Hello Furness, thank you for your reply.
The treasure of the Templars was not gold, it was Real estate, entire companies and industries the order owned throughout Europe, Shipping companies and trade routes. Trade routes at this time in History were protected secrets. Gold was probably the smallest aspect of their wealth.
After their fall in the early 1300's, the order changed names, one of them was the "order of Christ", and continued to make use of their shipping expertise, in Portugal for example prince henry the navigator led the local order of Christ. Portugal became a seafaring influence due to this order.
The hospitallers absorbed many of the knights over Europe, mostly outside of France. The knights of Malta, Knights of St. John, etc. The Knights of malta are an interesting read, the central bank of Malta coat of arms are two knights in battle gear and to this day are actively involved in large scale international banking.
The Bank of England is a murkier origin, but basically King William was in severe debt, bankers agreed to loan him funds if the king would allow the creation of the bank of england, whose charter allowed the printing of money to be used in place of hard asset backed bank notes, what we call fractional banking today. Scottish bankers played roles in this as indicated previously.
Many knights in Europe traveled to Switzerland, and created central banking systems over the years as well.
Wealth does not disappear, it is like energy and changes from one form to another.
The treasure of the Templars was not gold, it was Real estate, entire companies and industries the order owned throughout Europe, Shipping companies and trade routes. Trade routes at this time in History were protected secrets. Gold was probably the smallest aspect of their wealth.
After their fall in the early 1300's, the order changed names, one of them was the "order of Christ", and continued to make use of their shipping expertise, in Portugal for example prince henry the navigator led the local order of Christ. Portugal became a seafaring influence due to this order.
The hospitallers absorbed many of the knights over Europe, mostly outside of France. The knights of Malta, Knights of St. John, etc. The Knights of malta are an interesting read, the central bank of Malta coat of arms are two knights in battle gear and to this day are actively involved in large scale international banking.
The Bank of England is a murkier origin, but basically King William was in severe debt, bankers agreed to loan him funds if the king would allow the creation of the bank of england, whose charter allowed the printing of money to be used in place of hard asset backed bank notes, what we call fractional banking today. Scottish bankers played roles in this as indicated previously.
Many knights in Europe traveled to Switzerland, and created central banking systems over the years as well.
Wealth does not disappear, it is like energy and changes from one form to another.