Whats For Dinner?

Re: What's For Dinner?

Yesterday, Veteran's Day, was better for me than a Birthday.
Many restaurants offer free meals to Veterans and active service. I took advantage of my service.
I went to Chili's for lunch, and Applebee's for dinner. The experiences were those that I'll never forget...
I met many other veterans from all branches and the camaraderie shared will be with my own memories for a long time.

Monday, I'll go to the "Golden Corral" for a dinner and seek out other Veterans and Active Duty to thank for their service and hopefully make them feel that America appreciates their sacrifices. From a fellow Veteran.

It matters not "what's for dinner" this night....but to have shared a meal and/or meet other veterans was "Food of the Gods."

I'm looking forward to this time of year to volunteer at the local Shelter this Thanksgiving again! :hello2:

Tonight, I have prepared a casserole that in my opinion would surpass any other "poor college student" that you know. I have shunned the ubiquitous ramen and will actually have meat tonight. Hamburger, OK. No biggie. But it is meat.

The breakdown for tonight---
A baked hamburger, potatoes and cream of mushroom soup casserole (seasoned Italiano), spiced black beans and rice, Pearl onions and peas, slices of bread and butter, salad and dressing, an assortment of condiments and sweet tea.

Hope All are Well, Healthy and Happy,
My Best Wishes,

PS. For Dessert? I'll probably make.....

PSS. Luv ya, Peachy and Granny! :-*

Re: What's For Dinner?

Well lets see.... yesterday ...Tammy and sister in law and I went to Wichita to see father in law in hospital ..... so we went down to cafe' to eat. Turkey tetrizzine.

As for Thanksgiving day nothing for veterans, but there is a church and one or two other places that have food for someone to go eat an I think Perkins is open for lunh an dinner ?

We will fix dinner at Tammy's and anyone is welcome ... since we wont be at the folks I dont know who might show or not.

Re: What's For Dinner?

Last night after work, I went to the Golden Corral in Buford, Georgia for their annual Veteran's Day meal.
The line outside was long, but it gave me a chance to talk with other veterans.
They had a color guard present and would occasionally play the "Star Spangled Banner." When they did, all conversations ceased and singing the words or silent tribute was paid by all. :icon_salut:

Since I was alone and seating was at a premium, I hooked up with another
Veteran that I had just met while in line who was also alone and we shared a table and meal.

I had; ham, steak, mashed taters and gravy, corn, sauteed mushrooms, popcorn shrimp, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cheese sauce, turkey, rolls and butter and sweet tea. This was after a large salad with bleu cheese dressing.
Then I went back for seconds.
For dessert, I had a brownie, a slice of blueberry pie and coffee. :coffee2:
Oh, and they've got a "chocolate fountain." A few strawberries covered in chocolate rounded out my meal. If I would have eaten another bite, they would have had to roll me out in a wheelbarrow. :laughing7:

I gave as generously as I could to the veteran collecting for Disabled Vets and between my new friend and I, we were able to leave a nice tip for the hard working fellow who kept our drinks filled and coffee cups topped off.

Tonight it won't be such an elaborate dinner; Chicken fried steak with mashed taters and pan gravy, peas, macaroni and tomato casserole, bread and butter and sweet tea.
Dessert=?? Probably pop-tarts and a glass of milk....

Hope all are well.
Best Wishes,

PS. In retrospect, it becomes apparent to me that I don't get out and socialize much.... :icon_scratch:

Re: What's For Dinner?

Me either, but tonight I had BLT an fries an cottage cheese ! :hello: Evy

Re: What's For Dinner?

Mental Granny said:
Me either, but tonight I had BLT an fries an cottage cheese ! :hello: Evy
Luv Ya, Granny!
One day we two will share a table and meal...

My best to you,

Re: What's For Dinner?

Tonight, black beans cooked with cured pork (on the stove the past rew hours) and brown rice. Mebbe a lil' bit of mixed salad with it, seasoned with olive oil and balsamic viniger. Red wine, of course.

Re: What's For Dinner?

CaptainRobin said:
Tonight, black beans cooked with cured pork (on the stove the past rew hours) and brown rice. Mebbe a lil' bit of mixed salad with it, seasoned with olive oil and balsamic viniger. Red wine, of course.
Gonna make a beenie weenie and cornbread casserole. Never made one before, but Larry the Cable Guy swears by it.
Also gonna make some dirty rice and black beans, some seasoned greens and a glass of sweet tea. :thumbsup:


PS. Larry's recipe can be found here:

I modified the recipe by adding a tablespoon of black strap molasses, a tablespoon of brown sugar and a tablespoon of dried chopped onion.

Re: What's For Dinner?

going to go with daughter here shortly to see " It's A Wonderful Life " over at the college .. no time to fix anything going to laundramat when I get back so I'm doin KFC ! :icon_sunny:

Re: What's For Dinner?

My Goodness...No One Has Dinner Anymore?

I still have a time, in the evening, that I make a meal that I call "Dinner."


Why, just tonight, I made a "Dinner" out of what was on hand....

I started with a specially made salad with a light drizzle of oil and vinegar.
A side plate of crackers and sharp cheddar cheese complimented my first course.
Along with my favorite "picture book."


I shall further share, through photos, my "Dinner."

I'm not rich, in fact, I check coin return slots whenever I encounter them. Sometimes, I get lucky and find a coin....

After my salad, I have an inexpensive second course of hot dogs, homemade onion rings, french fries and a glass of milk.


The main course is a bacon wrapped filet left over from my recent camping trip. Some green veggies, home-made sliced pickled cukes, bread and butter and a big glass of tea goes well towards filling an empty stomach.


Almost to my "high water mark," I decide to have a little dessert...

This is the best that I could come up with...Pop Tarts, ( :D) and an almost full package of vanilla Ice cream.



I will sleep well tonight with a full stomach...
I hope all have enough to eat and will share with those who are hungry... :love6:

Always My Best,

Re: What's For Dinner?

Aw Nutz...
Now here comes the "ole sleepy eye..."

G'Night my Friends... :sleepy2:

My Best,


MAN DOWN! :laughing7:

Re: What's For Dinner?

Have a good nights rest on your full tummy ! :sleepy2:

Re: What's For Dinner?

I'm quick running out of ideas for my dinners...

Options vary based upon season. And finances...

Tonight, I'm experimenting with a recipe handed down from my Mom. She never understood spices.
It's a "poverty meal" but I'm adding to it and it's smelling pretty good in the oven....
It is basically a casserole thus: Hamburger, sliced potatoes, cream of something soup, and then my touches. Spices and seasonings. Etc.

Smellin' pretty good! :thumbsup:
Want a bowlfull? C'Mon!


Re: What's For Dinner?

Fresh caught Wild Georgia Shrimp, cooked peel and eat with fresh picked lemon to squeeze over 'em, tater-tots, and jalapeno hushpuppies...

Re: What's For Dinner?

CaptainRobin said:
Fresh caught Wild Georgia Shrimp, cooked peel and eat with fresh picked lemon to squeeze over 'em, tater-tots, and jalapeno hushpuppies...

Boy, that sounds good!
Some people just know how to live! :thumbsup:


Re: What's For Dinner?

Tonight, searching through my pantry, through my freezer and fridge, my best options are; ramen, go hungry or ramen.
"Please, Sir, more ramen...."
Ha! that just makes the rest of the week more interesting!
Bet I don't die!
Next week is grocery week!

{think I've got some packets of ketchup that I can water down and make some tomato soup....}

Just kidding! I got a whole can of jellied cranberries! :headbang:
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to All!


Re: What's For Dinner?

Okay Scott, care if I join ya? I'll tear open a pack in your honor. Of course, I love Ramen because it doesn't come poisoned with carcass.


Re: What's For Dinner?

Felinepeachy said:
Okay Scott, care if I join ya? I'll tear open a pack in your honor. Of course, I love Ramen because it doesn't come poisoned with carcass.
Rice, rotten fish and ramen. Can't lose.
The north Vietnamese will back me up....
Something to do with odors based upon diets.
So, I guess that no diet=no odors...
I'm ready...

Peachy, you bringin' the fish?


Re: What's For Dinner?

Ick, no. I don't eat fish either. I can bring a salad LOL

Oh while were on the subject, listen to this LOL


Re: What's For Dinner?

Felinepeachy said:
Ick, no. I don't eat fish either. I can bring a salad LOL

Oh while were on the subject, listen to this LOL


Ah, a Lass with a sense of humor. (You're getting closer to my heart...)
But, I've never heard a plant scream in pain when I chopped, sliced, diced or shredded it for a dish. Perhaps I should listen more closely?
Come to think of it, I've never heard a fish cry out...
Rabbits? Yeah, I've heard that sound. Squirrels, too. But they are SO good with dumplings and gravy!


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