knife and evenly spread peanut butter on a slice of bread at 5 years old? Like me?

Maybe pulling a kitchen chair over to the stove to be able to see over the top and help your Mom by stirring the gravy or keeping an eye on the vegtables simmering on a back burner at 7 years old. Like me.

It all is about learning how to use spices and seasonings after that!

Got any good recipes?

I'll share.....


Today, I had a small financial windfall...

beauty contest.webp

and decided at the grocery store for this lineup: "Shake & Bake" whole cut up chicken (meaning that I bought a whole chicken and cut it up myself. Cheaper that way...) mashed potatoes and pan gravy, green beans, sliced cucumbers, bread and butter and sweet tea. Dessert? Hmmm...maybe a banana, a chocholate bar and a glass of milk.

My Best,

PS. PICTURES on 11:00 News!

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A bit before 11:00, but here's the picture...



PS. Being single but cooking for two means that I have a great luch tomorrow!

PSS. I wrecked that meal! It was delicious!​

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Gonna shock your thorouvian system there! Got to now and then i guess,prove there is a little savage left in all of us.

Gonna shock your thorouvian system there! Got to now and then i guess,prove there is a little savage left in all of us.

I am in harmony with MY concept of Thoreau...my respect and love of nature and a simpler way of life.
The Savagery comes latent, in the brain; from the reptilian implant, the inherant desire for survival.
Some exhibit these traits to extreme, ie. dominance.
Why? Go figure.

I'm just glad to have a tasty dinner and I hope that you have the same!

Best Wishes,

Applause,applause. I,ll take a little GW.Sears with my walden,Leapold and others too. All saw change and past and evolution with man kind lagging behind. Funny ,get out for a while and while nature seldom quiet,returning to "civilization" always jangles the nerves. Seems noise our speciality. Ribs early tonight,better than last nights half a bagel ,two cookies and piece of pizza. Ya,id ego super ego. Being able to make do enough. The rest is to temporary. Share knowledge with those who seek it and by the time what little put to use bears fruit your pretty much out of the picture. But will have done something for your kind. Have a good un.

I made my own pizza dough, made sauce w/ tomatoes & basil from my garden, fresh mozzarella, & sprinkled w/ parm & hot chili flakes. experimenting with pizza dough recipe. good, but will have to keep working at it. I froze the dough that was left over (I make small pizzas) so I can have some when my daughter comes home.

I made my own pizza dough, made sauce w/ tomatoes & basil from my garden, fresh mozzarella, & sprinkled w/ parm & hot chili flakes. experimenting with pizza dough recipe. good, but will have to keep working at it. I froze the dough that was left over (I make small pizzas) so I can have some when my daughter comes home.

Gotta love culinary experimentations...How better to create new and tasty dishes!

Why, just tonight, I feel my creative juices flowing! (left-overs in mind...)

I mixed leftover sausage from Sunday breakfast with some hamburger and cooked it in a pot.
Removimg the grease, I decided upon a new dish!

I added to the pot 20-30 fennel seeds, oregeno, garlic powder, chopped onion and a healthy pinch of crushed pepper mix of my own creation. (4 different dried peppers includind habenero....)
I call it "fire." And other "secret ingredients...."

The results of such endeavors is the possibility of a new food style;.....

I put the ingredients of the cook pot into regular corn-based tortillas, on top of a smear of heated refried beans, then added generous handfuls of mozzarella cheese sprinkled before being slathered with spaghetti sauce.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I Present to you the original blueprint for the "Italian Taco!"

How close is this to a "Pizza Taco?"

S'cuse me while I retreat to my "running ideas" state of "mind."

Stay Tuned to this Channel because, well, Y'all will never know what you might read next! LOL!

Post YOUR Experiments!

My Best Wishes!

And.....the results of your "experiments?..."

PSS. The results of tonight's experiment with "What's For Dinner?"

The prototype of this collaboration of mexican and italian spices proved to be as compatible as Clint Eastwood in an Italian Western! In other words, we may have a winner here....

Anyway, be creative! Holidays approach......

Academic Study be happenin' here!
Can't y'all see i'm just goofin' off?


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Tonight's the nite! Can of Hormel chili from Walgreens, Large candy bar for desert. The big flat kind. A pint of Moose trax ice cream. Then some cheap Merlot to wash it down with. Cheers

Tonight's the nite! Can of Hormel chili from Walgreens, Large candy bar for desert. The big flat kind. A pint of Moose trax ice cream. Then some cheap Merlot to wash it down with. Cheers

Dang that all sounds pretty good...can I bring some cheap beer?

My best,

(Tomorrow? Left-overs?)

Never be content; Always hunger, my Friends...

Contentment is the first.

Eat well and be healthy, my Friends. And stay hungry!

Some brain cells may have been killed in the production of this post....(crap. Not again....)
We regret any perceived loss...;

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Hot dog sandwich on a small Italian slices. College next week for kid. Told me ramen area in store has been expanded. Also mentioned spaghetti someone heated in coffee pot. I have seen an old electric coffee pot filled with water with a can of soup heated each workday. Hot by lunch time.
Applied knowledge most retained?.

Tonight,spam and cheese on remnants of Italian loaf. Starvation ration or sin full desire?
Tonights dinner thought, what percentage of average persons day consists of original thought?

Tonight,spam and cheese on remnants of Italian loaf. Starvation ration or sin full desire?
Tonights dinner thought, what percentage of average persons day consists of original thought?

My Friend,
Your Dinner sounds good enough to attend.

Tonight, as usual, on Sunday night, I clean the fridge and either throw away or eat. I hate to throw away....

When all is said and done, I prepare fresh ramen. MY special recipe, and including many various condiments...
and decide from the bowels of the fridge, what will provide additions to my dinner and what is compost....

Eat Safely, my Friends; there's word on the street of bad 'possum goin' 'round under the 3rd St. Bridge....

Thus, my intentions of the "original thought."
What percentage? I opt for 100%
It's merely a matter of choices based upon finances and/or circumstances....
When hunger triumphs, who will not become a cannibal?
Those are the jokers to keep an eye on...


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I haven't eaten any 'possum lately, (although that squirrel just run over would have been a decent dinner) but have been sick all weekend.

Perhaps just a late summer cold or an affliction related to stress of academics, I have been suffering from a sore throat, constant coughing and a feeling of an "Achy-Breaky" body.

My appetite though has not diminished. However, my sense of taste has. I am able to easily eat the hottest peppers on the ole "Scott" ranch without sweating or any reactions. Also, I have cravings for unusual combinations, of which I will not elaborate upon....

Suffice it to be that I report the consumption of normal preparations of broth, soups and light fare in anticipation of the return to my onery old self.
My friends report favorable results with sage, eucalyptus elixors and various other poultices....Ummm...well, ummmm...yuck!

My Best,

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OK, I think I would be scared to eat at your places. my husband made chili from cleaning out the fridge this was before we were married, made me seriously reconsider his proposal. so if you gonna make dinner from cleaning out the fridge, make sure you don't ask your sweetie over for dinner. at least not until you have tasted it & lived to see the next day.
AU I love ramen. I add garlic, ginger, chinese hot pot mix, & as many vegies as my pot will hold. sometimes I add shrimp, chicken, or when I'm living high on the hog, last nights steak. another fave is miso w/ vegies. ummmm

Some good ole parmesan chicken

OK, I think I would be scared to eat at your places. my husband made chili from cleaning out the fridge this was before we were married, made me seriously reconsider his proposal. so if you gonna make dinner from cleaning out the fridge, make sure you don't ask your sweetie over for dinner. at least not until you have tasted it & lived to see the next day.
AU I love ramen. I add garlic, ginger, chinese hot pot mix, & as many vegies as my pot will hold. sometimes I add shrimp, chicken, or when I'm living high on the hog, last nights steak. another fave is miso w/ vegies. ummmm

You just proved why I love you! I had never considered adding ginger to my ramen recipes. That leads to a whole 'nother level of deliciousness! Will be in my next ramen preperation!

Can I come over for your next dinner? I'll bring my own plate. And silverware. OK! I'll help do dishes!
Huh? Pleaz?
(a "red-headed" step child?)


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AU I would gladly have you over for dinner & I wouldn't even make you wash the dishes! tip for cooking with ginger? buy fresh ginger root (in produce section) freeze it whole when you want to use it grate frozen & use! It is easy & tasty, & it doesn't go bad in the freezer

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