what are these from ( SOLVED!)


Silver Member
May 27, 2008
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Golden Thread
S.E. Michigan
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Etrac, Explorer XS II, Fisher 1266-X
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These things (caps?) are found all over the place here in Michigan. Anytime you find one, keep hunting that park or field or island. Something was going on at least 100 or more years ago. They are made of aluminum, most are 1/2 inch diameter on the open end, if not smashed, they are 1/4 inch tall, the look like large caliber thin aluminum pellets, we also thought opium bottle caps, some of these are 3/4 inch in diameter, and have a rubber seal around the narrow waist part of them. We have searched available patent materials and pictures, typed in all kinds of "key words" and still can't figure out what they are. Many kudo's to whoever can find anything about these things......... notgittinenny


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    what are these from.webp
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Re: what are these from

BUMP! Still need answers, have not found out anything more on these things.........NGE

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Re: what are these from

I'd go back to a spot where a bunch of them turned up and dig around, if they are caps, it would seem possible the container might be there still also, unless of course it was tin or cardboard.

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Re: what are these from

BUMP! Bringing this back up, 'cause we have a bunch of new people in here, and figured that they may have some more insight as to what these are.......NGE

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Re: what are these from

They remind me of the caps from minature bottles of booze, although way before the screwcap era like todays. Those would have been popular in picnic areas/carnival sites, drunk by teens and hobo's at night maybe?
Failing this i'll go with the axle/nut covers from old bikes, pedal cars, toys etc....as Monty said in one of the first posts. :dontknow:

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Re: what are these from

animal medicene bottles -- glass bottles with rubber seals with metal top covers --(those are the metal top cover seals) you shoot the animals with medicenes * like ( dewormers and antibotics) and "liquid" vitamans and such .-- that explains why you found them at a place with "only" * horsey rides" and also found them at places with multi other stuff (the other place had other stuff :wink: :icon_thumleft: as well as animals*)

the animals tire --like non stop horsey rides --so they give them a B -12 pep shot to boost their energy level.

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Re: what are these from

Medicine bottle caps..


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Re: what are these from

yep just like that one . --fine exsample --some of the real old carny types also sold various "snake oil" self made medicenes that were basically mostly alcohol with herbs or flavorings in it. :wink: in dry counties and no alcohol places therse "medicenes" were often very uh "popular" --they would sell the bottle to a person who would drink it "on the spot" and the carny would retake the bottle & later on refill and recap it --the metal cap seal was vital to making the customer think the item was legit made --rather than the bathtub rot gut stuff it really was.

carny's themselves were often known to drink & used drugs quite a bit.

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Re: what are these from


They look like the Aluminium caps from Penecilin bottles/tubes :P



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Re: what are these from

animals often need antibotic and vitaman shots * carny animals undergo a lot of stress --just like a human worker would if he was working long hours * so they shoot them up with antibotics and "liquid" vitamans to try to keep them healthy .

old carnys (pre food and drug act in 1933) used to sell various self made "feel good exlier'- home made meds that were for the most part alcohol and herbs and flavorings (some had other narcotic type ingredents in them as well)

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Re: what are these from

Silver Searcher said:

They look like the Aluminium caps from Penecilin bottles/tubes :P


good one or seen firework pieces just like it

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Re: what are these from

I used to play with those mini, one use vaccine bottles when I was very young. Can't imagine. But the caps were donut shaped with a fairly thick rubber sealer under it that allowed the needle to go through to draw the vaccine. THis was in 1955 or so. I don't know what the bottles are, from SS, but perhaps the center lifts off to expose the membrane to put the needle through. But the subject things do not seem to be the same thing as my vaccine bottle, not even close. Interesting that they are found all over. Bottle caps and wheel holders look like the obvious, but I vote a no go.

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Re: what are these from

High Plains Digger said:
I used to play with those mini, one use vaccine bottles when I was very young. Can't imagine. But the caps were donut shaped with a fairly thick rubber sealer under it that allowed the needle to go through to draw the vaccine. THis was in 1955 or so. I don't know what the bottles are, from SS, but perhaps the center lifts off to expose the membrane to put the needle through. But the subject things do not seem to be the same thing as my vaccine bottle, not even close. Interesting that they are found all over. Bottle caps and wheel holders look like the obvious, but I vote a no go.
I agree. You cannot stick a needle through these caps.

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Re: what are these from

I think those caps were used on the ends of big sausage roles back in the 1950's or 60's. It crimped the bottom of the bag or what ever they used at that time. They were over a foot long and as round as sandwich meat.

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Re: what are these from

bigcypresshunter said:
High Plains Digger said:
I used to play with those mini, one use vaccine bottles when I was very young. Can't imagine. But the caps were donut shaped with a fairly thick rubber sealer under it that allowed the needle to go through to draw the vaccine. THis was in 1955 or so. I don't know what the bottles are, from SS, but perhaps the center lifts off to expose the membrane to put the needle through. But the subject things do not seem to be the same thing as my vaccine bottle, not even close. Interesting that they are found all over. Bottle caps and wheel holders look like the obvious, but I vote a no go.
I agree. You cannot stick a needle through these caps. Why would you need to stick a needle in a laxative compound bottle?

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Re: what are these from

These are mostly found where an old amusement or carnival grounds were once at = Snake oil


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Re: what are these from

bigcypresshunter said:
High Plains Digger said:
I used to play with those mini, one use vaccine bottles when I was very young. Can't imagine. But the caps were donut shaped with a fairly thick rubber sealer under it that allowed the needle to go through to draw the vaccine. THis was in 1955 or so. I don't know what the bottles are, from SS, but perhaps the center lifts off to expose the membrane to put the needle through. But the subject things do not seem to be the same thing as my vaccine bottle, not even close. Interesting that they are found all over. Bottle caps and wheel holders look like the obvious, but I vote a no go.
I agree. You cannot stick a needle through these caps.
Why would you need to stick a needle in a laxative compound bottle?
We are referring to the vaccine type bottles posted by SS.

Bottlecap is a good idea relicdude but do you have a better picture? Except for the possibility of one, the laxative bottles you posted are either screw cap or corktop. Do you have a laxative bottle that matches the OPs find? What is the outside rubber for? Also they are kinda small for laxative. I stated earlier that I thought they were tiny opiums but its seems unlikely if so many were scattered throughout the park and it doesnt explain the unusual outside rubber ring. :dontknow:.


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Re: what are these from

Since the items are smaller than a dime, and so many were found, could they just be caps for roofing nails? Do you remember finding any nails? Can you put a nail head inside one? Can we get some more pics?

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Re: what are these from

With the rubber on the outside of these things, they were obviously plugs. Also, apparently very common.

This is purely a guess because I have nothing whatsoever to back it up, but could they be plugs from CO2 tanks used to make soda fountain drinks?

As usual, just guessing... :dontknow:


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Re: what are these from

How many different sizes do you have? Can you put the different sizes in the same pic?
Are they all flared/mushroomed on one side?

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