So far only 3 contestants: Minime, Civilman and Bomber......Who else would like to loose 

MiniMe said:Is that all the jerky makers Tnet's got? It can be any type of jerky, made with your choice of meat. Don't forget - today's the last day to enter in the contest. If you think you've got a great jerky recipe and would like to enter, post your name here today. Good luck.
civilman1 said:Good Luck Momma,bomber.....gonna be some "nudging" in this household kitchen...Judge's...You won't be dissapointed......Happy Chewing!!!
bomber said:drink enough so your not sure if its shoe leather or jerky(like theres a difference)
bomber said:oh yeah,oh yeah,i'm ready ..........to the judges,how do you prepare for the contest?beer before or after?breaks in between samples?drink enough so your not sure if its shoe leather or jerky(like theres a difference)