i guarantee i could have gotten in there and filled my backpack without getting caught

...i've thought about this for a long time about why waltz never went to the mine but only a few times..i keep coming up with the fact that he never had a mine...if he did he would have made regular trips in and he would have had alot more gold than he had when he died....if he was high grading he more than likely didn't go in the mine and actually break the ore from the walls....if i had to guess i'd say he stole it from the stock pile that was already mined and headed to the mill...he probably only hit it once and took as much as he could....stashed what he could in the mountains and hauled what he could home...as i told you in our conversation it happened to me on my claim.....i had ore stockpiled and left it at the mine...it wasn't there when i came back

...on that same claim back in the 70's they hit a pocket that ran 25 opt.....they had 4 55 gallon barrels full of the ore...the geologist they hired absconded with all 4 barrels....alot more gold is stolen than mined sometimes
What you might do, does not mean someone else would do same thing.
Waltz gave account of why he didn’t go to his mine much.
In today’s terms, 50 pounds of high graded ore, that came from ground... more gold than quartz.
Is ~ a million dollars.
And I reread Bicknell 1895 article.... 6 Mexicans.... first 2 were working above ground breaking rock. ... naked. Waltz and Weiser thought they were Indians, and decided to shoot them.
Then 2 more popped up out of the mine shaft ... then 2 more. 6 in all.
Upon examining bodies, Waltz and Weiser were terrified , because they were Mexicans, not Indian..... the situation was now murder. (I guess if it were Indians..... then not murder).
They, Waltz and Weiser, decided to ........
It’s a very good article.
The accounts explain the actions.
You keep saying he stole it maybe....
You thought 2 Mexicans.... maybe you should reread that article also ... it’s a great refresher.
Also much more believable, than the colorful death bed story from the Holmes Manuscript.
We weren’t there, so we sift through things.
Waltz didn’t need to steal any gold.
And if someone finds the shaft mine the Mexicans might still be in it.
Bones, bullets and all.
And if there are about 6 or so bullets in bottom with bones, and are from 2 different caliber rifles,
One caliber a 45/70, and the other different.
That would not be proof, but it would be a very strong indication that the Bicknell account is pretty good.
Just have to see what’s in bottom of shaft.
Waltz and Weiser were working the shaft mine, Rose Quartz, when discovered an outcropping of white quartz, that was more gold than quartz.
So they put the 6 mexican’s bodies down the shaft mine, and worked the outcropping (LDM)
Both mines are gold mines.
I think the account may actually be true.