Hey Folks,
I was hoping the admins might put the Video6 Thread back up sans the video, so we could still have all the info. Since that hasn't happened, I will post this here.
On that thread, Ryan talked about the pic of me with the H/P Stone being Photoshopped. I strenuously denied it for one reason. Whenever I am going through pics, I make global adjustments for brightness, contrast, rotation, etc. If I use any tools to alter a specific portion of a picture (not the entire pic, but a selected part), I ALWAYS make notes in the EXIF Files of the altered version. That way, each individual pic contains details of everything I have done it. EXIF Files are all the details of the picture that are digitally encoded into the picture itself. Here is an example of an EXIF File I pulled off Google Images:
That is far and away not a complete EXIF File. If your camera has GPS Capabilities, the Lat and Long of your pics are encoded there as well.
That aside, when the allegation was made, I opened the pic's exifs, and voila.....no notes. I didn't edit it for anything other than global. After looking at the pic last night, it is evident that the pic was poorly Photoshopped. Not something I would do..... or so I thought.
As I have stated many times in the past, and have proven on a couple of occasions; when I am wrong or mistaken, I like to think that I am both man enough and intellectually honest enough to admit when I was wrong.
Here is the original of that pic:

I can't post the original unedited .PEF (RAW) picture, because it is not an accepted file type to upload pictures on TNet.
No reason to lie about something as inconsequential as brightening a spot in the pic, but the subject is something I am very anal about, because I catch people all the time saying that a pic is just like it came out of the camera. UNTOUCHED! Then, I check the EXIF Files and see that it was altered in Photoshop. Funny thing though; the pic doesn't really need brightening!
Ryan thought I may have brightened that section to bring out the stone, because I am backlit by the sun in that pic. It would make the stone darker. I must have been playing with the pic, then moved on to something else without adding notes. Ryan graciously offered me a way out that made me look better, but I have never, and will never compromise my integrity. I have tens of thousands of pictures in my library, and I am not going to go through all of them to make sure all the ones that need notation have it. I will say now that if the allegation is ever made again, I will have to look at the pic before denying it. HAHAHA Now that I know I am not infallible!