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You see, the difference that we have in research is that you are working your way to the middle to the outside. We started from a dug relic and worked our way from the inside out. Very interesting to say the least. Your info is very informative as the names of some of the guilty parties we know have appeared in your research. That is good news my friend. Keep up the good work and I hope it will pay off for you.

L.C. Baker

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What could the "Third Auditor of the U.S. Treasury Department do for the K.G.C.?

third auditor.webp

He was followed by third auditor Robert Jones Atkinson who held the position from 1854 until 1864, and as you can see by the following document, he was an attorney, who could file a claim for Military funds, and then issue those funds to any party because he was the third auditor of the U.S. Treasury. Keep in mind, he didn't get caught at it until after he was dead. In 1866 he was appointed attorney and counselor to the US Supreme Court, and held that position until his death in Washington in 1871. He was a Democrat, Mason. Two of his sons were bankers in Montana, and the other worked at the United States Treasury.

Robert Jones Atkinson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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The definition of a demagogue is a political leader in a democracy who appeals to the emotions, fears, prejudices, and ignorance of the lower classes in order to gain power and promote political motives. Demagogues usually oppose deliberation and advocate immediate, violent action to address a national crisis; they accuse moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness. Demagogues have appeared in democracies since ancient Athens. They exploit a fundamental weakness in democracy: because ultimate power is held by the people, nothing stops the people from giving that power to someone who appeals to the lowest common denominator of a large segment of the population.

My question is this.....If a secret society is made up of a sworn brotherhood of men that are controlling the U.S. Government by pulling the strings on all of their puppets including the President at the time, acting as if they are in fact a single entity made from many MEMBERS.........
Would that make the group a Demagogue?...or does it just make their puppet take the rap?:icon_scratch:


Francis Burt's head stone with the Masonic emblem.
View attachment 1017751

When they have him exhumed they will find what killed him.....and it was not anything natural. He was a healthy man when he left South Carolina.......he was a sick man when he got to St. Luis......he healed up for two weeks and was well again when he arrived in Nebraska City at slave owner S.F. Nuckoll's house.......but fell very Ill again just as soon as he reached the hot bed of Radical Black Republicans in Bellevue, Nebraska.

In the United States, the circle's northern border roughly coincided with the Mason-Dixon line, and within it were included such cities as Washington D.C.,
St. Louis, and Pittsburgh of the US, and Mexico City and Panama City (and most of those countries' areas).

The Knights were already there in St. Luis.....or they would not have been worried about them rising up to join their heroes....

Civil War on the Western Border, 1854-1865 - Jay Monaghan - Google Books

St. Louis, Missouri token - Knights of the Golden Circle

Think about it, L.C.


Prior knowledge as made evident by his own testimony. Was he ignorant as this man suggests, or was he involved with Floyd, Russell, Majors, Waddell, Nuckolls, and the Knights of the Golden Circle's plan to defraud the U.S. Government out of large amounts of cash and military supplies that were sent to A.S. Johnson through Nebraska City? This is a document that explains what happened, but the writer did not know about the K.G.C.'s involvement, otherwise all of these men would have been hung by the Union. Nothing beats good old fashioned hard evidence.



What ya got to understand is this... the "civil war" continued after 1865, as the STATES RIGHTS WAR. KGC ex-REBS as
"Outlaws" were the SOUTH; hugging the SOUTHERN states from Fla. to SOUTHERN California... bordering MEXICO; speaking SPANISH as "second" language (SECRET language/signs, etc) vs O.A.K. of NORTHERN states aka ROBBER BARONS, with their $$$$$$$$$$$ & "highways" of Wagon Roads & Rail-Roads... NEW "slaves"...? Orientals (MOSTLY Chinese ppl); starting with the IRISH of NYC... check it out! The GOLDEN SPIKE...? LOL! BTW, FP was PROBABLY "involved".

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Tyler tried to appoint Caleb Cushing to his cabinet three times, supported annexation of Texas, was later a member of the CSA Congress, and his widow, Julia Gardiner Tyler was involved with the removal of part of the Confederate treasury after the War.

Tyler tried to appoint Caleb Cushing to his cabinet three times, supported annexation of Texas, was later a member of the CSA Congress, and his widow, Julia Gardiner Tyler was involved with the removal of part of the Confederate treasury after the War.

YEP! There was a book about her; she was THE ROSE!

Tyler tried to appoint Caleb Cushing to his cabinet three times, supported annexation of Texas, was later a member of the CSA Congress, and his widow, Julia Gardiner Tyler was involved with the removal of part of the Confederate treasury after the War.

There are certain things about him that would lead you to think that he was, but there are several things that make me think he was not that kind of team player like his opposition to Andrew Jackson and the fact that he tried to get over on his own party the Whigs, mainly Henry Clay. I say it is a good posobility that he was, but if so they would have never trusted him with much!



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John W Pearson was given a land grant in the Orange Springs, Florida by President Franklin Pierce. Nearby, was SUNNYSIDE PLANTATION of CSA Capt JJ Dickson, Florida's feared by the Union, "Swamp Fox".
Pearson established a grist mill and machine shop at Orange Springs and donated land for the Methodist Church which is still standing today. Pearson was in a partnership with David Levy Yulee, the cousin of Judah P Benjamin, with the intention of having Yulee's Florida Railroad go through Orange Springs.
It is interesting to note that Pearson issued his own currency which is pictured on the posted link.
When the War of Northern Aggression broke out, CSA Lt Col Pearson formed the Oklawaha Rangers, refurbished hand guns and rifles, and built cannons at his machine shop. He was mortally wounded in battle and never made it home, he is buried in Savannah, but there is a marker at the ORANGE SPRINGS METHODIST CHURCH cemetery, which contains both Confederate and Union graves, and the church was utilized as a field hospital during that War.
Orange Springs - Hometown Currency

John W Pearson was given a land grant in the Orange Springs, Florida by President Franklin Pierce. Nearby, was SUNNYSIDE PLANTATION of CSA Capt JJ Dickson, Florida's feared by the Union, "Swamp Fox".
Pearson established a grist mill and machine shop at Orange Springs and donated land for the Methodist Church which is still standing today. Pearson was in a partnership with David Levy Yulee, the cousin of Judah P Benjamin, with the intention of having Yulee's Florida Railroad go through Orange Springs.
It is interesting to note that Pearson issued his own currency which is pictured on the posted link.
When the War of Northern Aggression broke out, CSA Lt Col Pearson formed the Oklawaha Rangers, refurbished hand guns and rifles, and built cannons at his machine shop. He was mortally wounded in battle and never made it home, he is buried in Savannah, but there is a marker at the ORANGE SPRINGS METHODIST CHURCH cemetery, which contains both Confederate and Union graves, and the church was utilized as a field hospital during that War.
Orange Springs - Hometown Currency

This part sounded very close to a certain Nebraska City resident going after Civil Bend and Tabor, Iowa people after they stole two of his slaves.

"Pearson's men scouted the right side of the St. Johns River arresting both white and black troublemakers. He drove whole communities into the woods in the process."

Did you the 1855 40 acre land grant signed by President Franklin Pierce and that David Levy Yulee was Person's business partner in Orange Springs?
There was a reason that CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin , CSA Sec Of War Gen John C Breckinridge, CSA Capt John Taylor Wood(CSA President Davis's nephew) to use Orange Springs on the Oklawaha River to Silver Springs/Ocala as their first leg of their escape from the Union.
The Union had pickets at Cedar Key, believing this would be their route of escape, not knowing, or for that matter because of CSA Capt JJ Dickinson repelled the Union raid of March 10,1865 on the Marshall Plantation and Holley Farm and Grist Mill, dared to go into Marion county.
Davis and his cabinet stayed at Marshall's WHITEHALL PLANTATION (same Marshall family) in Abbeville, SC before the final flight south- Davis baggage wagons under guard of his brother in laws did reach Yulee's Cottonwood Plantation in Archer, and John Taylor Woods grandfather was US President Zachery Taylor, who, during the Seminole Wars was Commandant of Fort King/Ocala.
As for the KGC connection, that should be evident.

While in Ocala, Benjamin stayed with his cousins, Simon and Solomon Benjamin, along with Nannie Yulee and her son, and Breckinridge and Wood stayed with CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock, the cousin of Theodore Roosevelt's mother.

While in Ocala, Benjamin stayed with his cousins, Simon and Solomon Benjamin, along with Nannie Yulee and her son, and Breckinridge and Wood stayed with CSA Brig Gen Robert Bullock, the cousin of Theodore Roosevelt's mother.

It is those type of family ties that are undeniable links. When Jefferson Davis Was attending school he stayed with the Uncle of Benjamin Ficklin named Joseph Ficklin who was a teacher at the school. The "living with" bond for an up and coming son or a "Rising Sun" so to speak...lol are the bonds that tie family names together in a " I will trust you to raise my son" kind of closeness that comes from a very deep TRUST between men. Teddy is undeniably tied to the rebellion of 1861 in that way, just as tight as Mary Todd Lincoln was tied.


Another family tie was that of Robert Gamble, Gamble Plantation of Ellenton, Florida, from where CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin escape to the Bahamas with the help of those there.
CSA Sec Of War, Gen John C Breckinridge's sister, Letitia, was married to Robert Gamble.

NOTE* On March 28, 1860, while campaigning for US President against Lincoln, John C Breckinridge was given the Scottish Rite 33rd Degree by Albert Pike in Kentucky.
Florida succeeded from the Union, December 22, 1860, led by Sen David Levy Yulee, Hayward Lodge #27, Gainesville, Florida. Yulee was Judah P Benjamin's cousin.

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Another family tie was that of Robert Gamble, Gamble Plantation of Ellenton, Florida, from where CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin escape to the Bahamas with the help of those there.
CSA Sec Of War, Gen John C Breckinridge's sister, Letitia, was married to Robert Gamble.

NOTE* On March 28, 1860, while campaigning for US President against Lincoln, John C Breckinridge was given the Scottish Rite 33rd Degree by Albert Pike in Kentucky.
Florida succeeded from the Union, December 22, 1860, led by Sen David Levy Yulee, Hayward Lodge #27, Gainesville, Florida. Yulee was Judah P Benjamin's cousin.

Outstanding information Sir thanks for posting it. :icon_thumright:

"The United States has never acquired a foot of territory excerpt by fair purchase, or, as in the case of Texas, upon the free and voluntary
application of the people of that independent state, who desired to blend their destinies with our own. " F.P.

Franklin Pierce.webp
The man with the plan!

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