Well, Sis, starting a dedicated thread to the subject of spirits would probably bring out the rubber room folks. LOL This forum once had a section entitled The Rubber Room, where separate subtitles were, Religion and Politics. You can imagine the kind of hot "debates" that grew in those threads. LOL I got a lot of pleasure pointing out the 21st century evidence of Intelligent Design which is the root of what many of us call "Creation". There was one member who told me that I was going to Hell if I didn't convert to Catholicism and have a Priest save my soul. THAT one is the one that really got my goat. I wrote that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ told me what I should do if I wanted salvation and it did NOT include the Catholic Church. Man, that self proclaimed Jesuit turned purple, I think. LOL Anyway, I've mellowed a little since then.
The old TN owner removed it and then re-installed that section a couple of times, the permanently took it down. I haven't even checked to see if the new owner has brought it back. The atheists were a Lot of fun, too. They just could not counter the science questions and findings that I'd put up.
If you want to read some very interesting scientific evidences that support Intelligent Design, check out this website:
Creation Evidence Museum of Texas Online - General Information
The menu on the left side of the homepage has links to the different major topics. One of those topics is Scientific Evidence for Creation. Dr. Baugh once had a weekly, 30 minute program on the Angel Network, entitled Creation in the 21st Century, that was truly eye opening.
Mainly, now I just try not to side track other folks' threads and postings by writing "books" on this subject whenever the opportunity comes up. I wish to apologize to you and the other posters on this thread for going so far off the original subject you were posting about. I will give my full attention to keeping things SHORTER from now on.