Whats For Dinner?

Re: What's For Dinner?

I think I'm finally on the mend. That was a nasty bout of sickness. I really believe it was "walking pneumonia."
I ate so much garlic, "Twilight" wouldn't even come on my TV. :tongue3:
(Not that I'd watch it, though... :P)

Tonight I'm gonna make some chicken fried steak with taters and gravy, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, red beans and rice and a big glass of sweet tea. For dessert, I've got a nice big, juicy plum!


Re: What's For Dinner?

Hodgepodge : Leftover fried zuchini and yellow squash (last from our garden) , fried tater cakes and hot Italian link sausage . A piece of grilled steak from yesterday . Boiled new potatoes and fresh maters
from the garden .
Budwiser to wash it all down with .
Fine way to celebrate a birthday :headbang: :headbang: :hello2:

Re: What's For Dinner?

Tonight's fare includes:
Tacos, french fries and coca cola. Dessert is a nice sweet Georgia peach and ice cream.


Re: What's For Dinner?

Oh, Glory!
Tonight it is whatever is in the 'fridge that isn't "growing."
Maybe red beans and rice, taco fixins' and....*lookin' deep...*
No, that doesn't look safe...TOSS OUT! (I hate throwin' away food...)
Maybe this... sniff, sniff...no I think not!...yuck!

Anyway, at least I'm cleanin' out the 'fridge! :tongue3:
Hope I don't get sick...


Re: What's For Dinner?

Left opver fried cicken and mased tators and spinac !

Re: What's For Dinner?

Tonight I'll make some home made salisbury steaks, mashed taters and brown gravy, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, beets, sliced cukes, bread and butter and sweet tea.
Dessert is a juicy Georgia peach and vanilla ice cream.
There's plenty for you...
"Come and get it!"
First I have some yard work to attend to....


PS. I'm actually a pretty good cook...I once was the kitchen manager for a semester for a Sorority at the University of Kansas....
I received many compliments for my presentations, from the girls and from the Parents during "Parent's Week."
I've also held many jobs in a restaurant setting from an early age of 14, where I started out as a dishwasher/busboy and within a week, I was the Sunday breakfast cook...
Just one of my abilities and skills....
I am really looking for different recipes to try and options for meals....
In these hard times, meals and dinner options are paramount......
Especially for single meals and how to save money on grocery costs.

I have taken photos, but, due to my anticipated computer update, I am not able to post them at this time... :-\
Perhaps, I will post them later.... :dontknow:
Believe me, you would love to have a plateful of my magical cooking and fight for "seconds!"! :thumbsup:

Re: What's For Dinner?

Scott I am really glad you love to cook ..... Tonight not sure but, my MIL I went to see er an FIL after I went to the bookstore at college. Anyway she was putting a roast in oven a pork one so se sent some with me an sweet tator I will ave to fry ! YUMMMMY ! ..... I love to cook too. But having some of her cookin well ???? I will eat very well ! :icon_sunny:

Re: What's For Dinner?

Mental Granny said:
Scott I am really glad you love to cook ..... Tonight not sure but, my MIL I went to see er an FIL after I went to the bookstore at college. Anyway she was putting a roast in oven a pork one so se sent some with me an sweet tator I will ave to fry ! YUMMMMY ! ..... I love to cook too. But having some of her cookin well ???? I will eat very well ! :icon_sunny:

Eatin' good is what is important! :thumbsup:

Hope all eat good tonight and every night!


Re: What's For Dinner?

Tonight I'm making home-made "porcupine meatballs" with a tomato based sauce over pasta, garlic toast, a side of seasoned mixed greens and sweet tea.
It was either that or "Shepherd's Pie."
Haven't decided on dessert yet...


PS. For recipe sharing, please go here:


Re: What's For Dinner?

texastee2007 said:
BBQ moo, baked potatoes, carrots and salad.......+cottage cheese...LOL

steaming hot apple pie and vanilla ice cream

Tee, you slay me!

Luv Ya,


Re: What's For Dinner?

Tonight, once again, it's "leftovers."
Won't go into details, but, sometimes last night's dinner tastes better today. Maybe because it's had time to really collaborate and incorporate the spices and seasonings overnight. Maybe it's because it's easy to reheat. Don't really know the answer, but I'm looking forward to tonight's dinner! :thumbsup: (Maybe it's both!)

Always my Best,

Re: What's For Dinner?

Some fine cuts of pork tenderloin , fresh maters , mac an cheese , and some whopping good fresh
sweet corn that Poorhunter brought me from his garden .
I owe that man ;D

Re: What's For Dinner?

Lots of posts diaspeared least nit my wort less internet trows mr off so last nit I said I ad pot roast mased tatorss an black w eyed peas wit rollsan salad ! :icon_sunny:

Re: What's For Dinner?

Tonight is a pork roast, mashed taters and gravy, spinach, sliced cukes and sweet tea.
A nice sweet, juicy Georgia peach is for dessert!
MMMMmmm, MMMMmmmm!
Dinner of Champions! :thumbsup:
Not bad for a "single" guy, Huh?


PS. I like this thread 'cause it gives me ideas...
Sometimes it's a chore to decide "What's for Dinner...."

Re: What's For Dinner?

A big, fat, loaded to the gills roast beef and smoked turkey sub with all the toppings.................on wheat! :thumbsup:

Re: What's For Dinner?

Gives me an idea for sliced roast beef on toast with mashed taters....
{checks refrigerator...}


Re: What's For Dinner?

Oh, I decided to also bake some sweet potatoes with brown sugar and
about 2 table spoons of maple syrup, and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon...the more, the fuller! :laughing7:
Talk about "Home Cookin'" COME and Get It! Plenty for all!

Always my best,

Re: What's For Dinner?

Tomorrow is trash day so cleaned out fride all dishhes dirty ruined apettiet !

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