What REALLY happened to the wealth of Knights Templar

Dear group;
I tend to strongly agree with SWR (as always) as per the status of the coin in question. First, the coin is cast in such a manner that denotes a mass produced medallion with emphasis on being produced with the least possible expense.

Next, the type of material also seems to state that the medal was manufactured to maximize economy of funds and ease of casting.

Next, the medal is only cast on one side which leads me to believe that it was constructed as a item meant to be given away. Also the fact that the blank side is rough and unfinished lends credence to this hypothesis.

Next, esoteric and quasi-esoteric groups have been *borrowing* religious symbols for their own devices for centuries. This is especially true with groups whom *borrow* freely from the Roman Catholic Church and also from the Jewish faith to a lesser degree. To prove this statement, one only needs to look at the Freemasons and their claims of being direct descendants of the Knights Templars, which I find to be rather strange because the Freemasons have never been associated in any way with the Roman Catholic Church, nor does the Roman Catholic Church permit Her members to join the Masons.

Next, the Christogram IHS was a relatively unknown Chirstogram outside of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches until the Society of Jesus (ie, the Jesuits) popularized it, along with the stylized cross and the 3 nails, as part of their motif. There has never been any evidence that the Roman Catholic Knights Templars used any part of the Jesuit motto prior to the Jesuits using it.

Also, the Templars were disbanded by the Vatican some 200 odd years before the rise of the Jesuit Order therefore one cannot make the claim that the Jesuit Order was descended from the Templars.

Next, the lettering on the medal is in German, yet not in Gothic German lettering, which seems to state that the medal was cast sometime either right before, during or after WWII, which was when Germany quit using Gothic German lettering and adopted the much more popular Latin lettering. Also, because the lettering is Latin based instead of the earlier form of Gothic or even the later Suetterlin form of lettering tells me that the medal is modern.

Next, because the language is in German, this tells me that it could not have been a part of the Templar Order, as the Templars were always based in France and all of the Order's top officials were Frenchmen. The Teutonic Knights were based in Germany and they were an Order which is considered to have been a rival faction of the Templars, therefore it makes no sense that the Templars would have used a language of one of their rivals.

Next, the linguistic German language on the medal is not Old German as is stated on the website, rather it's very modern German.

And lastly, the reputed Eye of Horus, which is what is claimed on the website, is not the Eye of Horus at all, rather it's a derrivative form known as the Eye of Providence. While the Eye of Providence was used as a symbol in the Roman Catholic church for a short period of time, it soon became associated with various esoteric organizations and therefore it dropped from popularity within the Church. I know of no Roman Catholic Order or organization which uses the Eye of Providence, either past or present and there are only a few surviving examples of the Eye of Providence in Roman Catholic architecture, and those being almost exclusively from the 1500s to the 1600s.
Your friend;

It looks very similar to the type of cast or stamped medalion you find on certain bottles or cases of wine the type made and sold in small quantities at a premium price, ????


Dear furness;
Yes, my friend, that is my conclusion as well. I feel that it was most likely produced from the same type of machine that produces the medallions for those uber-expensive wines and what-not.
Your friend;

Hello Lamar,

Yes i agree 100% there are a number of monasteries in quite a few of the European countries where the monastic order make liqueurs and sell it to raise money to help with the upkeep of the monastery, germany France and Italy have a number that do this,
the product is then sold either at some of the larger monasteries that allow visitors or through a wine merchant,
it is possible that it was perhaps used on a particular year to celebrate the age of the monastery,

within the last couple of years Dom Benedictine which is produced in France and who normally have a red embossed medalion on their bottles changed the design and produced a gold medalion to celebrate their 500th birthday,

although as you mention it has many things that don't add up for it to be a genuine medalion from an ecclesiastical establishment, it was perhaps designed by the wine company that handles the main distribution, and because of the design probably one in germany,

Regards furness

That's very interesting. I never thought about it being from monastery wine, but it could be. I would guess, then, that there would be many of these type of coins in existence. I haven't seen any yet though....the search continues.

Its burried in JAMESTOWN VA in a cemetary in a vault that the presevationist wont allow to be disturbed .. there is a story on it in lost treasure magazine ..

Are you talking about this one?

Francis Bacon

The Quest for Sir Francis Bacon’s Sacred Treasure Vaults© Sir Francis Bacon’s Sages of the Seventh Seal

Count St.-Germain
“Sic fulget in umbras.”
Truth is enveloped in obscurity.
Pallas Athena
“Obscuris vera involvens.”
Thus it shines in the shadows.

Williamsburgh excavation
Original Foundations Unearthed: Bruton Parish Churchyard
Williamsburg, Virginia
August 29, 1938

Manly Palmer Hall
Marie Bauer Hall
Marie Bauer Hall


Tabletop Tomb

Flag of Virginia
Flag of Virginia

Decoded Map

Sir Robert Dudley
(Father of Sir Francis Bacon)

Francis Bacon

Queen Elizabeth I
(Mother of Sir Francis Bacon)

Text contributed by Baconian Historical Consultants:

Manly Palmer Hall (1901 - 1990) Los Angeles, California

Marie Bauer Hall (1904 - 2005) Los Angeles, California

Patricia Larke (1959 - present) Suffolk, England

Barbara Zuckerman (1953 - present) Yonkers, New York

Fletcher Richman (1953 - present) Saint Paul, Minnesota

Throughout the ages, men and women have been anointed with the sacred task of preserving, protecting and often, ‘hiding in plain sight,’ original documents of ancient wisdom, historical archives and the treasures of the advanced civilizations of centuries long passed. Utilizing intricate coding and ciphering systems, brilliant messages of the past laid a pathway of discovery for those individuals and small groups who were sensitive and receptive to an “inner” prompting to undertake this unique journey of discovery. Through diligent purification of the human being, extraordinary dedication of study and practice and the willingness to persevere in spite of obstacles and challenges to the contrary, great strides have been made in the 20th and 21st centuries to once again reveal the locations and contents of many of these sacred vaults in America and throughout the world.

Four centuries after his birth in York Place, England; January 22, 1561: Sir Francis Bacon continues to influence the great vision for the founding of America and the original precepts upon which this nation was built.

Although never officially acknowledged by his mother Queen Elizabeth I and her husband Robert (Dudley) Tudor, young Francis displays an innate genius in all areas of endeavor and blossoms under the loving tutelage of his ‘appointed and adopted parents,’ Sir Nicholas and Lady Anne Bacon. Mature beyond his years, Francis Bacon, unknowingly the heir to the throne, quickly excels in the arts, letters, science, philosophy and statesmanship and develops intricate new ciphering systems. Kind of heart, witty and uniquely intuitive, young Francis, ever observant of the surrounding political and religious corruption and dramatic social iniquities, begins to formulate a new vision for a free and democratic society. Herein all mankind would have access to knowledge, to study the visible and invisible worlds and help “create a higher standard of living, better homes, healthier bodies, nobler minds and more highly attuned souls.”[1] This vision would become known as New Atlantis and its ideals and precepts will assist in laying the groundwork for America’s democratic form of government.

This remarkable young man had early in life attracted a cadre of loyal colleagues, friends and students. These brilliant men and women, known as his “Good Pens,” included such luminaries as Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Edmund Spenser, Sir Tobie Matthew, Sir Walter Raleigh, Francis Drake, Lancelot Andrews and Sir Thomas Meautys. Keenly aware of the dangers of publishing under his own name, The Good Pens lend their names to many of Bacon’s works and purchase permission to use the names of others. Thus, one of the grandest nom de plumes is born – William Shake-speare and the controversial literary pretender, poacher, horse handler and minor actor William Shagspur is paid to play the part.[2] Together The Good Pens create an extraordinary body of literature, historical and philosophical writings including the addition of over 20,000 words to a new English language taught to the masses for the first time through their plays. To aid in their communications and studies, many documents, including the Shakespeare Folio of 1623, contain intricate encoded writings that utilize pagination and print ‘errors’, watermarks, numerical key codes and the like securing historical documentation and ongoing instruction to current and future generations in the advanced teachings of philosophy, governance, science, education and metaphysics. [3]

Along with Bacon’s own travels, the “Good Pens” were dispatched to the countries of the Old World to record historical events, secure sacred documents and artifacts which provided endless sources of literary and historical material later woven into the story lines of their many plays, sonnets and philosophical writings. These sacred materials were secured in underground vaults and libraries built as sanctuaries for study, meeting and writing for Bacon’s disciples throughout the ages.

As Bacon continues to grow in public popularity in 17th century England he becomes known as an outstanding orator and wise counselor and advances to the House of Commons until the death of his mother the Queen. Unwilling to name Francis as her successor, King James of Scotland comes to the throne and Bacon’s life becomes even more precarious. James, aware of Bacon’s true Tudor heritage and rights to the throne, secures a promise that Francis would marry a commoner, thus eliminating any chance of his heirs challenging the King. He becomes the secret editor of the 1611 translation of the bible and continues to rise in governmental authority. Widely regarded as an exceptional judge and statesman, Bacon becomes Attorney General and then Lord Chancellor of England and is eventually knighted as Baron of Verulam and Viscount St. Alban. But long-standing jealousies of political rivals and court intrigue conspire to eliminate him from all posts and, in a still controversial set of accusations, Bacon is sent to the Tower. Subsequently released by the King he returns to writing and teaching and supposedly dies on Easter Sunday 1626 as a result of a scientific experiment.

However, there is a large body of evidence that Sir Francis Bacon feigned his death on Resurrection Day and appeared at his funeral dressed as a woman. Ever the Master of the Muse, he is now free to live unfettered by the political intrigues of his native England. Acknowledging that he and his colleagues have accomplished as much as possible in assisting the revitalization of knowledge, literature, education, philosophy and science in England, they still hold to an inspired vision of a democratic society supported by an educated citizenry and look to more fertile and untouched lands – the New World. Under Bacon’s guidance, the New Atlantis program would be transferred to the shores of what would become the American colonies. Carefully and systematically their collection of sacred documents, historical records, original literary works, artifacts, jewels and gold were relocated to the new Jamestown colony.

Ever mindful of the need for secrecy and with a precise sense of Divine Timing, trained members of the "Good Pens" accompanied these sacred treasures across the seas as a legacy for New Atlantis – the emerging American colonies. Henry Blount, a descendent of the same family lineage as that of Sir Francis Bacon, adopts the name Nathaniel Bacon the Elder upon arrival in the Virginia colony and oversees the transfer of these treasures and relocation of his fellow “Pens.” Originally concealed in a vault in the Jamestown church, this unprecedented legacy to the American people is moved prior to the Bacon Rebellion to its final resting place, in the Bruton Parish Churchyard in Williamsburg, Virginia. Secured in a ten by ten foot brick cube, twenty feet underground in a Freemasonry vault, this remarkable treasure safely rests in thirty-three copper cylinders and surrounding tombs. The greatest cypherer of the ages encoded each of these tabletop tombs with complex cryptograms, describing the location of the vault, and placed them in plain site of the viewing public in the churchyard. These magnificent works of art and ingenious Baconian ciphers were designed in England and transferred to the Virginia colony as guideposts for those who were courageous, ingenious and anointed to read Bacon’s handiwork from across the centuries to raise the vault once more and bring the contents before the American people. Additionally, Bacon, his colleagues and their descendents, secure a total of 144 of these Freemasonry vaults throughout the new American continent.

Included in the Bruton vault is physical evidence of the true lineage of the English monarchy, prototype copies of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, the “lost” writings of Shakespeare/Sir Francis Bacon, an original copy of the 1611 King James Bible, the location of all other vaults sealed within America and in each nation as well as gemstones, rare coins, and gold to be used to ensure public access to these treasures and assist the local communities surrounding each vault. Just as remarkable is the fact that America’s most noted Freemasons – Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Henry, Adams, Hancock and the Founding Mothers, who gained access through three underground tunnels, studied these documents on a regular basis. Even the land continues to be secured through private land deeds in the possession of ancestral families – an oasis of private land on a national historic site. The vault amazingly continues to remain protected having withstood various attempts to publicly and surreptitiously unearth its contents for private collections.

For over 300 years, these 33 copper cylinders laid in glorious expectation awaiting divine timing and the determined and inspired ability of someone to decode the complex cryptograms in the churchyard. This occurred in the early 1900s, when noted philosopher, scholar and metaphysician Manly P. Hall, along with a group of dedicated students, began the task of deciphering these intricate Baconian codes leading to the arrival of Marie Bauer in 1938 in Williamsburg.

Diligently, with exacting precision, patience, inspired deciphering techniques and months of research (including a remarkable book written prior to the securing of documents in the vault), Ms. Bauer was able to unearth for the first time since the early 1600s, the original foundations of the Bruton Parish Church. However, this astounding historical accomplishment met with tremendous, and unexpected, resistance and no sooner had the foundations been revealed, they were buried again in the night unbeknownst to Ms. Bauer. Just as mysteriously, four small stone markers appeared at the corners of these original church foundations. [4] Using advanced detection equipment for that timeframe, equipotential surveys concluded, “All factors being considered, the results obtained are sufficiently indicative of the possible presence of a hidden Vault, three-quarters filled, to warrant excavating a trench to prove or disprove its existence.” [5] Yet, to this day, outside of an illegal and unauthorized dig in the churchyard on September 9, 1991, no public request for a legitimate, open bid excavation of the Bruton Vault has been granted by church officials or Colonial Williamsburg Restoration.

Over the past centuries and most recently decades, small, dedicated groups have been able to identify the location of approximately 121 of these sacred 144 vaults placed throughout America. Yet, all await the unveiling of the majestic legacy to America - the Bruton Vault known as the real National Treasure belonging to God on behalf of the American People – the true Great Seventh Seal located at Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg, Virginia. It is believed that “God will use a voice, which sometimes He useth, that is, Vox Populi – the Speech of the people.”[6] to request its revelations be brought once again into the Light of day.

Dear Roadquest;
In my humble opinion, there would need to be some VERY indisputable proof of the existence of a treasure trove before being allowed to dig up, deface, and very possibly destroy an historical landmark, my friend. Unfortunately, conspiracy theories are not quite up the role of being considered as indisputable proof.
Your friend;

Mr Lamar, I was simply asking if this was the story Ifoundit69 was referring to.
But, I could not, for myself anyway, even consider digging in a grave yard for treasure.
Even if I had indisputable proof of it being there.
But, if you look into this. You will see that they did aloud a search to take place there
at one time for the "treasure"
You Sir, are a scholar, and a gentleman, and I think you for responding to my post.

Clayton :coffee2:

Dear Roadquest;
As always, it's my pleasure, my friend. The reason why I am so interested in the alledged treasures of the Templars is because the legends seem to all be of a fairly modern design. In other words, there does not exist any historical documentation which suggests that the Templars had any treasure troves lying about. All the tales of Templar treasures seem to have originated about the early 1950s and there does not seem to be any mention of treasures before this period.
Your friend;

this book discusses, about where some of the templars wealth went
The History of the Knights Templar, by Charles G. Addison, [1842]

found an article on where their property went, it was given to, the Order of Hospitallers

this is what ive been reading about the templars, so far has been a good read,im on my 3rd read
book is full of history of the Knights Templar, and c.Addison tells about how the templars lived
up to and after their suppression by Phillip and Pope Clement V, the text dates from 1842, some of
the footnotes and notations, he used for book,you need to follow up on
ive read the 2nd and 3rd editions. and i have not found the first edition yet

while researching the footnotes i found this

The History of the Knights Templar, by Charles G. Addison, [1842],second edition google books
http://books.google.com/books?id=SH...&q=the fraternity of knights templars&f=false

The History of the Knights Templar, by Charles G. Addison, [1852],third edition google books
http://books.google.com/books?pg=PR...&q=the fraternity of knights templars&f=false

a easier read of 2nd edition by kindle

(Quote from sacred-texts.com)
This is a mainstream history of the Knights Templars, written in the 19th century. Addison details the rise of the
Templars to become, essentially, the first multinational corporation. The Templars were entrusted by the Church and
States of Europe to be the spearhead of the More...crusades. In the process they gained immense wealth and influence,
although individual Templars took a vow of poverty. Jerusalem was won and lost several times by the crusaders through
the 12th and 13th centuries. Addison notably cites eye-witness descriptions from both the Crusaders and their Moslem
opponents to give a well-rounded picture. After the crusades, and the loss of the Holy Land, the Templars began a
quick decline from which they never recovered. Accused of heresy and bizarre secret rituals, the Templars were subject
ed to torture and the stake.

The second portion of the book focuses on Temple Church in London, the English headquarters of the Templars in their
prime. Addison details the architecture and history of this edifice. The Temple Church eventually became the center
of the legal profession in the City of London, a hostel and school for lawyers. Addison mentions on the title page
that he is a member of the 'Inner Temple,' which doesn't mean that he was part of a secret society, but instead
qualified to practise law in England.

Addison quotes liberally from contemporary accounts in Latin, Norman French, and Early Modern English
(which he thankfully occasionally translates), and includes extensive citations of source documents. If you want to
learn the fascinating history of the Knights Templars without any extraneous theorizing, this is an excellent book
to start with.

1 fact kind of stands out on here,,This story has a lot incommon with the bible in that what is written about it is written a couple hundred years after the events.Not at the time or by some one at the event.

WELCOME TO TREASURENET billn1956 ! :icon_thumleft:

billn1956 said:
1 fact kind of stands out on here,,This story has a lot incommon with the bible in that what is written about it is written a couple hundred years after the events.Not at the time or by some one at the event.

Dear billn1956;
First welcome to T-Net my friend! Next, the Bible was actually taken from first hand accounts, yet owing to the fact that the Old and New Testaments are extremely lengthy and that every single letter needed to be painstakingly copied, there exists much room for human errors, my friend.

Supposedly, the earliest copies of the Bible are exactly the same as the original texts, yet we may find differences between the various existing codexes, therefore we may conclude that there were also differences between them and the original texts. We may also safely assume that the earliest codexes are 2nd or 3rd generation texts, that meaning that they are perhaps one or two times removed from the original works.

The entire New Testamant is based on the first hand experiences of the Apostles who were present with Jesus Christ throughout his recorded Life on Earth, my friend. Someone did not write about their experiences two hundred after the fact, either. The Apostles themselves wrote of their own experiences, in their own words, and thus we are able to discern the differences in their individual interpretation of the events which they witness to.

Naturally, when the Apostles wrote of Jesus' experiences and teachings, they only wrote one copy, or two at the most. It was from these original works that monks and scholars copied the original works of the Apostles as they related Jesus teachings and works. No one seriously doubts the eyewitness accounts of the Apostles my friend, because each of their accounts is very similiar to the accounts of others, with just enough differences to deemed as normal for people who always percieve things a bit differently than their fellow.

Perhaps you are referring the Apocryphia, which, although is included in the Bible, cannot be confirmed as Scripture with any amount of certainty. We do know that the life of Jesus prior to Him evangelizing is virtually unknown and that there were a great many *authoritive works* written about His beginnings, yet virtually all of these writings were deemed to have been written some 150 to 300 years after His death, therefore they were discounted by theologians and historians alike.
Your friend;

Interesting thread.

IMHO - it would have been all the MORE interesting had LAMAR stayed entirely out of it.

He is a deliberate "spoiler" of any serious discussion than his own "theory" which is to put anyone else off the track - and allow the jesuits to continue their search.

He insults a lot of serious research on the subject, while pushing his own barrow, as that is his job here, at the orders of the vactcan.

LAMAR is no one friend here!

I woud not discuss my knowledeg of the matter (and it is extensive) of the origin of the templar treasure nor where it remains to this day.

You have been given clues along the way by various posters - good clues, yet if one were to believe LAMAR - its all nonsense.

IF you knew the truth - you would understand his role here as a deliberate spoiler.

The Vatican do NOT want the truth told about the Knights templar (Nor the organisations that exist to this day in the form of the Freemasons and the Priory of Zion (Prieurre De Sion).

It is not possible to discuss this subject with LAMARS opinion being shouted at people every 2nd post - no flow of discussion can occur and when someone tries LAMARstarst with name calling etc - very poor behavior on a forum - one against the rules and for which he should be banned from further posting on this thread IMHO.

I would not waste my time - trying to give the whole story from beginning to end, while he is allowed carte blanche to wreck any serious discussion on the subject for his vatican masters by his constant interjection posting designed to break the flow of information and dscredit any posts made that get too close to the truth.

Sadly - the polularised books like those of Dan Browns (definitely plagiarized - despite what the court said) have taken a real story and made it into a fairytale for popular consumption and led to films of a similar nature - that lost sight of the real story.

One needs spys and car chases and breaking into Vatican underground vaults etc to make a movie that will grab this generations dumbed down intelligence and limited concentration span for 2 hours to make $ from it.

The REAL story is FAR more interesting!

We MUST come to understand and read between the lines of what today is presented as "fact" by the vatican.

It is VERY simple.

The Prieure de sion (Priory of Zion) exist to preserve a titular bloodline - that of Christ himself.

Yes Christ was crucified and died on the cross for5 our sins and was resurrected.

Did he have a bloodline that survived him, a pregnant "wife" maybe?

Clues to this mystery.

1. Was Jesus Married?

It doesn't specifically say so in the bible or does it? What do we know if contemporary life of a Jew 2000 years ago?
Here's some facts to think about.

Jesus was referred to often as "rabboni" often translated as "teacher".
In Hebrew it meant Rabbi!
Can Rabbis marry or are they celibate as some later religions require do of their clergy?

Answer; - in REAL Jewish life of 2000 years ago a Rabbi HAD to be married, he couldn't be a rabbi if he wasn't married because ONE of the main duties was to dispense marital advice, it was a pre - requisite for the job!.

Thus there is "some evidence" - to suggest that as a Jewish rabbi Jesus was married.
Any other corroborating evidence?

2. What about the wedding in Cana!

Who comes to Jesus and says that the wines run out and he should do something about it?

Yes its Jesus Mother Mary who comes to him and suggests this - when he says his time is not yet come - then turns the water to wine!.

Why would a guest at a wedding feast be responsible for the provision of alcoholic drinks?.

In Jewish custom of 2000 years ago - who was responsible for provision of the wine at a wedding?

Answer = Same as today - the Groom, hence Jesus was the groom and was responsible for the provision of wine.

3. When in Jewish custom of 2000 years ago - can a female order any male "in public" to do anything?

Answer - in ONLY one case is a woman permitted to order a male jew to do anything in public!
When the Mother of the Groom is the "hostess" of the wedding, and the groom needs reminding of his responsibility to provide wine as it is running out!

In any other circumstance where a woman ordered a male jew to do anything in public - she would be unceremoniously slapped down publicly and forbidden to speak.

Thus Mary Jesus Mother was hostess of the wedding in Cana & Jesus was the groom.

4. Any other evidence that Jesus was the groom?.
Yes - when the wine from water is produced, a guest says that "thou (Jesus) has saved the best wine for last and that usually - the best wine is served first and cheaper wine served towards the end of the feast omnce people have had their fill, and wouldn't appreciate the good wine.

Jesus is addressed as the groom - "thou" hast, etc etc
Much evidence to suggest Jesus was indeed Married.

5. I've seen it suggested the marriage took place after John The Baptist was beheaded. I've seen it suggested that Mary Magdelan, was John the Baptists widow. Remember that John the Baptist and Jesus were cousins! (Mary went to visit John the Baptists mother elizabeth (her sister), who herself was well advanced in pregnancy with John the baptist and the baby Jesus moved in Marys womb).

As John The baptists cousin, it would be within custom for Jesus to take her in as his wife under Jewish law at the time.
She was NOT a virgin bride - she was after all John the Baptists wife & then widow, before becoming Jesus wife.
Even today - we do NOT celebrate second marriages the way we do with first marriages. For this reason the marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene doesn't get the "biblical press" it might otherwise have done.

6. Who was the disciple that Jesus loved more than the others, that he might kiss that disciple on the mouth? Try his wife Mary Magdalene.

7. What was Jesus relationship with Lazarus?

Lazarus was Mary Magdalenes brother, thus Jesus brother in law. We know this because when Jesus arrives 3 days after Lazarus death & Mary Magdalene, his wife - berates him saying that if he had got their sooner Lazarus (her brother & Jesus bro in law) would still be alive!

Jesus raised Lazarus his bro in law from death after 3 days - just as he will in future be raised to life after 3 days of his death!.

8. Who is Mary Magdalene & Lazarus' Father?...

John of Arimathea!

Why does John of Arimathea - give up his grave crypt in the garden at Gethsemanie for Jesus body and why does he beg Pontious Pilate, for the release of Jesus body after the crucifiction - to him for burial & why does Pontious Pilate agree?

Because; A) Jesus is his son in law, B ) because Jesus is his daughters husband, & C) because Jesus raised his son Lazarus from death!

The Bible gets much easier to "understand" when one establishes the relationships that existed between the key players. It even makes more literal sense!

9. Jesus as "king of the Jews!"

Jesus was descended from the line of David - he had to be, in order to be "king of the Jews!".
Everyone knew that a descendant of David's line would save them and become their king!

Theres a LONG list of antiscendents of Jesus father Joseph listed in the bible to show Jesus lineage back to David.

Couple problems with that tho:-

A) Jesus was the son of God - begat by God when his soul overcame virgin Mary and she became pregnant with baby Jesus.
So just HOW does Josephs lineage have anything to do with Jesus right to be King of the Jews?
Next? It's not ones fathers lineage that counts in Jewish custom - it's ones mothers lineage that coveys jewishness on a Jew!
Example...a Jewish Man marries a NON Jewish mother, and they have a male child- try going to register the child in a JEWISH school! Sorry no can do - the child is a "goy" - non Jew. Unless the child of a Jewish mother, you are no Jew.

OK... So why was it "politically important" for Jesus to be married to Mary Magdalene?
Because Mary Magdalene, was a direct lineal descendant of the Davidic line thru HER mother.

Any offspring of Mary Magdalene and Jesus COULD hold LEGITIMATELY the title of King Of The Jews and save them from their roman oppressors. It was a stategically political alliance of the families (Josephs and John Of Arimathea). "John" of Arimathea's son by Mary Mother of Jesus sister Elizabeth, begat "John" the Baptist, named after his father "John" of Arimathea.

Bible story starting to make any more sense yet?

Right oh.

10. Jesus and Mary Magdelans son!

Is there any biblical clues as to his identity- is he named anywhere in the Bible?

Why yes he is!

When Pontious Pilate decides to "let one of the prisoners free" before Jesus crucifixion, he gives the crownd of jews a choice between two candidates.

The two candidates?

"Rabbi - Jesus" (Rabboni / Teacher) son of Mary Magdalene, and another candidate named "Jesus Barrabbas".

Who is this Jesus Barrabbas? Was "Yeshua" Jesus / Savior such a common name back then?

In Hebrew what does Jesus Barrabbas translate as?

It translates as Yeshua (Jesus) Bar (Son of) Rabbi (Raboni / teacher)

The second candidate was named "Son Of The Rabbi Jesus!

The jews were given a choice between freeeing Jesus the Rabbi or Son of the Rabbi Jesus.

The Jews had to pick between two men - Jesus or his son as to who to save!

Who would the Jews select in that case?

Would they save Jesus (son of god) or the Son of the Rabbi Jesus who WAS of the davidic line by his mother Mary Magdalene and thus capable of beig the Savior they were looking for to free them from the tyranny of Rome.?

The Jews knowingly chose to save Jesus SON (Jesus bloodline) as their future "titular (bloodline) king" descended from David - who could free them from oppression.

Who would we save today - given the same choice? - Prince Charles or Prince William (Harry)? given the choice of only one?
We would save Willaim as our future king because f the necessity to preserve the bloodline!!

Pretty simple really!

Bible story starting to make any sense yet?

So Mary Magdalene left Jeruslaem with her father Jospeh of Arimathea & Mary Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdelans Brother Lazarus and Her son Jesus Barrabas, and sailed for the Languedock in France, and later England.

From Jesus Barrabas, was descended eventually in England/France a relative / direct lineal blood descendant of the king of the Jews - one Godfroi Du Bullione, a knight of the order of the templars who led a crusade to re - take Jerusalem, in 1099 which he DID!

A Direct Bloodline Davidic Descendent of the King of the Jews ruling on the throne of Jeruslaem as God always intended for his people - which lasted almost 100 years before they were again deposed by the saracens!.

During that period - the temple treasures (menorah and ark of the covenant) found under solomons stables during excavations by the knights templar - were spirited out of Jerusalem before the loss of the city to the saracens.

They were smuggled thru the Languedoc in southern france - and off to the Sinclairs of Rosslyn - who had Rosslyn chappel built to be an exact duplicate in layout of the herodic temple in Jerusalem to house the sacred symbols of judaism until again a direct lineal blood descendant of the Davidic line thru Jesus ad jesus barrabbas and then Godfrio du bullione etc should again sit on the throne of Jeruslaem.

The fact that so many of the grail family resided for long periods under the protection of the templars led to the legends of treasure in the languedoc and particularly at rennes le chateaux.

The whole thing is about protection (from the vatican) of the royal bloodline of the jews!

The organization today known as freemasonry is just a low level funding arm of the Prieurre de sion (Priory of zion) whos ENTIRE mission is:-

To preserve the holy relics required in the inner sanctum for the daily sacrifices,
To preserve the titular bloodline of christ, to again sit upon the throne of Jerusalem as God intends despite the Vaticans determination to expunge this bloodline from the world.

This is the purpose of Freemasonry (although few of them know it - they are just a funding arm), it is Pierre de Plantard & the Priory of Zion - who do this work that once was the Templars role - to protect at all cost the titual bloodline4 of the throne of Jerusalem. The Holy Grail (Gralle Royale - litterally royal blood) protection of it from the attempts of LAMARS Bosses at the Vatican to wipe it out!

When Jesus did die on the cross, he left his position as the left pillar of the Jewish church (Two Pillars Jachin & Boaz - were in fact Jesus as the Priestly Pillar & His brother James as the Political Pillar) To his Brother "James the Just" - NOT to Peter (Thou art Petrus "Rock" upon whom i will build my church), as the vatican proclaim.

The vatican Pope proclaims himself in latin "vacarivs filli dei" Vicar of the son of God.

He takes his authority to rule Christs church on earth from Peter the Roman, (Petrus)

As Peter was a disciple, the pope proclaims himself "Vicar of Jesus church on Earth" on the Authority of Peter!

Yet we know Jesus REALLY left his church in the care of his brother James The Just!

We were left a clue - how to know the beast.

1. He would think to change the times (of sacrifices etc).
The Jews worshipped on the sabbath Saturday

This was problematic for the Romans in administrative terms because they being sun worshippers, worshipped on the venerable day of the sun - Sunday.

The problem was that holding court, was work and Jews wouldn't labor on a sabbath (Saturday) - which meant they didn't come to court when summonsed on a Saturday to bear witness or hear charges against them etc. It was against their religion.

So at the council of Nicea the 10 commadements in the bible were altered by the romans - to allow Sunday worship.

(There are TWO sets of 10 commandments - one set in a catholic bible that don't mention the 4th commandment about honoring the sabbath and keeping it holy. What they do to make up for this omission - is to split the tenth commandment about not coveting they neighbors wife and chattels into TWO commandments - one about the neighbors wife and a second about his chattels! This way the micks can worship on a Sunday, being non the wiser they are breaking one of the 10 commadments about honoring the sabbath and keeping it holy!

This worked really well and Now everyone would come to Court on Saturday and all worsjip (the sun) on Sunday!

So the micks are all sun worshippers basically!

We were also given a clue as to the number of his name. (666).

I've seen heaps of suggestions from bar codes to chip implants - when the REAL beast is the Pope!

Common languages in use at the time of Christ?

Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek (latin).

Each had their own Gemmatria or assignatonof numerals to lettersof their respective alphabets!

Heres the REAL meaning of the number of the name in the respecyive gemmatria of all 3 languages inuse at the time the bible new testament was written.

You might want to save a copy for future reference because lamar and his vatican boss (The Beast) will do everything in their power to expunge / discredit this.


In all 3 languages in common use at the time the name of the pope translates as 666.

When someone suggest to you that some other person or thing is the beast - try it in al 3 languages as you see here - ONLY to Pope is the correct candidate!

Freemasons won't tell you this, - they will allow the micks into their fold so that their money can be funneled to the Prieurre de Sion for the protection of the titular bloodline of Christ.

They have a plan to again seat a rightfull heir to the throne of Jerusalem again on that throne.

They will protect that bloodline and the temple treasures until that time - (the rebuilding of the temple for the 3rd & last time).

Anyone cares to think back, and before becoming prime minister if Israel some years back Ariel Sharon conducted a march on the site of Solomons and the Herodian temple mounts to lay the cornerstone of the new temple.

It set off an outrage among the muslims - who worship at the Al aksa Mosque.

They all know the Al Aksa mosque (dome of the rock) has to come down for the Jews to build their 3rd temple.

The thing is - It doesn't require that Israeli jews have the Al Aksa mosque demolished to build their 3rd temple.

If and when in Gods own good time he wishes this too happen - he will arrange for the mosque to fall, whether by war or earthquake or whatever - he is more than capable of removing the Alaksa mosque to make way for his 3d temple to be built before the return of Christ without any help from mankind trying to 'hurry up the event" with wars in the Middle east!

In the meantime the remnant of the Knights Templar called the Prieure De Sion - keep on doing their job of preserving the treasure (under the Rosslyn Chappel) for the time it will be required in the 3rd temple AND preservation of the rightfull bloodline for the throne of Jeruslaem.

I encourage you to read books by Beigent and Leigh, such as the holy blood and the holy grail - books like "Born of a Woman" by Shelby Spong and many others that will lead you to be able to think for yourselves, and reject the evil spouted by the Vaticans man here - servant of the Beast - LAMAR, who would deny you all this knowledge which is freely available.

Don't allow people Like Lamar to lead you away from the truth while he and his masters search for the treasure themselves and do their best to expunge the titular bloodline of Christ.

There is balck and white in this world, good and evil - Lamars boss is the beast 6666 of revelations as I've just unequivocally shown you.

I have a belief that people innately KNOW within themselves if what they have read is true or not!

Let the spirit of Christ within you, be your guide in judging what you've just read!

May God Bless you all in the name of his son Jesus who died for our sins.

Shalom...much more than just peace.

nice post lucky eddie, i have to agree with you about the roman catholics, in college my professor called them the rape of the world, i see lamar as one of them, thats why i have him on ignore i believe nothing he has to say.

HOLA amigos,
I would only add, that for ANY poster that is disruptive, offensive or just plain annoying, we do have the handy-dandy little 'ignore user' button beside their posts, which allows any discussion to proceed un-fettered. That said, I have had a number of interesting discussions with Lamar, he has access to Jesuit archives and a great deal of historical knowledge. We may disagree and remain friends after all right? If we were all gathered around the campfire instead of doing our talking 'via the aether' I would hope that our discussions would be friendly. Lamar and I disagree on several subjects, but we both love good coffee and hunting treasures! My point is that while we do disagree on some things, we have many common interests.

Thank you Lucky Eddie for the info, a lot of detail! :icon_thumright:

<Also - I am not hunting Templar treasures nor is this "my" particular area of expertise, just a fascinated reader.>

Lucky Eddie said:
....The REAL story is FAR more interesting!

We MUST come to understand and read between the lines of what today is presented as "fact" by the vatican.

It is VERY simple.

The Prieure de sion (Priory of Zion) exist to preserve a titular bloodline - that of Christ himself.

Yes Christ was crucified and died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected.

Did he have a bloodline that survived him, a pregnant "wife" maybe?.......

You started out on the right track, Lucky, but you've ingested the same Koolade which has kept 'christians' in the dark since day one of the latest 'religion'. You're swallowing the 'fact' that there was a godman named Jesus who personally is the one and only salvation of the human race. There is no evidence of an historical Jesus, but there is plenty to demonstrate that the 'life of Jesus' as described in the gospels is merely an allegory to describe a year in the cycle of the sun. That's right, the sun - the life force of our world. There's nothing new about this - all 'religions' prior to 'christianity' used the same tactic, only the godmens' name changed with the times. Otherwise the legends have been the same (virgin birth, crucifixion, death, resurrection, etc). There's plenty of evidence that demonstrates this fact for those who are interested.

The Church of Rome invented the godman Jesus as a way to subjegate the 'pagens' under their new political/religious scam. The plan obviously worked well. For 2000 years the Church has run a guilt/fear trip against the 'sinners' of the world and become one of the wealthiest and most influential organizations on the planet, while the 'righteous' pay their tithes and await their godman to return. Any day now.

Currently, as you've pointed out, we have the Priory bloodline legend, another political lie which will validate the next big power grab in the world arena. I wonder if the Rothchild family has the proper pedigree. The flock will swallow this scam just like they did the last one.

That's not to say there is not a 'christian' or unique spiritual aspect to the human race on an unfathomable fundamental level. It doesn't appear to be in the cards for us to understand it, however. That's why the power people have always put a human face on the idea (Jesus the latest 'savior'). It's something the masses can grasp. And, hey, if the power people can extract tribute and obedience from the sheeple for their benefit, well ... it's the spoils of being elite.

Only when we have an understanding of the original scam can we begin to try to sort out and understand the money/power aspect of the key players in this drama. It's a small club and we're not members.

The templars "sign" was the beausant - the skull crossbones.

It flew on their ships that went to both America and to Scotland to fight with Robert the Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn and gave the poms a hiding!

You will find Templar gravestones bearing the beausant (skull & cross bones) engravings at the graveyard at the remains of Rosslyn Castle (not Rosslyn Chappel).

Within RosslyChappel - if you knew the secret of the masons with their square and compasses - you could find the center of a circle.

In Rosslyn as in the Herodian temple, the "pillars" of the building - are the distance markers for setting out a mogen david (So called six pointed star of bethlehem) or two equilatteral triangles pone pointing up and one pointing down representing the truism "as above so below".

(My Father was a master mason and regustered builder all his adult life). I learned what i know from him in partnership for 20 years).

By using the pillars of rosslyn chappel to create the mogen david - one can then scribe a circle around it's 6 points, and using square and compass derive the center.

When one does, and looks up at the ceiling from that point - one will see a keystone in the arch that includes a downward pointing "plumb bob" in stone.

Around this fixture can be applied a slip knot within doubled rope allowing that stringest point of the corbelled arch, to be used as a lifting point - for the keystone within the floor - hiding the entrance too the vault below containing knights templar buried lieing in state in their armor AND - the templar treasures spirited away from French King Phillipe IV "the fair" before 1307 when he issued orders to hold all Templars for trial by the inquisition - that they obtained in the Holy land by excavating under the remains of solomons temples horse stables.

These were in the languedoc (France around Rennes Le Chateaux) accounting for the graile romances and tales of treasure in that area, involving barringer sauniere et al.

Freemasons have there secret rituals for entered apprentice and 2nd 3rd degree masons etc which preserve bye rote learning the traditions of the Templars and their excavation under Solomons temple and the finding of the scrolls and temple treasure etc - yet few of them actually know how it applied to the secret vaults within (under) Solomons temple, AND the duplicate facility built at Rosslyn by Sinclaire that remain to this day.

Read the books - Holy Blood and the holy grail etc and you too can understand all things things in detail.

I hope my postings have helped some to understand what its all about!

Theres a LOT more to it - the temple building secrets go back to Moses and his earning of them while being raised a Egyptian - they go back to the Egyptian Temple Builders Hiram Abiff.

This sacred knowledge came down to the Jews via Moses from the Egyptian Temple Builders.

Regarding the cross - yes it had significance in the day of Jesus when he was crucified BUt it wasnt a "t" cross at that point in time - i was a tau cross "T".

The templar use of it was as a back staff for calculating lattitude while sailing in their vessels - the precursor to the Quadrant and later sextant for determining lattitude.


I live in Casa Grande and been for 25 years. Where if u don't mind me asking is this 13th century stone house at? Thanks and hope u have the time to answer.

Casa Grande Arizona, the 13th century stone House was a Knights Templar structure

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