where did you read my dad mislead the gov jack ?
are you dense ?
did i say he misled the gov. ?
here, i'll tell you a real story jack
lets see if you catch the gestalt of the story
in 2002 i left Eugene Oregon and travelled down to Las Cruces,, and per Oren Sweringens request,,,
went to Jerry Cheatums house of the Ova Noss Family Project
Jerry related to me a story Letha Guthrie told
the story goes that one day, about 1939, her and Ova together were on Vicky Peak,
and a Man, from some bushes began to shoot at them
Ova pulled her trusty side arm and shot back grazing the culprit and running him off by shooting near his feet as he ran all the way out of Hembrillo basin
Letha stated that the Man was Harvey Snow ( My Dad )
My Dad was born in 1927
he would have at the best,,, been 12 years old,, how'd he get there from florida
did he float on a cloud ?
Jerry recounted many a story that Ova and Letha had told
some included my Dads name in the story.
Jerry had one item going for him
he was Obsessed with VP and the stories.
The Gestalt ?
The Gestalt is Jack,,, that Jack Staley can write books using the Ova Noss Family Project material that Jerry Cheatum had in File Cabinets all over his entry way 0f his house and in his office.
Jack or John Staley of Clarence or any author can write those books
any TRUTH to these books ?
Dude, TRUTH is not a commodity in the VP so called saga.
why is it, i never hear about Doc Noss's Cocaine and Gambling addiction ?
I mean Jack, ONFP glorify a Known Criminal. an alcoholic drug addicted brutal psychopath.
and sure,,, my Dad was EVIL as Snake spit,,
but hey,, even Charlie Manson had his good days ,, i'm sure.
Ok Jack,,,, if you can understand that the 3 books have no actuall facts from credible witnesses,
whom i know for a fact, Made up fictitous stories,, then,, you next question will be:::
Well Rog',,,, what is true and will you tell us /
No Jack
VP was a major crime, it led to the death of JFK, and many other deaths and torture Jack.
No one NEEDS to KNOW the truth.
no one NEEDS to keep pushing it up out of the ashes and attempting to re-ignite it into life.
it's a dead story dude
most, if not all the players are now dead
Last i heard was a Saudi Prince who bought some of the treasure back in 1964, had died a few months back
The true story ?
HA! FOIA,,, every day,,,, all day,,,
you'll never get it
How'd you like the majic Bullet trick on JFK's gurney ?
worked well did it not ?
How'd you like the Hologram of a triangular ufo over phoenix in 1997
worked well,,, did it not ?
SPOOFED an entire city dude, but it was not flares, it was a lazer projected 3D hologram
Truth ?
Dude, truth does not sell well
Truth, gets people in trouble, and if they have power to do so, they KILL anyone who can prove the truth.
Do i have truth to tell ?
I am my dads son
dna proved that
Truth is
no one NEEDS to know the TRUTH
ingrained within the genetic code of western civilazation
is the Jesus Mythology
about 1,700 years of the Myth being hammered home into the minds of people
has created a Genetic coding as it can be called.
now children are born believing a MYTH, or at the least,, are born with the code in place
for the acceptance of the MYTH
Now, given all that trash i just wrote
what truth is in your genetic coding Jack ?
andis Homeland security aware of us rapping in this forum ?
are we being watched ?
should we believe it is all GOOD ?
200 years ago, my anscetors would have knocked the teeth out of a TSA agents for touching
an Elderly woman, or any female
200 years of brutal conditioning,,, and YOU will not even cuss at them
Truth ?
depends on YOUR truth. depends on what your consciousness is coded for.
Mislead the Government ?
My Dad ?
intentionally mislead the Government ?
STUPID,,, turn the Cart around Jack,,, has the Government misled YOU ?
is it doing that right now through me ?
i a TOOL Jack ?
are you a TOOL Jack ?
How would you know if either were true or not Jack ?
give that a thought folks
i can for a fact mislead
i can for a fact spin heads in whatever direction i wish for them to spin
and if i can get that done all on my own
what can a Government or chuch do with all the resources YOU provide them with
to do it to you ?
Mislead the Government Jack ?
Jack, is the Kettle Black Dude ?
This from page #7
I have been re-reading my post in this forum
interesting is that today
you see on main stream media , many of the things I spoke about years ago
thanks to whistle blowers
when i spoke of 3D Laser projected Holographic images of UFO's
no one knew it , and no one posted the technology or spoke about it
Since I spoke of it
It is all over the net
lots of things I spoke of are now becoming known to the public
When I said you were feeding a Monster that will eat your children
I meangt for people to reflect on their own brainwashing
What exactly gives you that PATRIOTIC feeling that you have a True and Honest Country
worth killing and dieing for ?
Where did you get the idea and was it reafirmed for you almost daily ?
was it in a Public School and from your parents ?
Did you History Books about America seem to be full of lies when you were a Kid
those books were lies and as a kid I could feel it when I read them .
Today , right now , re read what you read of my post from all these years
and apply what i said back then about the near future which is the now
does it all fit ?
Yeah , like a playtex glove
I rest my case folks
welcome to the America we Warned you about
Remain deluded however
because it is too late to stop yourself from supporting it with your children and your tax dollars
you've become comfortable and afraid
310 million of you now
your Culture is Shopping Malls
stay there and duck the incoming folks
see ya's