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JWB was a Knight (KGC) from the BALTIMORE, MD Castle... Baltimore, Md. SOUTH was "REBEL COUNTRY"!

JWB was a Knight (KGC) from the BALTIMORE, MD Castle... Baltimore, Md. SOUTH was "REBEL COUNTRY"!

Better open your mind up Rebel, cause there were higher ranking "Rebels" in the North than the South. The kind of Rebels that wore a Yankee mask and tried to blend in...
L.C. Baker

Better open your mind up Rebel, cause there were higher ranking "Rebels" in the North than the South. The kind of Rebels that wore a Yankee mask and tried to blend in...
L.C. Baker

LOL! Was ONLY "talking about" JWB...

LOL! Was ONLY "talking about" JWB...

I see, what you are saying. I really don't know what to think of Booth as a person. To me, he was a spoiled rich actors kid that hung on to Daddy's shirt tale and got into the business. Made a name for himself on stage, made some dough, and then got into something over his head. It is for sure that he was instructed on what to do, because he didn't have the skills to do it on his own.
L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

I see, what you are saying. I really don't know what to think of Booth as a person. To me, he was a spoiled rich actors kid that hung on to Daddy's shirt tale and got into the business. Made a name for himself on stage, made some dough, and then got into something over his head. It is for sure that he was instructed on what to do, because he didn't have the skills to do it on his own.
L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

Who was JWB's father...? Was HE also a CopperHead (Northern KGC); State RIGHTS Advocate...? EAST of DC in Maryland was COPPERHEAD "land"; why JWB got "help", trying to get across the river to Virginia. "Missing" 18 pages of his diary PROBABLY had names & addresses of Maryland COPPERHEADS within Lincoln's gov't "in on the conspiracy"; From Baltimore, Md. SOUTH to the river...

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Who was JWB's father...? Was HE also a CopperHead (Northern KGC); State RIGHTS Advocate...? EAST of DC in Maryland was COPPERHEAD "land"; why JWB got "help", trying to get across the river to Virginia. "Missing" 18 pages of his diary PROBABLY had names & addresses of Maryland COPPERHEADS within Lincoln's gov't "in on the conspiracy"; From Baltimore, Md. SOUTH to the river...

Junus threatened to kill a man over politics, so I gus you could say he was a Rebel of sorts.

Found it.
In 1835, Junius Booth (JWB's Father)wrote a letter to President Andrew Jackson, demanding he pardon two pirates. In the letter, he threatened to kill the President. Though there would also be an actual attempt of assassination on the President early that year, the letter was believed to be a hoax, until a handwriting analysis of a letter written some days after the threat concluded that the letter was, in fact, written by Booth

Found it.
In 1835, Junius Booth (JWB's Father)wrote a letter to President Andrew Jackson, demanding he pardon two pirates. In the letter, he threatened to kill the President. Though there would also be an actual attempt of assassination on the President early that year, the letter was believed to be a hoax, until a handwriting analysis of a letter written some days after the threat concluded that the letter was, in fact, written by Booth

GREAT! Were the Pirates, the Lafitte bros...? Jean & Pierre... They had an OLDER brother, "Yu", who died earlier & is "buried" in New Orlean, with a Square & Compass, on his "Stone". BOTH "Yu" & Pierre were FreeMasons, and Pierre spent LOTS of time in Philly... started a Lodge in Philly, I think. Prez Andy Jackson was a FreeMason, so was Chief Justice John Marshall (also Grand Master of FreeMasons in Virginia, at that time). 1835...? NAW, couldn't have been the Lafitte bros...

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Found it.
In 1835, Junius Booth (JWB's Father)wrote a letter to President Andrew Jackson, demanding he pardon two pirates. In the letter, he threatened to kill the President. Though there would also be an actual attempt of assassination on the President early that year, the letter was believed to be a hoax, until a handwriting analysis of a letter written some days after the threat concluded that the letter was, in fact, written by Booth

"The nut doesn't fall far from it's tree" L.C. Baker:laughing7:

When a government runs a covert operation, they keep a very low or even top secret profile while doing so. At that time in this country there were two governments operating before, during, and after the Civil War. They never stopped. The South had to regroup and form a better strategy on how to take this country back over. Violence was not the answer as they found out by the Civil War. If you know anything about Rebel Spirit and blood (REBEL YELL!!:angry9:) The true Rebel is like a GAME COCK, you have to kill every feather on him, cut off his head and hide it from him! They were not about to lay down and take it. They got smarter,(which is what a good butt whipping will do for ya) and they made new objectives. If they couldn't win with force then they would win with brains, and that is what they accomplished. This is why Lincoln had to go, he was the ring leader of the opposition. April 15th was just the first step in the next plan of attack on the United States Government. That is why it was money men that had the president killed, not the C.S.A., they just got beat in a war effort that had lasted from 1853- 1865. It was time for action and three very angry,decisive rogue Knights of the Golden Circle started the task..refusing to give up anything more than they already had.

L.C. Baker::occasion14:

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I think it was the COPPERHEADS, who were PEACE DEMOCRATS (USA), who "planned" it MORE than CSA; they began as STATE RIGHTS ppl, and were TIRED OF WAR.

I think it was the COPPERHEADS, who were PEACE DEMOCRATS (USA), who "planned" it MORE than CSA; they began as STATE RIGHTS ppl, and were TIRED OF WAR.

You are 33.3333333333333333333333333333333333333% correct rebel. There were two others Knights of the order, that were in it for the money, and personal revenge. They were the venom of the Copperhead. One came from the West with gathered K.G.C. Gold stopping briefly at a K.G.C. repository to top off the funds needed in NEW YORK. Another aproached Washington D.C. by sea with the leadership needed for the assassins. The third in place as a Copperhead only watched and helped mastermind the project that he also help fund.
The three of them concocted the assassination plot, and started it in motion. Two of them directed the actions that took place from a safe undisclosed distance from New York City and the West. I believe it was their plan to kill Lincoln from the very beginning. The kidnapping only came into play when the attempt made on Salmon P.Chase's carriage March 17th, 1865 was miss read(covered up) by authorities when it emerged during the trial. The first failed kidnapping attempt was in fact a successful staged practice run for the assassin squad, to see if the men they had chosen would back out when the time came. If they didn't have the testicle fortitude to kidnap him........then they surely were not going to have enough courage to kill Lincoln. Knowing that Salmon P.Chase was most likely a copperhead, helps this theory. Who else could get a presidential carriage to practice with without drawing suspicion?

think about it hard.....L.C. Baker:icon_thumleft:

L.C. Baker

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All three of these gentlemen Knights would go on to lead the next generation of O.A.K.'s to power enough to overthrough the U.S. Government financially and judicially. In other words the K.G.C. / C.S.A. and the Lost Cause movement said....


L.C. Baker:icon_thumleft:

Why do convenience stores have tobacco products and candy within an arms reach of the cashier?:icon_scratch:

The name of the K.G.C.'s superintendent of operations that gave John Wilkes Booth his orders and the gold coin for Booth to house move and feed his fellow assassins will come to light in the near future. We have his name and the other four members of the OAK that were involved with him in the assassination plot and execution.
There will be no disputable evidence.
L.C. Baker

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Make that 5

Judah P. Benjamin #5 was in direct contact (including financially)with the other four Knights that I previously mentioned.



Make that 5

Judah P. Benjamin #5 was in direct contact (including financially)with the other four Knights that I previously mentioned.

After the Dahlgren Plot came to the attention of Jefferson Davis,CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin,also mentioned on that hit list,began to form his own plot.To distance himself,he had CSA Sec of the Navy,Stephen Russell Mallory contact CSA agent in England,James Dunwoody Bullock,to arrange funds to be shipped to J W Booth from Canada by way of CSA blockade runner,Patrick Martin.On the way from Canada to Maryland,Martin's ship and all hands went down in a storm,December 1864.
The last official message sent by Jefferson Davis,was to his secretary,Burton Norvell Harrison,a Yale grauate and member of Skull & Bones,was in Vigenere code,dated April 24,1865-"The hostile government reject the proposed settlement,and order active operations to be resumed in forty-eight hours from noon today".The key words needed to decipher this Vigenere coded message were "Come Retribution".
Many Yale Skull & Bones were copperheads,including the grandfather of a U S President whose wife was the 2nd cousin,4 times removed from U S President Franklin Pierce.

After the Dahlgren Plot came to the attention of Jefferson Davis,CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin,also mentioned on that hit list,began to form his own plot.To distance himself,he had CSA Sec of the Navy,Stephen Russell Mallory contact CSA agent in England,James Dunwoody Bullock,to arrange funds to be shipped to J W Booth from Canada by way of CSA blockade runner,Patrick Martin.On the way from Canada to Maryland,Martin's ship and all hands went down in a storm,December 1864.
The last official message sent by Jefferson Davis,was to his secretary,Burton Norvell Harrison,a Yale grauate and member of Skull & Bones,was in Vigenere code,dated April 24,1865-"The hostile government reject the proposed settlement,and order active operations to be resumed in forty-eight hours from noon today".The key words needed to decipher this Vigenere coded message were "Come Retribution".
Many Yale Skull & Bones were copperheads,including the grandfather of a U S President whose wife was the 2nd cousin,4 times removed from U S President Franklin Pierce.

I knew the red part, but I had not heard about patrick martin. great Info Thanks for posting it.
L.C. Baker:icon_thumleft:

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