Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
L. C., i believe that you believe you can get the information out and make folks understand, BUT, just don't forget what the college professors in this country have done to the minds of the students, plus, it starts in the grade schools with
misdirection, misinformation, and it is hard to change some minds. As for me i would love to know the full truth.
For instance, look how the kkk tried to cause folks to believe what the commies were doing. i heard that the guy that had a dream was a card totin' commie but folks did'nt believe that either. i hope the best of luck to you on the trip, and i hope many, many will understand how they have been run over with the college professors etc.,etc.
Thanks Reb, easy to forget, right?![]()
Well, this IS a TREASURE-HUNTING web-site...
To ME... DOESN'T matter; it is DONE! MORE interested in KGC/CSA/OAK TREASURE SITES. MOST of it seem to be in Fla. & points WEST along La., Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California along the "border" with MEXICO; started by CONFEDERADOS speaking/using SPANISH-related "measures" to "hide" assets of interest. The WESTWARD expansion gave PLENTY of "opportunities" post CONFEDERATE WAR, right on up to League of Nations; FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE (Native Americans) were NOT amused! (Singing...) "Johnny Yuma, was a BAD, BAD Man..." aka THE REBEL; fave TV show, when I was growing up... LOL!
...or the Hutter involvement and cadets and graduates of VMI,and the activity at Danville during April,1865.Judah P Benjamin didn't give his copy of Vattel's to E S Hutter on a whim."COME RETRIBUTION"WHO...? You DO have GREAT info; just need MORE KGC/CSA/OAK TREASURE-related stuff. So, tell me about "stuff" in Virginia...
...or the Hutter involvement and cadets and graduates of VMI,and the activity at Danville during April,1865.Judah P Benjamin didn't give his copy of Vattel's to E S Hutter on a whim."COME RETRIBUTION"
The activities that I speak of took place during the "reconstruction" after the Civil War had ended, and carried on from that point until at least 1902. The Knights maintained their position in the U.S. government throughout that entire period in history. Thanks, BAKER
I have to agree, knowing that Hutter tried to cover their butts:
"Major Hutter was in charge and there stored in the government warehouses. As soon as the rumor of the final surrender was partially verified, Major Hutter received orders to destroy all the archives and, there being imminent danger of an immediate Federal attack, he went at night with a small force of faithful soldiers, poured kerosene oil over the entire contents of the storehouses and complied to the letter with his orders to destroy everything that might embarrass the friends of the Confederacy in both America and Europe. It is said that this act of Major Hutter's was one of the most vital of the dying days of the war of secession as it completely prevented disclosures that might have caused international complications of tremendous magnitude."
Then there is CSA Gen Joe Shelby and his army in Mexico,offering mercenary service to Maxmillion,then returning to Texas with involvement with the Castles there,funded with Max's gold.... MORE interested in KGC/CSA/OAK TREASURE SITES. MOST of it seem to be in Fla. & points WEST along La., Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California along the "border" with MEXICO; started by CONFEDERADOS speaking/using SPANISH-related "measures" to "hide" assets of interest. The WESTWARD expansion gave PLENTY of "opportunities" post CONFEDERATE WAR...
Then there is CSA Gen Joe Shelby and his army in Mexico,offering mercenary service to Maxmillion,then returning to Texas with involvement with the Castles there,funded with Max's gold.
During the War,Shelby had many contacts with Quantrill's Raiders,including William Quantrill and Frank James in their skirmishes with the Jayhawkers and Red Legs.In 1867,Shelby served as a defense witness in the trial of Frank James.
John Newman Edwards,Shelby's adjutant during the War and during the Mexican adventure,moved back to Missouri,and became the editor of the KANSAS CITY TIMES.Edwards articles were pro ex-Confederates,and railed against the military Republican control in Missouri that let carpetbaggers seize land and the general oppression of Reconstruction tyranny.
Knowing both James brothers,he wrote articles defending their actions,stating that the James brothers were heroes,defending the rights of people against Republican impossed oppression.Edwards later wrote "NOTED GUERRILAS",a book defending the actions of Quantrill,Anderson,James,and Youngers.
It is not verified if his was a KGC member,but he had the contacts,and his newspaper articles supported their activities.