Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
WRONG! (MHO) The "JOB PRINT" has TWO parts; second part (from second year of the "CONFEDERATE WAR", in which RM gives the SECRET) is the "BEGINNING" with the first part ("Beale Expedition of 1819-1822, the THE BOX, letters, "THEIR" Ciphers) being ALL made up to "flesh out the "tale". ONLY the HART PAPERS tells the REAL story of 1st Lt. Newton Hazlewood, CSA requesting Clayton Hart (they were BOTH working for the RR) to make copies of FIGURES (NUMBERS?) from several pages of paper, which NH indicated was a TREASURE; NOTHING about a Beale Treasure, nor "THE STORY". Only later, after visiting "JB" Ward & son in Lynchburg, Va. were the HARTS (HEART, BIG KGC "Treasure") defining "it" as the Beale Treasure, etc. Newton Hazlewood thought "it" was buried on HIS land EAST of Montvale or within four miles of Buford's Depot; NH must have had the pages of FIGURES/NUMBERS since @ 1865... SO! BTW, Clayton Hart changed the FIGURES/NUMBERS & NH was OK with that. The Inner Committee of 1882 (with stories of TRUE, AUTHENTIC EVENTS) as "Beale Papers" (even Frank James as "James Warren" was there)... Jubal Anderson Early, MANY ex-CSA Officials... at the ARLINGTON HOTEL; Jubal Early's fave "hangout" (he went there for coffee, EVERY morning before getting to his PRIVATE Law Practice near Main Street). Heh...
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