Hi guys, im pretty new to he site, ussually check out the gold prospecting forum area. Anyway, This Dowsing is interesting to me, so i went and bought some copper and made some rods.
I cant seem to figure it out. The only reason the move is either because im physically moving, or my hand slightly move.
I have very stable hands. I hold them as level as possible and only think about finding the coin I put on the ground(i can see it and know where it is) but as i walk by, nothing. If i look down at it they will want to move because im moving my hands/body. But keeping them straight and level at all times nothing happens. I want to believe that this can and will work but judging by the design of the rods and basic science it seems fake ;(
Also something I found wierd about this thread( i have read about the 1st 14 pages).
Is that the first 2 posters seem to be the same person. They type almost exactly the same, wierd.
First, forget about what science says about dowsing. It could be hindering you.
Science is a great thing but when it comes to dowsing, it does not apply. Science has it protocols and place but disregards the hunch, the impressions. and the feelings we humans are capable of having that are true and which can and do help us navigate through this thing called life. Such things are not science yet they exist.
Here is an example of what has happened countless times but which cannot be duplicated by hard science. A husband and wife go to a party many miles from home. They leave their baby with a baby sitter. Several hours into the party, the mother tells her husband she FEELS something is wrong. She does not know what, just that something is wrong and they need to go back home NOW!! The husband is bewildered, puzzled, maybe even frustrated. What could be wrong?
So, they go home to find the house is on fire. The fire department is there and police are every where but the baby sitter and baby are OK
Now a question for you: How did the mother know something was wrong and that they needed to go home NOW?
Science in a million years cannot duplicate that scene in a double blinded test, yet it happens all the time.
There are other examples I can give which I think are on the same level and, in part, explains how dowsing works. I have found over 300 items dowsing. I stopped counting. If dowsing did not work, I should not have found them, but I did and in places I have never been to before and in very remote locations.
Dowsing works. Flush the science thing out of your mind on this. It has no place in dowsing and is probably holding you back
The mind of a child is not full of garbage, doubt, or fear, and can teach us much if we are open to learn from their examples. Take a look: