Want to try Dowsing?

You are correct...when looking for Meteorites I start with a iron sample. When I find a signal I change bait to the other baits I carry for meteorites. If I get a response to 3 of the 6 bait I will follow the signal line...What I am doing is increasing the odds that a meteorite is at the end of the signal line..

You cannot just put a piece of a meteorite in your sample pot and have it work that way?

It didn’t work for me..I received more hits and dug a few targets that were not meteorites...Many rocks contain the same minerals. After all.. Meteorites are made of the same minerals found normally here on earth...By dowsing at one spot with the different baits and picking up the same signal line I increased my finds by about 75 %..Art

Just moving this post from page 5...There is a lot of tips contained in here...Art

I propose to everyone interested in Dowsing to read this thread carefully as I have done.
This thread is the real treasure !
Thank you all for the useful tips...Digman

Thank You digman...Not to many how to posts on here...That is how I learned to dowse...Read every post because you never know when that bulb in your head will put it all together.....Art

I keep notes too because there are so many new things and approaches that I have to test & learn. Experimenting and practicing.
In the long term, it's the nicest hobby I ever had !
With your knowledge and experiance, It could be a nice idea to start a new thread about ''how to do map & picture dowsing''.
Regards, Manos

Art: It's been a while since I last dowsed. but I haven't forgotten how to do it. It is real easy for me to find things while dowsing and I owe you a big thanks for the instruction and information you shared with me in times past. Me, I am real lazy, LOL, and that is my biggest challenge and downfall. I was also really motivated by posts and comments of the radical dowsing skeptics which I don't see here any more. I guess tons of testimonies from dowsers finding all kinds of things was too much for them to handle I guess. Keep up the good work. Les.

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Aart: Please explain how you use the square wooden frame set up to show how the Ideomotor Response factor is not what makes the rods move. Les.

Two hours of work burned by the Internet. Sorry, Les, it's 1 AM and I don't have the energy to redo it.

The bright side was that nobody on either side of the fence wanted to hear any of it anyhow. I was born many years ago into a world of superstition and ignorance, and as far as I can tell it's a stupider place now than it was then.

--Dave J.

Hey Les....The frame is simple...You make it and drop a set of rods in the tubes...Move the frame with your hands and it is impossible for the rods to cross...Now you have proved that hand movements are not the reason the rods cross when you set on a coin..............It is to simple that some people can not understand how come all their mentors have been wrong for years.....Art

Aart: Of course the rods in the frame will not move as there is no force to move them. I think you have inadvertently proven it is the ideomotor affect that moves the rods. Since the rods will not cross when in the frame, but do cross when in your hands, the evidence points to the ideomotor affect. The frame is solid, cannot be moved or twisted and provides no force or energy to cross the rods. Thus as you pointed out, it is impossible for them to cross on a signal line.

I think the true test to see if your rods can or will cross on their own power would be to put your rods in this frame, move away from the frame to some distance and place a target at various spots and see if the rods cross or move on their own. As you pointed out, they will not move no matter where the target is placed as there is no force to move them.

Your thoughts on this please.


When you hold the frame you use the tubes with the rods inserted...The hands must make contact with rods for them to work...I have 120 mil-volts running between my hands..

OK, so we agree that we must have physical contact with our rods for them to work. No physical contact and they don't swing. So what is the significance of the 120 mil-volts running between your hands?


Divining rods and all common dowsing devices, are the simplest forms of electroscopes. The bent rod for example is just a variation of Gilbert's straw needle electroscope.
The divining rods are charged with static electricity from the dowser's own body. This static electricity can be seen quite adequately with a simple millivolt meter. This voltage is measured between the hands of the dowser, to measure this voltage accurately a diff amp should be used at the input to the voltmeter, "this eliminates stray signals which are common to both hands". The amount of voltage will vary depending on the person. A good dowser will have a high reading, "above 100 mv" while a poor dowser may read as low as,"0 mv.". For males the right hand is usually a negative polarity, and the left hand is positive in polarity. These polarities are usually reversed in females.
The divining rod charged positively will rotate in the dowsers hand to line up parallel to a negatively charged object being dowsed. A divining rod charged negatively will remain perpendicular to a negatively charged object being dowsed. This is because like charges repel, while unlike charges attract. Thus both bent divining rods are not required for dowsing. When two divining rods are used, and they are seen to cross, one of the rods is being moved to line up parallel with the charged object being dowsed. The other rod is moving to line up parallel to the first rod. A second reason for the two rods crossing is that of dowsing over an alternating current source, such as a pipeline or buried cable. these are usually buried shallow and are conducting ground currents as the path of least resistance.
The above statements can easily be proven by, dowsing over negatively and positively charged objects. The devices used in my experiments were, a rubber rod rubbed with cat fur to produce the positive charged object, while a glass rod rubbed with silk was used to produce the negatively charged object.
The reason conventional devices cannot detect these positive and negative charges, is probably because of the array in which the charged object gives off it's lines of force in all directions. Most instruments being omnidirectional devices would not pick up the small incremental changes in voltage along the earth’s surface. But the bent divining rods being unidirectional devices, can only turn to line up parallel to the charged object, when they are directly above the charged object.

Yes, it is understood and known that the human body produces static electricity and that the dowsing rods in the hands of the dowser can get a negative or positive charge. It is also a fact that one can increase and decrease the amount of static electricity in their body by simply dragging their feet across the floor, to build up voltage, then touch something and discharge the energy.

So since the rods in the box frame are not directly in your hands, but are in copper tubes, the copper tubes can transmit static electricity from your hands to the rods. If that is so, why don't the rods turn if it is only polarity attraction between the rod and a target in the ground? By dragging your feet on the carpet to build up high amounts of static electricity to overcome any resistance the tubing have in them it would thereby send greater amounts of static electricity to the rods, and still they won't turn because they are not in your hands. Right?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideomotor_phenomenonIdeomotor effect[edit]As in reflexive responses to pain, the body sometimes reacts reflexively to ideas alone without the person consciously deciding to take action[citation needed]. For instance, tears are produced by the body unconsciously in reaction to powerful emotions[citation needed]. The effects of automatic writing, dowsing, facilitated communication, and Ouija boards have been attributed to the phenomenon. Mystics have often attributed these effects to paranormal or supernatural force. Many subjects are unconvinced that their actions are originating solely from within themselves.History[edit]The term was first used in a scientific paper discussing the means through which the Ouija board produced its results, by William Benjamin Carpenter in 1852,[1] hence the alternative term Carpenter effect. (Carpenter derived the word ideomotor from the components ideo, meaning "idea" or "mental representation", and motor, meaning "muscular action"). The terms "ideomotor effect" and "ideomotor response" were both introduced by William Benjamin Carpenter. In the paper, Carpenter explained his theory that muscular movement can be independent of conscious desires or emotions.The rods can not close when in the frame except when your hands are holding them and your feet are on a signal line...there by proving that the Skeptics bible and the outdated definition of Ideomotor Effects as defined in 1852 is totally wrong and a bogus talking point...Art

So if the rods in the frame need to be held by hands to move, but don't move when in the frame, why do the rods move when in a dowsers hands only? The one common factor in both cases is the take away the hands and nothing moves.

I guess I don't understand how the frame experiment disproves the ideomotor affect. But, what it does prove is hands need to hold onto the rods in order for them to work / swing and hand movements are controlled by signals from the brain, be them ever so subtle or obvious and from whatever source or cause.

So, in your opinion, what moves the rods?

BTW, I have not read any skeptic bible. LOL. After all, I am a dowser too.

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Hey Les...I can not tell you just how the rods make the connection to the treasures...I just don’t know..The one thing I know is when I was at Baja to race the 1000 (back in the 60’s) a gentleman taught me a technique that helped eliminate pain...So I know that the subconscious mind can be programmed...I have to assume that when the foot contacts a signal from the object that somehow that signal triggers the mind and makes the rods cross....If you are standing on a signal line and raise one foot off the ground the rods will open just like some one shut off a light switch...Now if you happen to be standing on a man made signal line and raise a foot nothing will happen... I just use what the rods give me...Art

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