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...and once the gold was found, the great buffalo hunt was over.
This thread is about the Beale Papers as literature, and influences utilized in the creation of the Beale "STORY".
As a portion of the story that leads to the discovery of the gold, it is immaterial whether or not the had secured abundance game to them over for the long cold winter in the Rockies.
The hunt, as with securing supplies in Santa Fe provides the "western" coloration for that portion of the story in the letter, literary scenery, nothing less, nothing more.
...and not worth being drawn into an argument over. :laughing7:

Thus the question, why did you bring it up?
It's not an argument, I just thought, since you mention that part of the story, that it was worth the correction.

Actually Releventchair mention that part of the story and I responded to his post.
Was the game worth the candle?

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Actually Releventchair mention that part of the story and I responded to his post.

"The Beale Papers state that they were hunting buffalo, but never mentions if they ever got any..."

You brought up that the BP didn't say that they got any buffalo. It actually says they did.

...and once the gold was found, the great buffalo hunt was over.
This thread is about the Beale Papers as literature, and influences utilized in the creation of the Beale "STORY".
As a portion of the story that leads to the discovery of the gold, it is immaterial whether or not the had secured abundance game to them over for the long cold winter in the Rockies.
The hunt, as with securing supplies in Santa Fe provides the "western" coloration for that portion of the story in the letter, literary scenery, nothing less, nothing more.
...and not worth being drawn into an argument over. :laughing7:

March would not have been time to stock up game to over winter.
Only if it was desired for whatever plans they had when breaking out of winter quarters would collecting game make any sense beyond daily requirements.

Depending on game alone a good way to go hungry though .

Natives helped them mine gold.
The Spanish had beef ,and likely Santa Fe required only cash or trade for portable food.

Just seems odd a group would splinter off from the main group in the month of March.
Horses ( assuming decent pasture and or grain) should have been ready to leave winter quarters in good condition but the group that went out poking around were tiring them and taxing them.
March being early for green up of fresh growth following winter to get that taxed weight back on them ,once the main party was rejoined. ( Gold discovery aside) seems a risky adventure at such a time. At least annoying to those waiting and ready to get out of the monotony of winter " quarters"

Who would want to stay in camp after months of just hanging out? The party was adventurous ,not monotonous ;in spirit.
Returning with unrested ,weight off stock would require time for them to recover. Not good for morale of those waiting.

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Not only is a Rocky Mountain winter cold, the ground is frozen, and is hard to dig.
Then there are snow storms and blizzards.
Hard to survive a hard winter in the Colorado Rockies without adequate shelter even with a stockpile of abundant game.
But it is useless to argue this point as there is no proof outside of letter quoted by the "unknown author's" first person narration that this buffalo hunt ever occurred and was presented as a literary device to heathen the "western" portion of this story.

One poster says it was too warm, another poster says it was too cold. I'd like to hear baby bear's version.:laughing7:

If CSA Maj F C Hutter was the author of the Beale Papers, and it is not about a 1817 Beale perilous adventure expedition but a cover story for "missing Confederate treasury", then what does that reveal about the HART PAPERS, Innis's GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE, and Claudine Fulton Ellis's THE BEALE TREASURE CODES, THE KEY?
...or this that was posted a year ago on the Beale threads:

The gold "Beale and his ten associates delivered to Bedford county was contained in 30 gallon large salt brine pots from the salt works at BOONE's SALT MINE near Franklin, Missouri...the gold was about 14K gold or about 60 percent content of gold. the silver a little more pure. It was smelted down into what is referred to as sand box cast".
"The gold bars were being transported in the false bottoms of the wagons. The wagons came up on Big Otter Creek. The Beale Party had to unload the gold bars onto pack mules or horses to get the wagons across, then the gold bars were placed back into the false bottoms of the wagons".

Since none of this is mentioned in Ward's 1885 copyrighted Beale Papers, the gold being 14K smelted into bars or the wagons having false bottoms, what is the origin of this version of the story?
Due to the vagueness of parts of the Beale narrative in the job print pamphlet and the total lack of any collaborating evidence outside of that work, many different alternative versions have been claimed and published as the "true" story, but as with the above example, it is just another speculated embellishment on the original story published by Ward.
Still curious to the origin of this Beale version presented as fact.
Maybe they spent the Rocky Mountain winter eating buffalo jerky while making sand box casts of 14K gold bars in well constructed log cabins.

One poster says it was too warm, another poster says it was too cold. I'd like to hear baby bear's version.:laughing7:
...and just wants to hijack and argue over nonsense like he accuses others of doing.
What's up with that?

Funny how curiosity works. It causes some to research and find good things. To others, it stops them cold in their tracks.

The movie clip reminds of the liberty taken from the factual book ,with the writer's sources and proven people and events despite it presenting some speculation at times.
Including where the adventure ends with a tombstone.
Though a later group wanted him moved.....

Ward may well have embellished the embellishments of others .
Lacking a film production crew ,dime novels painted pictures slightly altered from reality back when.

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Funny how curiosity works. It causes some to research and find good things. To others, it stops them cold in their tracks.
It also causes some to create fill in the blanks version of the Beale story like the aforementioned BOONE's SALT MINE 30 brine pots, sand box cast 14K gold bars, wagons with false bottoms and so on.
Do you know the origin of this version that is not mentioned at all in the first person narration of the "unknown author" of the Beale Papers?

It also causes some to create fill in the blanks version of the Beale story like the aforementioned BOONE's SALT MINE 30 brine pots, sand box cast 14K gold bars, wagons with false bottoms and so on.
Do you know the origin of this version that is not mentioned at all in the first person narration of the "unknown author" of the Beale Papers?

Not mine. All I know about that is you arguing with someone on here about it. I think that poster is tired of the fighting, as most are.

What one has to remember is that the "JOB PRINT" with the "BE"/BT "story" was PUBLISHED in 1885... ANY "True, Authentic Event" from out WEST, (GOLD/SILVER/MINES, etc. ), up to "writing date" could have been utilized to make the "JOB PRINT" believable; I think Mark Twain coulda "been on it"... Heh. :laughing7:

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ESC, show me where that story is. I'd like to read about it.
By your request,
I bumped those posts containing those stories for you perusal:
Captain Thomas J Beale/Beale to New Orleans on the Smeyrna 1816 -THREAD
It Was The 2nd Year of the Confederate War...-THREAD

Still would like to know the source origin of that version that was presented as fact.

By your request,
I bumped those posts containing those stories for you perusal:
Captain Thomas J Beale/Beale to New Orleans on the Smeyrna 1816 -THREAD
It Was The 2nd Year of the Confederate War...-THREAD

Still would like to know the source origin of that version that was presented as fact.

If you're asking, then apparently you don't know whether it's right, or wrong.

That is the purpose of asking, is it not, to determine if it is true, or if it is a fill in the blanks creative speculation presented as fact .

That is the purpose of asking, is it not, to determine if it is true, or if it is a fill in the blanks creative speculation presented as fact .

If you were asking for the real purpose of learning, but...

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