we got judges/need contestants/jerky contest


  • 1.webp
    8.5 KB · Views: 488
ok,i guess we're all set,BUT we gotta figure out what kind.meat is meat whether its venison or beef(i know not really)so we have to figure what kind(peppered,hot,terriaki or whatever)we shpould be sending the same kind just so the judges don't say this is great for peppered but the venison hot is just as good.what say we decide on two kinds(i know you guys do terriaki,i usually don't,but i will)normally i do peppered and HOT

Are you saying we have to make it with two different meats (venison and beef) or two different tastes of jerky ??? I'm planning on making venison terriaki ( ???spelling) if I can find my recipe and the spices that Civil has hidden from me :'(, LOL. When are we mailing?

Judges....please send addresses....can't mail anything until we get those...

Ok, some things came up and need to extend mail date by 1 week by 2-11-08, any objections?

Finally got my batches marinating....Civil was so sweet and cut up all the meat while Little man and I were at Church this morning. He was also nice enough to use all the spices....LOL :'( It got a little congested in the kitchen this morning. Had very little soy sauce, so could only make a half batch of Teriyaki.... :( I am trying a new jerky, took a little of this and that and came up with a new one..it's a hot one....hope it works...now I just have to watch the fridge to make sure Civil isn't sabotaging anything, gonna be a long evening...LOL....wait....I hear the fridge opening :o.....gotta run.

No problem here with the extension.just remember the hardtack... LoL ;D

Since when did Walmart change it's name to Church.....Gotta Run :o

civilman1 said:
.....Gotta Run :o

Awe ...now that is just not write... :D :D LMAO....Remember, God don't like ugly! Gee I think I need to go check on the jerky, who knows what ingredients may find their way into YOUR marinade, I think you better run ..... ;)

It's "right" not "write"...... :-*

you guys are too funny,out by the end of the week?

civilman1 said:
It's "right" not "write"...... :-*

Ok - Mr. Smarty Pants......who is in the kitchen with the dehydrator, not you,,,,,better run.. :-*

I don't think so "homey" :-* .....Gotta "definetley" run....

TreasureTales said:
Dear MiniMe and Civilman1 - please try to get along long enough to finish the jerky. My taste buds are patiently waiting. ;)

You two are a real hoot.
Everything is right on schedule.....They will be ready for the weekend.

Everything is Great TT.....Can't Wait!!

LMAO now I know why you came running up the stairs :D :D Made ya think didn't I. Nope no poison TT, just maybe a little pepper here ::), a little vinegar there ::), some hot sauce might work ;D......Civil is definitely getting his exercise tonight running up and down those stairs....LOL

oh yeah..............ITS ON!good luck on second and third places guys

ready waiting and hungry ;)

Waiting in anticipation

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