• YES

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From the book "Lincoln in the telegraph office: recollections of the United States Military Telegraph Corps during the civil war"
By David Homer Bates (1907) found at

Lincoln in the telegraph office: recollections of the United States Military ... - David Homer Bates - Google Books

The excerpt reads "In the waistcoat pocket of John Wilkes Booth, when his body was searched after he was shot, was found a copy of an alphabet square exactly like the one used by Johnston and other Southern generals, and another copy was found in his trunk at the National Hotel, Washington, where he last roomed before the tragedy. In my war diary is this entry: "

A copy of the cipher codex found both on Booth and in his trunk can be seen at:


The fonts are shown in the "Friedman Legacy" found at Friedman Legacy

The following exerpt describes their manufacter.

"Sooner or later a Confederate signal officer was bound to come up with a device to simplify enciphering operations, and a gadget devised by a Captain William N. Barker seemed to meet the need. In Myer’s Manual there is a picture of one form of the device, shown here in figure 65. I don’t think it was necessary to explain how it worked, for it is almost self-evident. Several of these devices were captured during the war, one of them being among the items in the NSA museum (fig. 66). This device was captured at Mobile in 1865. All it did was to mechanize, in a rather inefficient manner, the use of the Vigenère Cipher"

Fig. 65 is drawn at the top, fig. 66 is shown in the photo at the bottom.


"So very fragmentary was the amount of crypto-logic information known to the general public in these days that when there was found on John Wilkes Booth’s body a cipher square that was almost identical with the cipher square that had been mounted on the cipher reel found in Confederate secretary of state Judah P. Benjamin’s office in Richmond, the federal authorities in Washington attempted to prove that this necessarily meant the Confederate leaders were implicated in the plot to assassinate Lincoln and had been giving Booth instructions in cipher. Figure 67 is a picture of the cipher square found on Booth, and alsoin a trunk in his hotel room in Washington."

From the book "Lincoln in the telegraph office: recollections of the United States Military Telegraph Corps during the civil war"
By David Homer Bates (1907) found at

Lincoln in the telegraph office: recollections of the United States Military ... - David Homer Bates - Google Books

The excerpt reads "In the waistcoat pocket of John Wilkes Booth, when his body was searched after he was shot, was found a copy of an alphabet square exactly like the one used by Johnston and other Southern generals, and another copy was found in his trunk at the National Hotel, Washington, where he last roomed before the tragedy. In my war diary is this entry: "

A copy of the cipher codex found both on Booth and in his trunk can be seen at:


The fonts are shown in the "Friedman Legacy" found at Friedman Legacy

The following exerpt describes their manufacter.

"Sooner or later a Confederate signal officer was bound to come up with a device to simplify enciphering operations, and a gadget devised by a Captain William N. Barker seemed to meet the need. In Myer’s Manual there is a picture of one form of the device, shown here in figure 65. I don’t think it was necessary to explain how it worked, for it is almost self-evident. Several of these devices were captured during the war, one of them being among the items in the NSA museum (fig. 66). This device was captured at Mobile in 1865. All it did was to mechanize, in a rather inefficient manner, the use of the Vigenère Cipher"

Fig. 65 is drawn at the top, fig. 66 is shown in the photo at the bottom.


"So very fragmentary was the amount of crypto-logic information known to the general public in these days that when there was found on John Wilkes Booth’s body a cipher square that was almost identical with the cipher square that had been mounted on the cipher reel found in Confederate secretary of state Judah P. Benjamin’s office in Richmond, the federal authorities in Washington attempted to prove that this necessarily meant the Confederate leaders were implicated in the plot to assassinate Lincoln and had been giving Booth instructions in cipher. Figure 67 is a picture of the cipher square found on Booth, and alsoin a trunk in his hotel room in Washington."

Ok....but, what if the body in Garret's barn wasn't Booth? It would make perfect sense for the guilty parties involved to plant evidence that they had in their possession that would tie the body to Booth and the Confederacy. The thing about that is, the Confederacy was in shambles at that time and had been for a while, Davis and the gang were hauling @ss by then to save their own hides. The order to kill the president may have came from another source that has been overlooked for 150 years, and may have been only known about by Jefferson Davis Judah Benjamin and those directly involved *(including undercover copperheads).

Think about it. L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

John Wilkes Booth healed up and was cared for by Indians in Oklahoma/ Indian Territory. Makes perfect sense, there were no white men in the Indian territory to speak of, and not very darn many law men. Booth was K.G.C., and it is well known that Indians and the K.G.C. were quite fond of each other. It is highly likely that the Indians that cared for Booth may have not known about Lincoln's assassin and only accepted him as a friend of the Indian nation.


John Wilkes Booth healed up and was cared for by Indians in Oklahoma/ Indian Territory. Makes perfect sense, there were no white men in the Indian territory to speak of, and not very darn many law men. Booth was K.G.C., and it is well known that Indians and the K.G.C. were quite fond of each other. It is highly likely that the Indians that cared for Booth may have not known about Lincoln's assassin and only accepted him as a friend of the Indian nation.

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Well Alfred Hitchcock could not have told a stranger story but we've been told that in Enid, Oklahoma, the ghost of John Wilkes Booth finally met his match at the hands of a walking, talking ghost of Jesse James and non other than Wild Bill Lincoln, a distant cousin of Abe. It also seems that Boston Corbett made his way to Enid, Oklahoma (perhaps to kill Booth again?) and according to local folklore Corbett is buried somewhere in an unmarked grave in Enid.
The Indian Nations were also the home of Freemason and Knights of the Golden Circle leader, Brigadier General Stand Watie. Who was no doubt very familiar with General Albert Pike who also saw the ghost of Booth in Fort Worth, Texas.

"The Indian Nations were also the home of Freemason and Knights of the Golden Circle leader, Brigadier General Stand Watie. Who was no doubt very familiar with General Albert Pike who also saw the ghost of Booth in Fort Worth, Texas."

Don't you find it funny that the former chief John Ross, before was a Union Supporter.....and even stranger, is the fact Ross was captured by Union forces.

"During the American Civil War and soon after, Watie served as Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation (1862–1866). By then, the majority of the tribe supported the Confederacy. A minority supported the Union and refused to ratify his election. The former chief John Ross, a Union supporter, was captured in 1862 by Union forces."

Truth about the Lincoln assassination slowly emerges
April 14, 2014

A year from today, on April 14, 2015, we will mark the 150th anniversary of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln at the hands of actor John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln died the next morning). Conventional wisdom has held that Booth and a small group of thuggish accomplices committed this heinous act (and the attempt to kill Secretary of State William H. Seward) alone.
But evidence is slowly emerging that the “decapitation” plot and its execution came at the behest of a much larger, more organized cabal, the Knights of the Golden Circle.
Few Americans have ever heard of the KGC, the subversive Confederate underground that operated with paramilitary cells in both the North and South. To point a finger at them now sounds like a conspiracy theory. But, the fact is, the U.S. government — specifically the War Department’s office of the Judge Advocate General — itself had been hot on the heels of the KGC during the war, and every captured “conspirator” in the Lincoln assassination trials was questioned intensively by the Bureau of Military Justice about involvement in the secret society.
So why did the KGC fall off the radar screen? There are no easy answers, but a bigger truth is worth exploring: Was Booth a hired gun, a paid assassin, a passionate card-holding member of the “terrorist,” well-financed KGC that put him up to the task?
The answer is a qualified “yes.” Yes, Booth almost certainly was a member of the KGC, inducted via its Baltimore “castle,” or secret lodge, at the beginning of the war. And yes, Booth was almost certainly put up to the assassination by the sub-rosa organization’s higher-ups (some of whom may have been “insiders” within the Lincoln administration itself). When dealing with the machinations of a secret society whose members were sworn to blood oaths of silence, coming up with incontrovertible “conclusive” evidence is near impossible.
My years of research in co-writing an investigative book on the KGC, “Rebel Gold,” and the independent research undertaken by author David C. Keehn in his recently published book, “Knights of the Golden Circle,” have revealed a tantalizing trail of evidence for the KSG’s role in the assassination. As disclosed in “Rebel Gold,” the KGC did not fade away after the defeats at Gettysburg and Vicksburg, as established history would have us believe, but rather went underground and prepared, through the secret hoarding of treasure and munitions, for a potential second Civil War, the expansion of a slave empire into South and Central America, and the elimination of the South’s most formidable foe — Abraham Lincoln.
How chilling is it that an anonymous author, in publishing his “Authentic Exposition of the KGC, Knights of the Golden Circle,” in 1861, had this to say:
“Members of the Inner Temple of the Knights of the Golden Circle are to be scattered all through Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia and Maryland, for the purpose of harassing and injuring the friends and soldiers of the Union in every way they can. If they can use poison successfully, they will do it, . . . if they can, by false statements, so direct the movements of the United States troops as to cause them loss or defeat, they will do that. . . . But one thing above all others, some of them is to distinguish himself for — if he can, that is — the assassination of the ‘Abolition’ President.”
To be sure, Lincoln was warned of the dire threat to the nation posed by the KGC in various letters. Yet, he never bothered to ramp-up his personal security detail while prosecuting the war to a successful conclusion in that fateful spring of 1865.
Here are some established markers that point to the KGC:
•Michael O’Laughlen, a childhood friend of Booth from Baltimore and one of the eight co-conspirators on trial for the assassination, confessed to his membership in the KGC.
•Col. Henry Burnett, the officer put in charge of the assassination investigation, discovered at the outset of the probe “the footprints of the old Order of the Knights of the Golden Circle crossing my paths in all directions . . . [T]here is reason to believe that many, if not all, the persons connected with the late assassination of the President were members.”
•Booth traveled to and from Montreal, where high-ranking KGC officials operated and dispensed funds for covert operations in gold and cash.
•The KGC also was planning Booth’s escape across the Potomac into Virginia.
Perhaps the Confederate secret service and even Confederate President Jefferson Davis were behind the plot. The KGC, if it provided the hidden hand and gold financing, would provide plausible deniability to Davis.
There is much more to investigate and explore, such as the role, if any, played by Vice President Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, as we approach this important milestone in U.S. history.

Warren Getler, a former reporter for The Wall Street Journal, The International Herald Tribune and Bloomberg News, is co-author of “Rebel Gold: One Man’s Quest to Crack the Code: Behind the Secret Treasure of the Confederacy” (Simon & Schuster, 2003).

Warren Getler: Truth about the Lincoln assassination slowly emerges | Opinion - Rhode Islanders speak out on issues | Providence Journal

Thanks for posting that ccalco it makes me feel good to know that such an important man is looking into the assassination. I can't wait until men like him find out the true identity of the unnamed. It is men like Warren and those others like him that will fill in the gaps and discover untold truths yet to be discovered, once I release what I know to the public. I am truly excited to feed them the truth that we know and let them run with it!!!

Thanks for the post, L.C.

149 years and counting........the assassins remain free with untarnished records......but they are all dead.

coincidence? or fact?

April 15, 1865, Washington, D.C.
Abraham Lincoln, Assassinated (died)

The president was shot by John Wilkes Booth on April the 14th which was on "GOOD FRIDAY" and just five days after the commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, General Robert E. Lee, had surrendered to Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant and the Union Army of the Potomac.
The Jewish people celebrate Passover (GOOD FRIDAY) as a commemoration of their liberation over 3,300 years ago by God from slavery in ancient Egypt that was ruled by the Pharaohs, and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses. It commemorates the story of the Exodus as described in the Hebrew Bible especially in the Book of Exodus, in which the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt.
The Knights of the Golden Circle along with their "Copperhead Supporters" believed that Abraham Lincoln was a "Tyrant"
and were boisterous in making that claim, sometimes referring to him as "KING ABRAHAM". John Wilkes Booth even shouted it from the stage at Ford's Theater the night he shot Lincoln "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!".... Sic semper tyrannis is a Latin phrase meaning "thus always to tyrants."

Good Friday: Based on the details of the Canonical gospels, the Crucifixion of Jesus was most likely to have been on a Friday (the day before the Sabbath) (John 19:42).The estimated year of the Crucifixion is AD 33, by two different groups, and originally as AD 34 by Isaac Newton via the differences between the Biblical and Julian calendars and the crescent of the moon. A third method, using a completely different astronomical approach based on a lunar Crucifixion darkness and eclipse model (consistent with Apostle Peter's reference to a "moon of blood" in Acts 2:20), points to Friday, 3 April AD 33.

21 Take heed of him, and hearken unto his voice; be not rebellious against him; for he will not pardon your transgression; for My name is in him.

22 But if thou shalt indeed hearken unto his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.

23 For Mine angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Canaanite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite; and I will cut them off.

Amorite: They were one of the instruments of the downfall of the Sumerian Third Dynasty of Ur, and Amorite dynasts established independent city-states that next vied for power, particularly Isin, Larsa and Kish among others, culminating in the triumph under Hammurabi of one of them, Babylon.

Hittite: As archaeological discoveries revealed the scale of the Hittite kingdom in the second half of the 19th Century, Archibald Henry Sayce postulated, rather than to be compared to Judah, the Anatolian civilization "[was] worthy of comparison to the divided Kingdom of Egypt", and was "infinitely more powerful than that of Judah". Sayce and other scholars also mention that Judah and the Hittites were never enemies in the Hebrew texts; in the Book of Kings, they supplied the Israelites with cedar, chariots, and horses, as well as being a friend and allied to Abraham in the Book of Genesis.

Hivite: According to traditional Hebrew sources, the name "Hivites" is related to the Aramaic word "Khiv'va" (HVVA), meaning "snake" related to the word 'awwiah in Galilee meaning serpent, since they sniffed the ground like snakes looking for fertile land.
JoinorDieAmericasFirtCartoon1754grimm.webp Comes to mind......

Canaanite: Canaan and Canaanite people, a historical/Biblical region and people in the area of the present-day Israel, Lebanon and Palestinian territories

Jebusite: According to the Hebrew Bible, the Jebusites were a Canaanite tribe who inhabited and built Jerusalem prior to its conquest by King David. (he was the father of King Solomon, and his predecessor on the throne of Israel.) Adonizedek a Jebusite, led a coalition of five of the neighboring Amorite rulers (Hoham, king of Hebron; Piram, king of Jarmuth; Japhia, king of Lachish; and Debir, king of Eglon) in resisting the invasion, but the allies were defeated at Gibeon, and suffered at Beth-horon, not only from their pursuers, but also from a great hail storm. The five allied kings took refuge in a cave at Makkedah and were imprisoned there until after the battle, when Joshua commanded that they be brought before him; whereupon they were brought out, humiliated, and put to death.

Perizzite: The Perizzites are a group of people mentioned many times in the Bible as having lived in Canaan before the arrival of the Jews. The Bible mentions a specific group of people who lived in the Promised land for many generations, from the time of Abraham (Gen. 13:7)

24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their doings; but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and break in pieces their pillars.

25 And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.

26 None shall miscarry, nor be barren, in thy land; the number of thy days I will fulfill.

27 I will send My terror before thee, and will discomfit all the people to whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee.

28 And I will send the hornet before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee.

29 I will not drive them out from before thee in one year, lest the land become desolate, and the beasts of the field multiply against thee.

30 By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit the land.

31 And I will set thy border from the Red Sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness unto the River; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before thee.

32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.

33 They shall not dwell in thy land--lest they make thee sin against Me, for thou wilt serve their gods--for they will be a snare unto thee.

Are we to believe that this day was selected for the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln at random? Just by chance? A mere coincidence?

The month preceding the assassination was March....and on March 20th,1865 the Vernal Equinox took place.
From a Masonic perspective, we can equate this time of year, this equinox to the measuring of our point within a circle, the plumb line achieving that 0 center point in its swing up to its furthest reaches. Tradition tells us that the plumb measures our vertical, but when given motion, even something so slight as the earths rotation, it can also demonstrate the path of our circumference, our diameter, and our rotational motion around our axis (see Foucault’s Pendulum). As the plumb traces its circumference, in the space of the sphere, the plumb also orients back through the center of the circumference, when marking the furthest points of our radius.
In a more metaphysical aspect, the idea of the equinox could be viewed as a more than the transition point, but the idea of the position movement, the transition from one place to another, from one idea to another. And in an even more profound way, this can be seen as at once not being initiated, to being initiated encompassing the start of transition from one inner idea to another, the growing path of our thought and its sway of our own internal gravity. In this point of view, we can easily see the similarities to the ideas of alchemy and the changing of states.

In more traditional celebration, the Equinox is as much a means to reflect on our relative state as it is a means to celebrate our resurrection and means to create life (fertility). Following close behind the first day of spring is the celebration of Palm Sunday, Passover, and Easter, and in the months to come the celebrations of Beltaine, Walpurgis and Floralia, each of which from Pagan (Roman era) celebrations of the blossoming spring renewal and the return of the sun.

On March 17, 1865, Surratt and Booth, along with their comrades, waited in ambush for Lincoln's carriage to leave the Campbell General Hospital and return to Washington. Could they have been planning to make a deal for the release of the captured president on April the fourteenth or was it just a warm up exersize, a trial run to see if the assassins had the guts to do the deed when the time came? It was just three days before the Vernal Equinox.
Key government witness Louis Weichmann-- a boarder at Mary Surratt's and a friend of Booth, Powell, and other conspirators--testified that on March 27, 1865 John Surratt visited Richmond and conferred with Confederate Attorney General Judah Benjamin and President Jefferson Davis. Just seven days after the attempted kidnapping/ practice run.
Although the trial documents actually state that Surratt left Washington on the 25th of April and received a dispatch to be delivered to General Edwin Grey Lee (a cousin of Robert E. Lee) in Montreal Canada.
A witness swore that at sometime in March of 1865 Luis Powell appeared for the first time at Mary Surratt's Inn and asked for John Surratt. After talking to Mary he left for three weeks and reappeared on at the Surratt Inn and introduced himself as Luis Payne. Is it possible that all of these assassins were so active in March 1865 because they were being instructed to make preparations for the return of the rising sun and a new beginning as is signified by the crescent moon of the Vernal Equinox? Lets not forget the Masonic ties to the K.G.C. that have been proven.
Have you heard of the Paschal Triduum. It recalls the passion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, but could that have metaphorically reflected the passion, and death of Lincoln and the Union and the resurrection of the Confederacy to the K.G.C.?
On April 9th,1865, Virginia fell to the Union with the capture of Richmond and Petersburg.
April 13, 1865 Sherman's march through Georgia began. Sherman did not learn of Lee’s surrender at Appomattox Court House (April 9, 1865) until April 11.
The city of Washington celebrated on Thursday April 13, 1865 with a holiday for workers, parades, and marching bands. The night of April 13, 1865 was one of the most radiant any one in Washington could remember. With the agony of the Civil War drawing to a close, the city celebrated peace by draping itself in lights. Most houses and public buildings in Washington are illuminated by candles. Papers describe the city as "all ablaze with glory."
Maundy Thursday is the Christian feast, or holy day, falling on the Thursday before Easter. It commemorates the Maundy and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles as described in the Canonical gospels. It is the fifth day of Holy Week, and is preceded by Holy Wednesday and followed by Good Friday. Maundy Thursday initiates the Easter Triduum, the period which commemorates the passion, death, and resurrection.
The Freemasons have a special Maudy Thursday ritual for the Scottish rite. A Freemason Maundy Thursday ceremony of "extinguishing the lights" took place. The ceremony was held under the "auspices of Albert Pike chapter No. 9. Knights Rose Croix, A. and A. p. R. The ceremony of relighting the lights was observed at the Masonic temple Easter morning at 9 o'clock.

Is it just me or does this all seem to kind of reflect the truth of what took place on April 13th, 14th, and 15th of 1865? But before you jump to any conclusions read this post.


L.C. :icon_scratch:

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Abraham Lincoln's Last Day for a full itinerary,,,,,,,

Things that will become of importance to the guilty parties involved. Lincoln's last day as president went like this.
10:00 A.M.

Mr. Lincoln greeted more visitors. One of them was former New Hampshire Senator John P. Hale who had recently been appointed minister to Spain. (Hale's daughter, Lucy, was John Wilkes Booth's fiancée.) Mr. Lincoln then called for a messenger and requested that he go to Ford's Theatre and reserve the State Box for the evening's performance. He did not yet know General Grant intended to decline the invitation and leave Washington on a late afternoon train. The management of Ford's was elated when they heard the news of their special guests for Good Friday's Our American Cousin performance.

11:00 A.M.

The president began the scheduled meeting of his Cabinet. Stanton, as usual, arrived late. Grant was present at the meeting, and Lincoln was expecting important deliberations regarding reconstruction to occur. He admitted he was open to suggestions on this very complex matter. Lots of various ideas were proposed to begin the process of reconciliation between North and South. Also discussed was what to do with the leaders of the Confederacy. Lincoln spoke from the heart when he said, "... enough lives have been sacrificed."

12:00 Noon

The Cabinet meeting continued with more discussion of the process of putting the country on its feet again.

1:00 P.M.

Except for minor differences of opinion, the Cabinet seemed agreed that helping the South economically would also be beneficial to the North. At this point, the president asked General Grant to describe the details of General Lee's surrender. Vice-President Andrew Johnson arrived at the White House. With the Cabinet meeting still in progress, Johnson decided to take a walk and wait until Lincoln could see him.

2:00 P.M.

The Cabinet meeting ended. Grant got up from his chair and walked over to Mr. Lincoln. The general explained he and his wife would not be going to Ford's Theatre; rather they were taking the evening train out of Washington to visit their children. At about 2:20 Lincoln left the office for lunch with Mary. Although no record of the lunch time conversation exists, it's quite likely Abraham told Mary that the Grants would not be accompanying them to see Our American Cousin. Lincoln, back at work, studied some papers dealing with an army deserter. He signed a pardon, and made the remark, "Well, I think the boy can do us more good above ground than underground."

3:00 P.M.

Andrew Johnson and Mr. Lincoln met for approximately 20 minutes. Then the president met with a former slave named Nancy Bushrod. Her husband had served in the Union Army, but he was missing some paychecks. Lincoln promised to look into the matter. At the War Department, the Stantons decided to "send regrets" about attending Our American Cousin with the Lincolns that evening.

At 8:05 Lincoln's business with Ashmun was still unfinished, and he requested a return visit in the morning. Lincoln wrote out the last message of his life: "Allow Mr. Ashmun & friend to come in at 9:00 A.M. tomorrow." The note was signed "A. Lincoln, April 14, 1865."

Can anyone dispute these happenings as stated above? Is this accurate?

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John Wilkes Booth committed the premeditated murder of Abraham Lincoln on April 15th, 1865.
Eye witness reports stated that:
J.W.Booth then jumped aprox. 15 feet down onto the stage, and cried out "Sic semper tyrannis" suposedly breaking his leg after catching his spur on the balcony of the president's seating area and landing awkwardly on the stage.
Signs and symptoms of a broken leg may include:
Severe pain, which may worsen with movement (How fast could a man with a broken leg run?)
Inability to walk
Normally a broken leg is followed immediately by shock. The person feels faint or is breathing in short, rapid breaths,(would make it hard to shout anything except for sounds of agony) vomiting may also occur.
When the new Ford's Theatre opened in August 1863(after it had been burned), it had seating for 2,400 persons and was called a "magnificent new thespian temple"
At 10:00 A.M. on the morning of April 14th, 1865
Mr. Lincoln greeted more visitors. One of them was former New Hampshire Senator John P. Hale who had recently been appointed minister to Spain. (Hale's daughter, Lucy, was John Wilkes Booth's fiancee.) Mr. Lincoln then called for a messenger and requested that he go to Ford's Theatre and reserve the State Box for the evening's performance. He did not yet know General Grant intended to decline the invitation and leave Washington on a late afternoon train. The management of Ford's was elated when they heard the news of their special guests for Good Friday's Our American Cousin performance.
This took place aprox. 8-9 hours before the play started at Fords theatre......people spread the news of Lincoln's attendance for 8-9 hours. One can imagine the place was packed by that night with those wanting to be seen attending with the president or just wanting to see the president more than they wanted to see the play. Most likely there was probably standing room only that night
+/- 2,400 people. (and not a single one of them managed to tackle the assassin who jumped to the stage breaking his leg and then still manged to take the time to rise up brandishing a knife and shout "Sic Semper Tyrannis!" to the audience before running (Limping in pain??) of the stage and escaping out the back of the theatre to an awaiting horse being held for him.

Compairison#1 George Wallace....(attempted)assassin was immediately overcome and taken into custody by shocked crowd and body guards.)

Comarrison #2 Robert Kennedy Off stage in kitchen area...assassin captured with ease

Comparison #3 Lee Harvey Oswald immediate capture of assassin Jack Ruby

Comparison #4 President James Garfield.........not much of a crowd present.....assassin did not take the time to address the crowd that was present.........assassin approached the president from behind.......assassin had two good legs......assassin captured by one (1) policeman.

Granted, the secret service and the presidential guard of President Lincoln was very inadequate for a man that had already been shot through the hat, and had over 100 death threats in his desk and many more that were openly published in the news papers, but there were from 1000 to 2400 other people present in Ford's theatre that night. Logically, not even "Oscar Pistorius" should have been able to escape Ford's theatre after shooting the President of the United States in front of that many spectators. That is unless he had help out of the building and maybe even some blockers protecting him.

Who were the spectators present the night that Lincoln got shot? There were at least six surgeons, (Battle Hardened)Union Army officers were present. How many people were packing weapons? Who questioned these people and took their statements? Who handled those statements...and the trial......and the capture of the man shot in Garrett's barn? The War Department I want to read these statements and see who took them. Funny....the trial and questioning of many of those suspected in the conspiracy is easily found and readily available.

Think about it, L.C.

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"The city of Washington celebrated on Thursday April 13, 1865 with a holiday for workers, parades, and marching bands. The night of April 13, 1865 was one of the most radiant any one in Washington could remember. With the agony of the Civil War drawing to a close, the city celebrated peace by draping itself in lights. Most houses and public buildings in Washington are illuminated by candles. Papers describe the city as "all ablaze with glory."
Maundy Thursday is the Christian feast, or holy day, falling on the Thursday before Easter. It commemorates the Maundy and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles as described in the Canonical gospels. It is the fifth day of Holy Week, and is preceded by Holy Wednesday and followed by Good Friday. Maundy Thursday initiates the Easter Triduum, the period which commemorates the passion, death, and resurrection.
The Freemasons have a special Maudy Thursday ritual for the Scottish rite. A Freemason Maundy Thursday ceremony of "extinguishing the lights" took place. The ceremony was held under the "auspices of Albert Pike chapter No. 9. Knights Rose Croix, A. and A. p. R. The ceremony of relighting the lights was observed at the Masonic temple
Easter morning at 9 o'clock."

In the time of Julius Caesar ......

"The Babylonian Talmud in a few rare instances likely or possibly refers to Jesus using the terms "Yeshu," "Yeshu ha-Notzri," "ben Satda," and "ben Pandera." These references probably date back to the Tannaitic period (70 AD). One important reference relates the trial and execution of Jesus and his disciples. It includes this text:

It is taught: On the eve of Passover they hung Yeshu and the crier went forth for forty days beforehand declaring that "[Yeshu] is going to be stoned for practicing witchcraft, for enticing and leading Israel astray. Anyone who knows something to clear him should come forth and exonerate him." But no one had anything exonerating for him and they hung him on the eve of Passover. Ulla said: Would one think that we should look for exonerating evidence for him? He was an enticer and God said (Deuteronomy 13:9) "Show him no pity or compassion, and do not shield him." Yeshu was different because he was close to the government. "

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Premeditated murder:

Premeditated murder is the crime of wrongfully and intentionally causing the death of another human being (also known as murder) after rationally considering the timing or method of doing so, in order to either increase the likelihood of success, or to evade detection or apprehension. Now days, State laws in the United States vary as to definitions of "premeditation." In some states, premeditation may be construed as taking place mere seconds before the murder. In John Wilkes Booths case it was being premeditated as well as planned for his escape after the act for a long time and on more than one occasion including before Lincoln was inaugurated as president.
In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some time in the future. There is no limit on the number participating in the conspiracy. For the purposes of concurrence, the actus reus is a continuing one and parties may join the plot later and incur joint liability and conspiracy can be charged where the co-conspirators have been acquitted or cannot be traced.

What I am leading up to is suppressed evidence and testimony that casts a "Southern Light" on the subject of what was happening in 1860-61 It puts Lincoln, Seward and John Brown on the same team. This info would also be very damning to the secret six and may have been used to place them on that same team.



There are too many coincidences with the things I have written above to be by coincidence....... The assassins were obviously well schooled in theology and rituals of secret societies and adapted that into their plans to assassinate President Lincoln. It would have been their way of making the murder of Lincoln a "righteous kill" in their minds. This would have also made it so Lincoln's blood was on his own hands according to the higher powers of an all knowing entity.
This would also show the time they spent premeditating on the assassination, and should remove any doubt that it was the act of a lone crazed gunman and some knuckleheads he had assembled to help him pull it off.



This is a Beaver his name is John Wilkes Booth

beaver live.webp

He was chased by a band of armed hunters through the woods and over the hills for miles before the group of men lost him. However the hunters cornered another beaver that looked similar to J.W.B. and they went ahead and killed him.....proclaiming to the world they had got their beaver....J.W.B.

dead beaver.webp

and they were so sure and proud of that fact that they chose to sew him up in a blanket on their way back home so no people could see the wrong beaver.

Trash Bag.webp

The hunters hid him on a ship controlled by their captains to avoid any further doubt in the matter. Then they cut the beaver up and took part of it spine out and then had the beaver positively identified as the famous beaver known as J.W.B.

road kill.webp

.........and then they all split up $100.000.00 reward

Funny....it seems like just as much of a lie as another story I heard that was told 149 years ago...:laughing7:

Think about it, L.C.:thumbsup:

This is a Beaver his name is John Wilkes Booth

View attachment 983908

He was chased by a band of armed hunters through the woods and over the hills for miles before the group of men lost him. However the hunters cornered another beaver that looked similar to J.W.B. and they went ahead and killed him.....proclaiming to the world they had got their beaver....J.W.B.

View attachment 983911

and they were so sure and proud of that fact that they chose to sew him up in a blanket on their way back home so no people could see the wrong beaver.

View attachment 983912

The hunters hid him on a ship controlled by their captains to avoid any further doubt in the matter. Then they cut the beaver up and took part of it spine out and then had the beaver positively identified as the famous beaver known as J.W.B.

View attachment 983922

.........and then they all split up $100.000.00 reward

Funny....it seems like just as much of a lie as another story I heard that was told 149 years ago...:laughing7:

Think about it, L.C.:thumbsup:

This beaver story, as silly as it may seem, is to allow the reader a chance to focus on an untainted recap without any prior knowledge (misinformation) or any opinion based on what they think they know about John Wilkes Booth. With that in mind review the official military report.....

From the Military report:
The command consisted of twenty-six enlisted men of the Sixteenth New York Cavalry, and E. P. DOHERTY,
First Lieutenant, Sixteenth New York Cavalry, commanding the detachment and the two gentlemen, Messrs. Conger and Baker, sent by Colonel Baker, making a total in all of twenty-nine men.
The assassin Booth lived about two hours. In the meantime a doctor was procured, who remained with Booth till he died. I procured a wagon, sewed up the body in a blanket myself, and placed it in the wagon. I then proceeded to Port Royal, where we arrived at 9 a.m. April 26, 1865, and crossed the river in a scow. While crossing my command Mr. Baker, without authority, moved off with the body of the assassin, taking with him the two men who had been previously detailed as a guard to the body, also one of the prisoners (Captain Jett, rebel). I was some time crossing my command, and experienced some difficulty in bringing Herold and the two Garretts along, having only one horse to mount the three; thus delay was occasioned. After proceeding some distance I procured an additional horse. Fearing some accident might happen to the body of the assassin and the prisoner Jett, whom Mr. Baker had taken with him. I dispatched an orderly to tell Mr. Baker to halt. The orderly rode over four miles at full speed, when, overtaking Mr. Baker, he told him to halt until the column came up. This Mr. Baker, however, did not do, but continued on missing me and the road. I arrived at Belle Plain at 6 p.m., and found the corpse had not yet arrived. I felt great anxiety, and was about to apply to Major Bosworth, Sixteenth New York Cavalry, who was at Belle Plain with his command, for a detachment of men to go in search of the body, when Mr. Baker arrived. I immediately asked him where the prisoner, Captain Jett, was. He replied, "he did not know; he had escaped." After a short delay the body of the assassin Booth was placed on board the steamer John S. Ide, and we proceeded to Washington, where I delivered over the body of Booth, Herold, and the two Garretts to Col. L. C. Baker, at 3 a.m. the 27th day of April, 1865.


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In the 1800's it was a really big deal to pose next to a dead outlaw in his coffin......they even took some of the outlaw's shirts off so you could see how many times they shot the dirty S.O.B. Right?8-)

display holes.webp

John Wilkes Booth was the most wanted criminal in the United States........captured and killed by a detachment of 29 men. Not even the Leaders of the detachment posed with the corpse of Booth

dead fake jesse.webp


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