Victorio Peak Update

@Casca, I was hunting in Cruces today as a matter of fact. I live in El Paso but go to cruces frequently to see family.

Been doin some doctoring, and as user can attest, I have kept my hunts short. I have not been in any of the caves, as I have just figured out the lay of the land up there. When it cools, I have a few spots to check out for a friend. I am working a set of cave close to cruces and very happy so far with what I am finding. I also was showed another set just south of me so I have a full plate. I think Doc Noss figured out a few things and had more than one Victorio Peak. Does Doc have stuff buried, I am banking on it.

I feel the Victorio mine was Chief Victorios spoils from robbing the Butterfield stage and the camino real stages headed west and north. The Padre mine on the other hand I feel has not been found. It is supposedly on the west face of the mountain range which s visible for a whole lot of people. And I think it wash mine they worked and smelted themselves. Legends say that Victorio Peak held ornate treasures of every kind and that the Padre mine had some great pieces but mainly consisted of gold bars stacked along the walls of the cave. Oh yeah, I'm not joking when I say I think I am onto the lost silver of the Franklin Mountains. That would be sweet:laughing7:
This is a very good observation, but I have to ask. Who had the mine priginally, the spanish, mexxicans, jesuits, Indians(several tribes live there over time)?

As for the Padre mine(s), I feel I have located at least one. But till I can get a two box up to take some readings, I will leave it at that, I think I have found a old mine. lol.

i live in el paso and I am military. we can look around victorio peak sometime if anyone wants too. been there a few times but only found 1800 military items. have not been in the cabello mountains yet but I really want to. So lets all get together and go find some markers and then some treasure.
I will put you on the trail, and let you decide for youruself mullnax. I will save the Caballo's for cooler weather, docs orders. You dont have any phobeas do you? Its gets pretty hairy in some of the holes.

La Rues Mine in the Organ mountains is not just a single mine .

From mine house spring where the Stone mine House is located , walk due east until you reach a narrow steep
canyon just left and center of the line from the cabin .

Go up almost to the crest of that canyon and above to your right is a small high canyon
climb up into that canyon ( before you pass on into the higher needles area )

His #1 mine is in that side canyon on your right

#2 is in the high side canyon on the right as you enter Filmore , watch out for the water trap .

#3 . is up Dorcy Canyon near the head of the Canyon at a 30 foot waterfall , climb the peak on your right .

the mine entrance is on the west side of the peak about 50 to 60 yards down from the apex of the peak .

#4 is a Silver Mine on the south wall of Soledad Canyon and faces Dorcy Canyon, it is high at the top of the Cliff faces .

#5 . is a Placer at the base of the waterfall at the entrance to Gledale Canyon facing the Gunnery Range .

#6 . is Up Johnson Canyon and beyond the Square peak visible from the floor of the canyon , this is a Gold Vien mine ,
hard rock .

#7 . La Rue's next placer is up Rucker Canyon and at the top of a huge Basalt peak with a 90 ft. waterfall coming down
the east face, up there is another shallow narrow canyon and just before the falls is a pool rich in dust and nuggets.

I have not worked it since 1984 , and i never took all that was there , so it should be a rich site by now .

and one of La Rues Caches has already been dug up

directions to this empty 40 foot deep hole

Off Baylor Canyon road
drive up to the first gate you find on the Modoc mine road

Park just beyond the gate in the turn out on your right just past the Big Boulders

walk about two hundred yards to the east by southeast

Note a Large WHITE Boulder set off alone with a very bright green tree growing at it's base .

The entrance to the Tunnel under the Boulder is on the west side just to the right of that tree .

This was the Vault La Rue Built for one of his treasure deposits .

The people who dug this treasure up
Left some debris there from their time of digging

There you will find a few Whiskey Bottles

and a Few three pound cans of Folgers Coffee

the date of the Dig , can be gleaned from these articles .

I believe the year of this recovery was 1971 .

One would be better purposed to have the debris dated to find exactly when the people dug it up .

If I can recall exactly

La Rue had 3 caches per each side of the Mountains
both east side and west side

One Cache was in the North Canyon/Soledad Canyon area .

~~~~ End ~~~~~

Enjoy Folks

so that they too

May enjoy you

Ok Folks

I am going to set down for record some very damning evidence of the Flim Flam Scam
of the ONFP

,these will be first hand accounts that I myself experienced

It is replet with details that i personally witnessed .

As most readers of these threads are not one of the insiders , you get very few first hand accounts from a person whose experience in the venue are this close to the source
and has a familial legacy involved in it for many decades .

that is a brag .
My Bona fides are well set to record .

I will set the facts , whether it tears this ONFP can of lies wide open in your view
will be reliant upon your leaning of beliefs .

I already have pointed out how the 80 bars pictured in this thread could very well be

If any one person knows and is familiar with Fake bars , it certainly is I .

Bait and stick operations were for many years , using fake bars , photos of fake bars , as well as manufactured artifacts

I can take you into the inner workings of The Intelligence Community concerning this venue , that my experience with dates back to 1960 at a very early stage in my life .

There have been spread lies and rumors about my Father by ONFP members for years .

I made it known to them tpo put a stop to the machinations

or I'd bust loose with information concerning their Flim Flam scam where they cheated investors out of money .

the Noss Legacy got it's beginning with the Antics of a KNOWN Scam artist by the name of Milton Noss .

It has percivered for nearly 80 years

people have believed in a Lie mainly because they dream it to be true .

or for what ever reasons .

This is inside information , some of which may be straight out of Classified Documents .

Justice was delivered to that Flim Flam group when they were set up by The Governments intelligence community .

They are left nothing to sell but books today

the Gov't operations and projects were very
effective and finally had put that group out for good .

You have been mislead by all these shenanigans .

I was pretty much leaving it alone , owing to the fact that I have faith in people to see the scams for themselves .

It was their agenda

i just happen to be drawn into the fold through Intel .

You will believe what you wish

My purpose is not to persuade anyone to configure in their mind a prejudice toward
the flim flam scams of ONFP

The purpose is exposure of the scam as it actually was .

Noss got a bullet to the head from one of his Victims whom he had scammed far too many times

Ryan , the shooter did the World a favor is how it was Viewed By federal authorities of that time period .

be back when the sun rises to fill in the between the line details .

I will begin with the lies told by one member of ONFP by the name of Dr.Oren swearingen

a person I and my dad knew as a Mole seeking treasure information for his group
through my dad and his friends and later after My Fathers Murder
he sought further info from me .

here is a Link where he writes a letter to Childress in which he embellishes it with many lies about dad and Dad's co hunters .

here is the link

Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of the Southerwest - David Hatcher Childress - Google Books

note in the link above , that Oren States a man Named Joe Baston was the Fiance' of Linda Bird in 1961

and was an ex-C.I.A. Agent

Joe Batson is exactly 57 years old

he was 4 years old in 1961

this is just some of the blatant Lies this man Oren Swearingen and Jerry Cheatum used to Bilk Investors with .

as I had admonished these people to stop their lies or I';d expose details

They did not heed this

so we shall now follow through with the details .

Not Peralta

you are welcome in advance .

note in the link above , that Oren States a man Named Joe Baston was the Fiance' of Linda Bird in 1961

and was an ex-C.I.A. Agent

Joe Batson is exactly 57 years old

he was 4 years old in 1961

this is just some of the blatant Lies this man Oren Swearingen and Jerry Cheatum used to Bilk Investors with .

as I had admonished these people to stop their lies or I';d expose details

They did not heed this

so we shall now follow through with the details .

Not Peralta

you are welcome in advance .

HAHAHA Isn't that the same book that your father lied about the cave of steps?

treasminder2, people should listen and learn, In 50 some years of treasure hunting I had never met such greedy , inexperienced , corrupt, want to be secret agents, and want to be treasure hunters,and bilkers of individuals, than these people, and yes, I like treasminder 2, had a lot of the same experiences with these people. np:cat: I remember very well my first experience with the person that lived just outside las cruce headed toward alamagordo, you could see the big round water tower on the left to turn into this housing community , this is just to let treasminder2 know that yes I had been to the den of want to be's
in a nice house with a pool in his back yard, with his boat parked beside the house, when using the side door you enter the kitchen, and one of the first things you see was a picture of victorio peak on the wall for all to see and down the hall first room on right was the great office of the dummy. yes I like you remember all the smallest details. np:cat:

note in the link above , that Oren States a man Named Joe Baston was the Fiance' of Linda Bird in 1961

and was an ex-C.I.A. Agent

Joe Batson is exactly 57 years old

he was 4 years old in 1961

this is just some of the blatant Lies this man Oren Swearingen and Jerry Cheatum used to Bilk Investors with .

as I had admonished these people to stop their lies or I';d expose details

They did not heed this

so we shall now follow through with the details .

Not Peralta

you are welcome in advance .


For the sake of not starting a flame war, I have sat back and let you drone on with your BS. Since you decided to attack the recently deceased Oren Swearingen ....... well ........ here is just a little something to show how full of it you are:

You say that Joe Batson would have only been 4 years old in 1961? Then I guess LBJ's Daughter Lynda Bird must have been a pedophile. Here is an excerpt from the White House Lyndon Johnson Daily Diary from November 4th, 1966: assets lbj_tools daily_diary pdf 1966 19661104.pdf.webp

Notice how Joe Batson is mentioned as "LYNDA'S DATE"?

If anybody thinks I Photoshopped this, please feel free to go to the Johnson Library Website page 13 (PAGE 9 on the bottom right corner of the page):


So, that means Lynda Bird was dating a 9 year old Joe Batson? HAHAHA You are pathetic!

DeMoines Register July 5th, 1967:

Tex. Lynda Bird and Joe Batson of Amarillo, Tex., stood In as godparents for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nugent, who were not present for the ceremony


In 1967, Joe Batson was called by Marvin Watson to become an Advance Field Director in President Lyndon B. Johnson’s re-election plan.

YES! He must be an amazingly smart kid! AMAZING that they would pick a ten year old boy to be LBJ's Re-Election Advance Field Director!


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One individual in Particular of the ONFP that for a couple of decades who sought out every person named
in any treasure Story was Oren Swearingen .

He would glean names from one individual and find that person and attempt interrogation of them
and compile it .

He began to ask to be taken to sites these people were familiar with .

He and a Young guy got it into their heads to use an Ultra Lite Craft to seek an entrance to the
1300 steps cave my Dad talked about .

This Young guy with a wife and two kids , crashed the craft and died .

The situation prevalent amongst My Fathers group of friends , was to mislead all interlopers who came seeking information
on treasure .

Oren Swearingen with a 2 year period , had contacted every person in the group gleaning info .

The Young guys death at Har Scrabble must have placed dad as responcible for this death , as per Oren's personal
emails to myself , it was clear he did indeed blame father for that guys death .

During Oren's attempts, dads group as usual began to look toward where this Individual came from and to what his purpose
might be , why he would seek each of them out for a gleaning operation .

oren to them was a shill for some agency or group that were actively seeking peoples treasure sites .

In a personal conversation with Sam Scott of expeditions unlimited , Sam eluded to this character Oren Swearingen
and advised me to be aware not to expose any factual information to him .

Sam had the Contract for the last attempt of The Ova Group to get back to the Peak

He called me in 1989 as things were beginning to appear the permit would be granted .

Things changed for Sam and Expeditions unlimited , when Jerry Cheatum , the Mormon Backed outfit ONFP
Took control and persuaded Terry Delonas et al . to give them the Contract .

As it turned out
Jerry , whose life was a an Air Traffic Controller , whpo had absolutely no experience with Treasure Hunting , was appointed leader of the Group to go in to the peak

As the roster of individuals read

all the names of ONF with a few exceptions

Just happen to be all Mormons , which Oren Swearingen was as well .

The LDS had taken control .

Oren as a Shill it turned out had obviously been working for the Church of LDS .

The Mormons have always been interested in any ancient treasure , for their beliefs are that the Mormon and Moroni team brought it here from Israel and is where Joesph Smith met the Angel of 20 ft height That appeared as a White Salamander .

Dad's group felt it best to feed the Mole crumbs of truth mixed with fiction .

Formulated disinformation is an Art , and they were very good at it .

they knew he was a shill of some sort when they first had him contact each of them .

Oren claimed Claude took him to Hiles Cave
and that cave was the 1300 steps cave

yes , Claude took him to a cave , or perhaps a few sites .

But not to anything that would seriously produce treasure recovery results .

he was not trusted and rightly so .

Oren began in about 2000 to communicate with me

he gave a list of sites he said my Dad and Claude had shared with him .

I had been out of interest in the Venue for years .

What Oren actually had were the False sites , or sites close but not exact .

Directly after the Death of the Ultra Lite Pilot

Strange activity began to increase around Dads Home and especially his vehicles being vandalized .

What the facts are

is that The newly formed ONFP , had pushed Sam Scott out , and took over the Operation .

All members were Connected to the Mormon Church .

A Private Entity with members across the Globe .

Dad's Cave with 1300 steps is near the Old Rhoads Ranch
it faces East
it is near but not on Hard Scrabble

The Story was formulated as anyone who had factual knowledge of treasure would surely do .


that Story years later would be picked up by self promoting individuals who write books to sell .

I suppose Oren could not stand my Dad receiving credit for a Story , that Oren felt he was misled on and ended in
the death of his Young Friend

What Oren left out of the Equation

Was that site was discovered by Harvey Snow , not Oren Swearingen , and for Oren to come asking for the location, then
take that info and run after that cave behind dad's back , is considered Claim Jumping
by us Treasure Hunters .

Oren played the Sneak

He lost his Buddy in the Endeavor of Claim Jumping

It set him off sideways .

Everywhere on the net , old radio talk shows , and the sort , You'll find Oren contacted these , and called good old dad a liar .

As per Claudes Son and my statements

Both have publicly stated That our Dads HAD to LIE to certain people .

Dad had just lost a Daughter to a home invasion by people seeking to rumage this house for treasure or maps .

Oren shows up soon after begging to be given a Treasure and even stated , " I can't make my Cadillac Car payments "

That just is to pathetic .

Bother a Man right after the funeral , for treasure info , so you can make your expensive car payments .

yep , that's class all righty .

Facts above are truth .

That was how it was for my Family .

more testimony to come , from my family members as conveyed to me .

One individual in Particular of the ONFP that for a couple of decades who sought out every person named
in any treasure Story was Oren Swearingen .

He would glean names from one individual and find that person and attempt interrogation of them
and compile it .

He began to ask to be taken to sites these people were familiar with .

He and a Young guy got it into their heads to use an Ultra Lite Craft to seek an entrance to the
1300 steps cave my Dad talked about. So far you have hit me with several names of ranch owners near the cave of steps, and they are ALL WRONG! HAHAHA

This Young guy with a wife and two kids , crashed the craft and died .

The situation prevalent amongst My Fathers group of friends , was to mislead all interlopers who came seeking information
on treasure .

Oren Swearingen with a 2 year period , had contacted every person in the group gleaning info .

The Young guys death at Har Scrabble must have placed dad as responcible for this death , as per Oren's personal
emails to myself , it was clear he did indeed blame father for that guys death .

During Oren's attempts, dads group as usual began to look toward where this Individual came from and to what his purpose
might be , why he would seek each of them out for a gleaning operation .

oren to them was a shill for some agency or group that were actively seeking peoples treasure sites .

In a personal conversation with Sam Scott of expeditions unlimited , Sam eluded to this character Oren Swearingen
and advised me to be aware not to expose any factual information to him .

Sam had the Contract for the last attempt of The Ova Group to get back to the Peak

He called me in 1989 as things were beginning to appear the permit would be granted .

Things changed for Sam and Expeditions unlimited , when Jerry Cheatum , the Mormon Backed outfit ONFP
Took control and persuaded Terry Delonas et al . to give them the Contract .

As it turned out
Jerry , whose life was a an Air Traffic Controller , whpo had absolutely no experience with Treasure Hunting , was appointed leader of the Group to go in to the peak

As the roster of individuals read

all the names of ONF with a few exceptions

Just happen to be all Mormons , which Oren Swearingen was as well .

The LDS had taken control .

Oren as a Shill it turned out had obviously been working for the Church of LDS .

The Mormons have always been interested in any ancient treasure , for their beliefs are that the Mormon and Moroni team brought it here from Israel and is where Joesph Smith met the Angel of 20 ft height That appeared as a White Salamander .

Dad's group felt it best to feed the Mole crumbs of truth mixed with fiction .

Formulated disinformation is an Art , and they were very good at it .

they knew he was a shill of some sort when they first had him contact each of them .

Oren claimed Claude took him to Hiles Cave
and that cave was the 1300 steps cave

yes , Claude took him to a cave , or perhaps a few sites .

But not to anything that would seriously produce treasure recovery results .

he was not trusted and rightly so .

Oren began in about 2000 to communicate with me

he gave a list of sites he said my Dad and Claude had shared with him .

I had been out of interest in the Venue for years .

What Oren actually had were the False sites , or sites close but not exact .

Directly after the Death of the Ultra Lite Pilot

Strange activity began to increase around Dads Home and especially his vehicles being vandalized .

What the facts are

is that The newly formed ONFP , had pushed Sam Scott out , and took over the Operation .

All members were Connected to the Mormon Church .

A Private Entity with members across the Globe .

Dad's Cave with 1300 steps is near the Old Rhoads Ranch
it faces East
it is near but not on Hard Scrabble

The Story was formulated as anyone who had factual knowledge of treasure would surely do .


that Story years later would be picked up by self promoting individuals who write books to sell .

I suppose Oren could not stand my Dad receiving credit for a Story , that Oren felt he was misled on and ended in
the death of his Young Friend

What Oren left out of the Equation

Was that site was discovered by Harvey Snow , not Oren Swearingen , and for Oren to come asking for the location, then
take that info and run after that cave behind dad's back , is considered Claim Jumping
by us Treasure Hunters .

Oren played the Sneak

He lost his Buddy in the Endeavor of Claim Jumping

It set him off sideways .

Everywhere on the net , old radio talk shows , and the sort , You'll find Oren contacted these , and called good old dad a liar .

As per Claudes Son and my statements

Both have publicly stated That our Dads HAD to LIE to certain people .

Dad had just lost a Daughter to a home invasion by people seeking to rumage this house for treasure or maps .

Oren shows up soon after begging to be given a Treasure and even stated , " I can't make my Cadillac Car payments "

That just is to pathetic .

Bother a Man right after the funeral , for treasure info , so you can make your expensive car payments .

yep , that's class all righty .

Facts above are truth .

That was how it was for my Family .

more testimony to come , from my family members as conveyed to me .


You are full of crap. Every word from you is BS. Your father lied about a cave of steps.

You lied about Oren (as I proved above).

Where is your reply to my previous post? I thought you threatened Oren regarding Joe Batson's Information? Information that you were completely full of BS on, which I proved in a one minute Google Search.

Come on. Show me how I was wrong and you were right!

Don't just ignore my post and post some different lies. Come on! You have to do better than that!


After the Ultra Lite Crash at Hard Scrabble

Oren came spinning his Cadillac into dads yard

Leaving his wife in a running Cad with the ac on

he stormed up to the door and announced that His Buddy had just been Killed chasing a red herring

and then Demanded of dad the actual location

Wiley Old Dad wishes to avoid having to place another bullet in another invader of his home
simply told Oren to " Go ask Claude "

Reason being , dad knew of Claude sharing a little too much with Oren , and dropping Dads name to Oren

so the gestalt was " Go ask your new friend where it's at "

Dad called Claude , gave him the heads up on Oren

Claude laughed , so he's livid is he ? "

oren contacted Claude
and offered to fly Claude down to New Mexico if Claude would deliver the locale to him .

and stating to Claude : " I can get you on the base, would you like to revisit your sites "

Claude , gave it a thought , legal pass onto the base ? No sneaking ? sure !

Claude drove down after conversing with Dad

The plan was to red herring Oren the gleaner and claim jumper .

Ergo the Domijohn site , a well known by locals as an empty shaft .

40 years later after receiving the site from Claude , and free access to that Domijohn cave
Oren never tried to excavate the site .

it is as far as I know , still in the condition it was .

and manny were all contacted by Oren back then

he would get one name , and ask to be introduced to them

in time , he had met most of the players and heard some of the details of sites, many of which , were just stories
of the campfire type .

Dad;s team pondered why it was that Oren would glean info , yet do nothing much to enter the sites and attempt digs there .

It was concluded by them that he must be an operative of a bigger Unit

a check came back that Oren had been Army Intelligence at one time

That tied it for Dad and his Team .

Oren was to be fed red herring until the mercury in it cured him of shenanigans .

in 2002 , Oren asked me to visit New Mexico

he began to email sites he said my Dads team had discovered

in August of that year I left for New mexico from Eugene Or .

Oren requested that I pay jerry Cheatum a visit at his home

( I had already met Jerry a couple years or so before , NOT IMPRESSED with Jerry's so called evidence , some of which
included my Dads Photos , which I found interesting , how did this guy get those ? simple , Jerry and the ONFP had purchased
the material from my half brother who had stolen these from me , they paid Walter $25,000 for the Portfolio ,
I had to laugh , they paid him that ? They got swindled , rather than swindle me or Walt )

Oren Claimed there was a cave with a stone cover that my dad had found

it was as far across the mountains as you could get from public land
and dead center of the Proving grounds

he informed me that I would need a very heavy 6 foot pry bar to move the boulder

and I would have to carry that across the mountains with me .

Yeah Right , and die too , right ?

He sent the list of sites in an email

all of it fabricated sites.

I visited all of the supposed sites
some of which I was already very familiar with , knowing these were all Red Herrings .

Yet these are very close to some sites I was curious about , no problem to check these as well .

NOTHING was there

not one item on that list with exception of some Monuments I already knew of and had seen earlier in life , was there .

Scam !

yep , sure was .

I thought it out a bit , " What is this old dude up to and why "

OH CRAP ! those photos of that treasure in the cave I was led to ,,,,
The pics had been co-vertly passed to ONFP


Easy enough to understand .

I then thought about the smear campaign back home that was directed at me beginning in 1994 .

and connected that date to the date ONFP was thrown off the base 1994


I then understood the spoof operation and whom it was directed at

It was to bait the ONFP and all backers of that group into focusing on me .

I thought back to 1995 and my kidnapping by two men and the questions they asked about the treasure in the photos .

Those Men were caught by Feds red handed with me asw a captive due to their Kidnapping of me .

EEEEWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwww , I thought , how sweet a set up , a bait and stick operation to take down
a Flim Flam Scam Team as the ONFP Heads were .

Facing Federal Kidnap charges ( for I was transported across state lines to Utah ( Mormon Church area ) The ONFP
Scam artist would be given a choice

Either Eat it on the Peak and stay out of our face about it

or bye bye for 20 years each .


Confirmation came soon after I put it together .

Via Federal Documents delivered By Fed agents .

I was told to read them , and forget about it , That they were instructed to tell me what was going on, for fear I would
go out head hunting the Kidnappers and get myself in trouble doing so .

I was used as an Unwitting operative in a sting ,,, HOW COOL IS THAT ?!!!!!!!!!!!

onfp moved out

Jerry Cheatum , now obsessed by the Treasure Bug

Took Ovas maps and Ran to the Alternate site " The Caballo Mountains " and those sites he set up on
still have produced nothing but loss of investors money .

Next , the sister connection to the Mormon Church scheme .

Enjoy Folks , preferably with a little Ketchup .

Claude drove down f

TREASMINDER2,:director: yes, how cool is that? have a hot :coffee2:on me. np:cat:


I will get into the Jerry Cheatum Visit of 2000 I made at the behest of dads Long time friend Dick

it gets really Juicy next .

Cheatum in a Drawer of one of his File Cabinets , had a ton of documents on my Dad , including my Dads full portfolio

He showed me a Photo of La Rue Bars ( 6 of them ) and said " These were sent to us anonymously

we think they came out of Docs Cave at Victorio Peak

I laughed , Dude , those bars were made by my dad , claude and Jim Methvin , those are LEAD painted with
Gold Spray paint

I still have those bars , the engraving on the top of the Name La Rue has been cut off .

The bars are FAKE
I know them well , and why thewy made them and the photo's .

Jerry in a bit pulled out a Modern 2X4 and said : We found this across one of Docs vertical shafts in the Caballlo's

Letha said it was the Board Doc placed across the shaft when he found it with her
he tied a rope to it and repelled down the hole

she said he brought up a Bar from that Hole


I said Jerry , up until 1954 , 2 X 4's were actually 2 inches by 4 inches , that changed when Drywall was
invented and the need for the extra half inch no longer was viable .

What you have in your hand , measures 1 1/2 by 3 1/2 not 2 x 4 inches

Doc never placed that over that hole

I did not tell him that Letha during the 1977 expedition , exhibited insane antics , walking around the halls of the Motel and attempting
to make love to strangers as well as nodding yes to every story told as though she was there at the time

she also said my Dad fired at here and Doc while I the Peak in 1940 or so .

Odd one that

Dad was not in New Mexico in 1940

he was a 13 year old kid , in Arcadia Fla . living with his Grand Parents running a Ranch ..

every story Jerry Cheatum recounted about my Dad was a false bunch of CRAP .

One would think Dad had wings and could bi-locate at will .

To hear these stories the ONFP told , Dad was the Modern Billy the Kid

Just as those same folks claim that Willie Killed about a half dozen men to keep his stash
safe .

Willie was a MEEK little Goat Roper .

not a mad dog killer .

it gets better

hang in there

I'm on a roll now , tonight I'll get out some old data .

and rip this ONFP house to the ground .

Jerry had as Doc before him


You saw his House NP

pretty nice for an Air Traffic controller from Saettle Wash. eh ?

$700,000 went bye bye to the Army ?

well , $5,000 of it was My Dads good friend Dick .

Dick was the one Oren Swearingen First came into contact with , of my Dads friends

through Dick , Oren got the names of a few more people , Claude being one , through Claude
Oren Got Dads name

eventually as I said ,,, Oren had met a slew of folks ..

Why chase all those people ?

well , if he was trying to get first hand accounts for a Book he was writing I could see it

but he was not .

He was up to something , and he was up to it for an Organization , like a Cult Disguised as a Church .

True that .

I said it , I have info none of ONFP nor anyone outside of the Gov.t has to my knowledge .

Orens story is false .


he was P.O.'d at my dad because his young friend died trying to find that 1300 step cave

which dad made up the location of

Keep that kin mind

then google Oren+harvey snow

and see how rabid Mr Nice and Kinde Oren Swearingen went after my Dad and his story .

That does not happen , unless a Man is on a Vindictive drive after a Man

Oren , as I stated , was suspected of being a shill for a gleaning Info operation

Of course he is gpoing to be fed Lies, he came in co-vertly and went out via our peoples feeding him crapola .

when the results did nlot meet his satisfaction

and his buddy got his stupid self killed flying to close to the up and downdrafts

He went full tilt HATE THE SNOW MAN

Rather than him see where he was wrong making attempts to swindle treasure sites from the finders

he BLAMED the treasure hunters for a Daeth that they had nothing to do with


not my dad

Oren i guess , just could not accept his responcibillity for that Guy going in there and getting killed .

He laid the blame on my Dad , in his mind , and that fomented for decades inside of him .


Oren states My Dad had never seen the cave with 1300 steps because my Dads partner never showed Dad because he did not
trust my Dad


It was Oren that was not trusted

taht is why dad and Calude decided to have Claude take Oren to a site that is NOT the 1300 steps cave

was Hiles in on that as well ?

Knowing how these men operate , more than Hiles was in on the Red Herring .

  1. [h=3]Haunted by this site. - TreasureNet[/h] › ... › Treasure LegendsVictorio Peak
    Jul 6, 2010 - 15 posts
    I didn't know Harvey Snow, but I know someone who did. Dr. Lambert Dolphin introduced me to a guy named Dr. Oren Swearingen from Texas.The True Story of Victorio Peak - Page 24
    15 posts
    Mar 24, 2014

    Victorio Peak Documents, Symbols and Artifacts
    15 posts
    Oct 21, 2010

    More results from

  2. [h=3]Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of the Southerwest[/h]
    David Hatcher Childress - 2011 - ‎Body, Mind & Spirit
    Dr. Swearingen said in his letter to me: Dear Mr. Childress, I have just today ... [A] big error is the big lie told by Harvey Snow about his “Cave of Steps” in ...

  3. [h=3]Arizona Superstition Mountain Tunnel Systems, Inner World ...[/h]
    Jul 1, 2001 - named Harvey Snow was approached by three ranchers who lived in the area west of the Victorio Peak site. Snow had .... Dr. Oren Swearingen

  4. [h=3]BUFO News , Archived UFO and Paranormal News for July ...[/h]
    Jul 17, 2003 - the supposed experience of Harvey Snow-----and it is a fabrication ! ..... Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Oren Swearingen of Texas.

  5. [h=3]Mary Sutherland - The Jerry Pippin Show[/h]
    Jul 19, 2003 - ... from the supposed experience of Harvey Snow-----and it is a fabrication ! ... I knew Harvey ( now deceased ) and he admitted to me that he ... Dr. Oren Swearingen. ------------------. Jerry: So do you know anything about the letter writer? Mary: Jerry, what I need to do is contact this Swearingen and find out ...

  6. [h=3]Full text of "History of Johnson County, Missouri"[/h] Archive

    Oren J. 592 Byram. .... E. E. 1082 Sutherland, J. O. 686 Sutton, William E. 558 Swearingen. ...... In March, 1831, Judge Harvey Harrison and his wife, and his father ;in<l all his ..... 1866 to 1872, C. Snow (Wbg.) ; 1874 to 1882, J. R. Kelly (Col.) ...

  7. [h=3]White Oak Pond Cemetery - USGenWeb Archives[/h]
    1999 Barr, Oren Harvey TEC 5 US Army WW II 9 Jan. 1907 - 19 Oct. ..... 1962 Griffin, Mrs. Henry Griffin, Myrtle Viola (Snow) 16 May 1892 - 13 Jun. 1920 Griffin ...

  8. [h=3]OHS Research Center | Smith's Directory R-Z[/h] › ... › TerritorialOklahoma Historical Society

    Barrackman, David Harvey, Barrickman, H. D., S189 ...... Ellsworth, Oren D. S253. Elly, Nicholas, S253 ...... Snow, Charles C. A., Snow, Chas C. A., S313.

  9. [h=3]The Port Arthur News from Port Arthur, Texas · Page 11[/h]
    Apr 8, 1976 - 17 year old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. Oren Swearingen of £1 Paso and .... of San Francisco -- "Poisoned Snow" (R), with guesi stars Clu Gulager. A l a n .... Lawrence Harvey, Tom Courtenay (26) Underdog (39) Flintstones ...

  10. [h=3][PDF]Gentry county Missouri, Obituaries: Theo B[/h]
    Oren John Allen Taken By Death: Graveside services were held Saturday .... Parkhurst, Weatherby; a son, Oscar K. Angle, Jr., St. Louis; a brother, Harvey L. ...... a state highway department employe 33 years, had been working with snow trucks ...... Mrs. Crow had no children, but took her nephew, Otha Swearingen, when he ...


    I just googled Oren Swearingen + Harvey Snow

    the above is just the first page results of the search

    You see that Oren went rabidly after My dad

    That is construed as STALKING

    and I was aksed to have respect for a Daed Man

    whi;le that Dead Man disrespected my dead father after his Death

    with his blatant LIES ?

    again I ask Mike

    is the Kettle BLACK ,,, Mr. Pot ?

    same game as the ONFP played

    accuse the victim of doing what you do

    paint them black

    I said enough GAMES

    or I let it out

    The Door just flew off the hinges

    and exposure is now on the floor .

    a fat little dentist ,,, creeps into Treasure Hunters , and attempts to steal info from them

    Oren was played by our team like a reed flute

    same with the Mormon Church and their Hog Farmer Team they called ONFP

    end result ?

    WE beat them off the Peak

    we beat them out of the Organs

    we set them up
    and watch their GREED take them DOWN

    Jerry and Oren , went to the Grave without ever getting so much as a Match book out of the treasure .

    Iwonder what they did with the T-Shirts they had printed up for ONFP

    I could use something to wipe the tears of laughter out of my eyes .

    T-Shirts !!!!!

    get one today for a donation
    to the ONFP

    we need the cash to get a treasure out of a Peak .

    Sorry Man

    ONFP lost

    Jerry said it himself : " Gawd I hate to lose "

    well Jerry ,

    I , nor my family , nor the Army Challenged You people to a duel .

    YOU , Challenged US

    we had more ammunition is all ,

    and better support

    and reinforcements

    and for some reason ,,,, I just cannot be killed that easily .



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