Whats For Dinner?

Corned beef briskit , taters and cabbage , buttered rye bread slices and spinach .
>Cram a bunch of processed fish guts in my Redneck world .............
>Live lobsters , fresh arsters , and blue crabs are accepable in my kitchen ............................

I cashed in the clad and common coins today that I've found recently with my metal detectors and was able to not just "window shop" at the grocery store, but was able to buy!

Tonight I'm having chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes with country gravy, corn, bread and butter and sweet tea. :headbang:

My metal detecting pays off again! :thumbsup:

Best Wishes,

Ps. It surely beats ramen....

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Yes, I know.


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Too hot to cook so I'm having a big salad and sweet tea. Dessert is ice cream and cookies.


I cashed in the clad and common coins today that I've found recently with my metal detectors and was able to not just "window shop" at the grocery store, but was able to buy!

Tonight I'm having chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes with country gravy, corn, bread and butter and sweet tea. :headbang:

My metal detecting pays off again! :thumbsup:

Best Wishes,

Ps. It surely beats ramen....

AU24K your posts about salisbury steaks and chicken fried steak sounded so good I got on line for recipes and been trying to perfect my chicken fried steak. I like the cubed steaks, they are perfect for the dish IMO. A little bit of onions and tyme (fresh is good) in the gravy, mushrooms too, and man that is off the hook. Deglaze the fry pan with beer. Canned green beans and IMP work well with this dish. I am a sucker for Kraft M&C, so I gotta do that too now and again. My next project is salisbury steak. As the great W.C. Fields once said, "I cook with booze. Sometimes I add it to the food". Bon appetit.

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A biscuit,p.b. on each half,grape jelly on one.

Ah, another night alone at home....(again)
I seek the cabinets for offerings.
I choose my favorite ramen pack and begin the preparations that may provide a unique meal.,
I reach into the freezer and see frozen veggies. That's a start...

The water boils and I drop an egg and I stir vigourously.
Just like when I'm campin'.....
Spices and seasonings, the inclusions found in the ramen pack and the additions of my own source, dinner is soon ready.; MY dinner.
A poor college man's meal....well known..Sheesh.


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Chicken fried patty (skillet-fried in lard) sandwich and deep fried french fries.
Gotta love all the benefits to the heart that fried foods provide!
Oh, and LOTS of salt! (shakes fist at Death and laughs...)
Some green beans and sweet tea.
For dessert, I'll just eat from a carton of sherbet 'till I've had enough.
Sometimes it's good to be single!


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All right, kids, time to "belly up" to the buffet bar.

Tonight it is time to clean out the ole fridge and choose between what's still edible and what is green and growin' fuzz....

Looks like a hodge-podge to me...gonna let the ole nose decide...

YUCK! I ain't gonna eat that...maybe that, um...Wow! What was that? Ummm...No....I don't think so....just a bit "ripe"

It's like Russian roulette tonight, Friends....

Never a dull moment here, folks!

Fresh, new ramen is lookin' pretty good about now....ten cents a package...(bought in"bulk")
Thank goodness I've still got some sherbet left over for dessert....

Sad, ain't it?


PS. I totally qualify for food stamps, but I've NEVER in my life as an adult relied upon the government or anyone else to provide for my well-being. And, I NEVER will!

Looks like "stone soup" tonight. (but the broth is SO delicious....with the right stones....)

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Beef tips and gravy over jasmine rice. AU24K ramen not so bad,used to buy kung fu dynasty brand by the case,along with large bags of rice. Stone soup no crime but passersby or more palates helps. Cherish original thought sir. Have a good night.

I have survived the "refrigerator roulette" previously mentioned and tonight I will have home-made potato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Dessert shall be the remainder of the sherbet carton....

Life is good!

My Best,

PS. I am begining the collection of choice stones for my next "poor" dinner soup....Always thinkin' ahead....:tongue3:

Oh, and now is the time to reap "shoulder corn."

Shoulder corn is corn that is harvested around midnight from the shoulder of a country road.
Although I don't advocate "theft of goods," a few ears really won't be missed, right?
Kinda like watermelon thieves? Who's to say? :dontknow:
(tasted rock-salt from shotguns once or twice for such indiscretions....)

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Tomato soup with rice and kotlet schabowy (pork filet).

I'm in Poland for vacation now.

Tomato soup with rice and kotlet schabowy (pork filet).

I'm in Poland for vacation now.

Can of tomato soup=$0.29
Handful of rice= $0.15
Warm, filling dinner= Priceless!


Ah, Crap, I'm So hungry!
Guess I'll have leftover potato soup and grilled cheese sammiches...

Guess I'll go to bed with a full belly....
Can't beat that, huh?


a can of refried beans with chorizo which I thought sucked until I read about all the possum(in the south, the other white meat)that some of these folks wuz eatin...

a can of refried beans with chorizo which I thought sucked until I read about all the possum(in the south, the other white meat)that some of these folks wuz eatin...

That's pretty sad Friend.
In Texas, I'd have thoght you would have armadillo road kill for dinner at least....


PS. Got killer recipes if interested....

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Sold a couple of my currency specimens from my collection today and went to the grocery store.

Hmmmm...What do I want for dinner?
I cruised the meat aisle. Steaks, briskets, chicken.....

I finally settled my desire in the frozen food aisle, PIZZA!

Haven't had a pizza in a LONG time. I got a "Digorno" three meat then picked up "extras" to add. Extras like more cheese (on sale), a pack of pepperoni and a tin of anchovies. Yeah, I know, but I like anchovies.

I then stopped at the bottle shop to get a 6-pack of some cheap beer to whet my appetite and am now preparing my dinner as my appetite is being whetted.....:headbang:

Hope all eat well tonight!

Best Wishes,

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home made spag $ meatballs,garlic bread. wife is from NY and really knows how to Italian food.

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