One individual in Particular of the ONFP that for a couple of decades who sought out every person named
in any treasure Story was Oren Swearingen .
He would glean names from one individual and find that person and attempt interrogation of them
and compile it .
He began to ask to be taken to sites these people were familiar with .
He and a Young guy got it into their heads to use an Ultra Lite Craft to seek an entrance to the
1300 steps cave my Dad talked about. So far you have hit me with several names of ranch owners near the cave of steps, and they are ALL WRONG! HAHAHA
This Young guy with a wife and two kids , crashed the craft and died .
The situation prevalent amongst My Fathers group of friends , was to mislead all interlopers who came seeking information
on treasure .
Oren Swearingen with a 2 year period , had contacted every person in the group gleaning info .
The Young guys death at Har Scrabble must have placed dad as responcible for this death , as per Oren's personal
emails to myself , it was clear he did indeed blame father for that guys death .
During Oren's attempts, dads group as usual began to look toward where this Individual came from and to what his purpose
might be , why he would seek each of them out for a gleaning operation .
oren to them was a shill for some agency or group that were actively seeking peoples treasure sites .
In a personal conversation with Sam Scott of expeditions unlimited , Sam eluded to this character Oren Swearingen
and advised me to be aware not to expose any factual information to him .
Sam had the Contract for the last attempt of The Ova Group to get back to the Peak
He called me in 1989 as things were beginning to appear the permit would be granted .
Things changed for Sam and Expeditions unlimited , when Jerry Cheatum , the Mormon Backed outfit ONFP
Took control and persuaded Terry Delonas et al . to give them the Contract .
As it turned out
Jerry , whose life was a an Air Traffic Controller , whpo had absolutely no experience with Treasure Hunting , was appointed leader of the Group to go in to the peak
As the roster of individuals read
all the names of ONF with a few exceptions
Just happen to be all Mormons , which Oren Swearingen was as well .
The LDS had taken control .
Oren as a Shill it turned out had obviously been working for the Church of LDS .
The Mormons have always been interested in any ancient treasure , for their beliefs are that the Mormon and Moroni team brought it here from Israel and is where Joesph Smith met the Angel of 20 ft height That appeared as a White Salamander .
Dad's group felt it best to feed the Mole crumbs of truth mixed with fiction .
Formulated disinformation is an Art , and they were very good at it .
they knew he was a shill of some sort when they first had him contact each of them .
Oren claimed Claude took him to Hiles Cave
and that cave was the 1300 steps cave
yes , Claude took him to a cave , or perhaps a few sites .
But not to anything that would seriously produce treasure recovery results .
he was not trusted and rightly so .
Oren began in about 2000 to communicate with me
he gave a list of sites he said my Dad and Claude had shared with him .
I had been out of interest in the Venue for years .
What Oren actually had were the False sites , or sites close but not exact .
Directly after the Death of the Ultra Lite Pilot
Strange activity began to increase around Dads Home and especially his vehicles being vandalized .
What the facts are
is that The newly formed ONFP , had pushed Sam Scott out , and took over the Operation .
All members were Connected to the Mormon Church .
A Private Entity with members across the Globe .
Dad's Cave with 1300 steps is near the Old Rhoads Ranch
it faces East
it is near but not on Hard Scrabble
The Story was formulated as anyone who had factual knowledge of treasure would surely do .
that Story years later would be picked up by self promoting individuals who write books to sell .
I suppose Oren could not stand my Dad receiving credit for a Story , that Oren felt he was misled on and ended in
the death of his Young Friend
What Oren left out of the Equation
Was that site was discovered by Harvey Snow , not Oren Swearingen , and for Oren to come asking for the location, then
take that info and run after that cave behind dad's back , is considered Claim Jumping
by us Treasure Hunters .
Oren played the Sneak
He lost his Buddy in the Endeavor of Claim Jumping
It set him off sideways .
Everywhere on the net , old radio talk shows , and the sort , You'll find Oren contacted these , and called good old dad a liar .
As per Claudes Son and my statements
Both have publicly stated That our Dads HAD to LIE to certain people .
Dad had just lost a Daughter to a home invasion by people seeking to rumage this house for treasure or maps .
Oren shows up soon after begging to be given a Treasure and even stated , " I can't make my Cadillac Car payments "
That just is to pathetic .
Bother a Man right after the funeral , for treasure info , so you can make your expensive car payments .
yep , that's class all righty .
Facts above are truth .
That was how it was for my Family .
more testimony to come , from my family members as conveyed to me .