WoooHoooo...I won, I won, I won....
TreasureTales said:
You crack me up TT.
freeze12 said:
Congratulations to all as the Jerky was excellent. MiniMe...Congratulations for being the top winner!!
MiniMe...Your Jerky was VERY moist,I liked the way You cut the Jerky & the sweet sauce You used is excellent!!
If You ever make any more & would like to sell Me some... please remember Me. :P
I have to admit...Civilman cut all the meat up, we divided what venison we had (and it was ALL venison - no beef) and then we made our own batch of marinades...What is kinda funny about this is the one that I won with...I had never made before

, didn't have a recipe for it, just started throwing a little of this and that together, tasted it and then added what I thought it needed. LOL

As soon as Civil tasted a sample, he said....you didn't write it down did you.

and I didn't....I'm famous for doing that, but I'm sure I can do it again.
Next batch goes to Gypsy for handling all of this for us....Thank you
Very happy to win

...thank you very much and glad you liked it. Congrats to Civil for 2nd..he taught me everything I know about jerky..at least the house has it!

Thanks for the Contest Bomber and congratulations on third place, all jerky is good.