Watch this space?

Customs records in England can be scarce after many being fried.
Ship passenger manifests records seldom mention cargo but could they list loss of said passengers and ship?
Individual ports of departure may hold clues.
Treasury records might support records that customs lost. They covered more than money at one time...
Insurance companies, salvage attempts of the past..
Private journals of captains perhaps..
C,mon ARRC, wipe off your keyboard and send SADS a list.

Customs records in England can be scarce after many being fried.
Ship passenger manifests records seldom mention cargo but could they list loss of said passengers and ship?
Individual ports of departure may hold clues.
Treasury records might support records that customs lost. They covered more than money at one time...
Insurance companies, salvage attempts of the past..
Private journals of captains perhaps..
C,mon ARRC, wipe off your keyboard and send SADS a list.

Your in the wrong century for me :P

a great exsample of how the English kept "secrets" -- on Oct 24. of 1715 in a PS at the bottom of a letter --the English Govenor of Virginia (Alexander Spotswood) wrote to the British home sec. ( lord Stanhope) that info had came to him about the 1715 fleet wrecking * and that a vessel (barcalonga) had been sent from Havana , Cuba to the fleet wrecksite area to recover VIPS and TREASURE , and that it had wrecked about 40 miles north of St Augustine.. Spotswood was asking Stanhope if he could get the "royal" ok for Spotswood to attempt to loot the wreck site which was clearly in Spanish waters (Nassau sound off Amelia Island Florida) -- the king basically said --not at this time, we will get florida from span and then we'll go after it mark the wreck site carefully on a map but do not disclose what it is (the king thought that florida would soon be british --a event that did not occur until 1763 * 48 years later when all involved were long dead --but the map "shipwreck" mark remained * and when in 1763 the English finally got florida as theirs --lord Egmont was given Amelia Island ---he sent Capt William Fuller to map out --his island and the surrounding waters * and he Nov of 1769 "plan of Amelia Island was made * worth noting is that only 1 "shipwreck" is noted on this "plan" its in Nassau sound and must have sank before before Nov of 1769 to be on the map -- when up dating the old british maps of the area --capt fuller simply "transferred" the "secret" wreck that was simply marked on the past map of the area as a "shipwreck" --he of course had no clue it was a treasure wreck as all who knew what the "shipwreck" mark on the old maps really meant were now dead of old age or disease..,

this of course is "my wreck" in Nassau sound that the state of florida will not give permits to harvest ..

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ahhhh thank god...
I don't have to go.

guy already sold it... heh
And I told him last night... better call early.
Boats don't last long at good price here...

Arrrggg mateys ? still here ?

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Archie, did you see my PM?

Ivan my wife and I adopted an ex Catholic nun here, I'll get on it

I was gonna make a "joke" about this... but... I do not like burning.

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I promise you Archie, Maria is the very last ex nun you would want on your case, I ask her everything very nicely.

Maria is gonna fix the weather in UK for me, she knows people....

the bland food and lousy weather in jolly ole England is why Englishmen went out to explore the world --spicy food , warm weather and hot blooded foreign gals ..

Ivan that is a very nasty, inappropriate, unfair, caustic and possibly racist comment.

The fact that it is true is irrelevant to all us Brits that have to put up with the crappy food and sometimes cold women I dun it!!


Yum yum!!

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Arrrg my stomach hurts just looking at that...
minus the mushrooms...
I would go for it...
EXCept.... for the "hockey puck" looking items... what are those ?

Frank and beans.... franknbeans ...look good

IS that an egg ?

Black pudding or blood was an egg once, hence Ivan's post


Arrrgg... tell the waitress with the bell to cancel my order of blood sausage. :P

Looks like a bad turd :P

Just give a plate of fanknbeans... with side of over medium eggs...
Rye toast... lightly buttered...
Hash browns...
Coffee with MILK and sugar.

Looks like a bad turd :P

Just give a plate of fanknbeans... with side of over medium eggs...
Rye toast... lightly buttered...
Hash browns...
Coffee with MILK and sugar.

Lol!!! Black turd!!
I think I just spewed out my coffee! The bell waitress ain't gonna be happy with me!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I really do not know about that "blood sausage"... heh

There is really something wrong with a food that looks like what it does when it "comes out"... BEFORE it goes in :P

I really do not know about that "blood sausage"... heh

There is really something wrong with a food that looks like what it does when it "comes out"... BEFORE it goes in :P

Ahh man, I just got that spewed coffee mopped up and I went and done it again!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Sheesh .... if it looks like that going in... I wonder wht it looks like when it comes out... NO PHOTO SADS ! please.

Sheesh .... if it looks like that going in... I wonder wht it looks like when it comes out... NO PHOTO SADS ! please.

I just wonder how long it takes to wipe up! Lol!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


I just realized......
This THREAD has "sunk" to a new level :P

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Lets go back to funky women...

I am gonna have sausage nightmares... arrg that di not sound right.

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