Victorio Peak Documents, Symbols and Artifacts

ok folks
out of thousands of post and replys of mine throughout the internet forums

one common thread sticks out

in none of those, do i ever ask anyone a question.....

You've always given generously and never asked for anything, on the net or in the desert. You've provided the same information, without variation, dozens of times in several forums for many years. Your story never changes to suit the latest circumstances. This fact alone is something worth noting because it's damned tough to keep the story straight. Yours never changes - and this indicates that the story is something you've lived. You're an authentic dude Rog' - thanks.

By the way, is the fish good to eat or has the Japanese radiation found its way to Portland?

I second Springfield's sentiments in terms of your story in 4 years that I've been reading various forums the story has always remained the same! It's all a scam and personally I want to know the truth. No disrespect to anyone. I always look forward to your input...for me the truth sells and in some instances share Treasurminder's views of the world. What he says is not that far fetched...we travel to space and soon to be mining in space! Sounds like there's almost nothing left here on earth. I know it's not exactly the case but the fact that they are sinking money into this idea makes you wonder. However there is much money to be made so that in itself says it all. It's always about the $$$$$!

I second Springfield's sentiments in terms of your story in 4 years that I've been reading various forums the story has always remained the same! It's all a scam and personally I want to know the truth. No disrespect to anyone. I always look forward to your input...for me the truth sells and in some instances share Treasurminder's views of the world. What he says is not that far fetched...we travel to space and soon to be mining in space! Sounds like there's almost nothing left here on earth. I know it's not exactly the case but the fact that they are sinking money into this idea makes you wonder. However there is much money to be made so that in itself says it all. It's always about the $$$$$!

ever think about this

if for years you have read my post
especially at the other forum ALT

you watched a lot of harassment of me.

Then, when some of what I stated became WELL KNOWN AND PROVEN

debunkers do not even try

yeah, exactly correct, about consistentcy

and as SteveNM stated: when you get there
i take you by the hand and lead you in,,,

and when we arrive, what i spoke of is : THERE, even the holes left behind from the Military
digs that took most of the treasure.

Granted, i am one creepy Bass Turd

and rightly so, i go straight for the facts when i speak of co-vert crap
without fear of any agents "F"ing with me

any man who has been tortured, NEEDS the inner strength something like that can bring into him

When i watched those F.B.I. Officers let those D.I.A. Agents go after i escaped them and made it to the federal courthouse two blocks away in downtown " OLYMPIA WASHINGTON"

That right there tied it.

too " F " ing PEE'd to care about fear

corruption at that level, denotes a failed system at it's extreme .

I at first, when beginning to recall what they hypnotized me to forget of the event of my kidnapping and torture and escape,,,,

I thought they had taken me to portland

then i thought Tacoma

on my way down from Seattle to Portland Oregon

I went into Olympia, the state capital

sure enough, i found the Courthouse,,, from there, i knew the Boarded up Building they tortured me in was somewher two blocks away.

circled until i found it.

I was tiled the whole entire trip.

Have THAT in your life,,, and if it does not make one well forged MAN out of you,,,

then you are not Me

sure, the boys who ran the operation could get stupid and have me off'ed

am i supposed to FEAR that ?

Bull-S_it !

For Capt. Fiegie
For My Dad and his friends

and for myself,,,

I'll expose every piece of work they engage in.

are they worried ?

they KNOW how the Sheep's sleep on their feets

no, worried they are NOT.

America is 310 million comfort junkies man.

Yes I did read first hand the harrasement that you went through, couldn't stand it! Just wanted to read your story.

I hear you...crazy stuff...sure at this point what else can they do to you, other than put you out of your misery! Which like you say they're not you said 310 million junkies...who's going to believe you and of those that do more junkies!!! Lol!!

Well forged I'm sure!!

I agree screwed up system and to think these guys are making all the rules.

For all it's worth I'm sorry your life went as it's unfortunate to think that someone and their whole family had to endure something so cruel and hanous, by the people who have sworn to protect us! People sacrifice their lives for these people who at the end of the day are only concerned about $$$...

That's how we've been programmed, to believe every word they say and not to be open minded. By open minded I mean such things as VP and the other repositories. I know you know what I mean...

Well if you ever want to chat PM me (or open forum), I'd really enjoy listenning to more of your stories and if your interested I'm curious from a point of view of who put the stuff in the repositories like VP. I do not want to bother you so I'll leave it up to you.

Always a pleasure!!

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Yes I did read first hand the harrasement that you went through, couldn't stand it! Just wanted to read your story.

I hear you...crazy stuff...sure at this point what else can they do to you, other than put you out of your misery! Which like you say they're not you said 310 million junkies...who's going to believe you and of those that do more junkies!!! Lol!!

Well forged I'm sure!!

I agree screwed up system and to think these guys are making all the rules.

For all it's worth I'm sorry your life went as it's unfortunate to think that someone and their whole family had to endure something so cruel and hanous, by the people who have sworn to protect us! People sacrifice their lives for these people who at the end of the day are only concerned about $$$...

That's how we've been programmed, to believe every word they say and not to be open minded. By open minded I mean such things as VP and the other repositories. I know you know what I mean...

Well if you ever want to chat PM me (or open forum), I'd really enjoy listenning to more of your stories and if your interested I'm curious from a point of view of who put the stuff in the repositories like VP. I do not want to bother you so I'll leave it up to you.

Always a pleasure!!

Geek,,, real simple

life is experiential,, the more varied, the more interesting and a lot more fuller.

granted, some crap was a B_tch to get through

but wisdom comes no other way
neither does a FULL life

i ain't cryin'

my voction is to keep telling it


especially the Tech and Tactics

so folks who may be a target,, have the knowledge to see what is being attempted on them.

Some days are better than hardened as one can be we're human at the end of the day. With varied emotions.... I bet it was a b****! does the saying go? "better to have a gun..." we're all expendable...accidents happen every day. I guess sometimes they're not accidental.

I don't want to hijack someone else's thread I'll start one and if you like we can discuss topic or whatever, at least I won't be stepping on someone else's thread.

Geek,,, real simple

life is experiential,, the more varied, the more interesting and a lot more fuller.

granted, some crap was a B_tch to get through

but wisdom comes no other way
neither does a FULL life

i ain't cryin'

my voction is to keep telling it


especially the Tech and Tactics

so folks who may be a target,, have the knowledge to see what is being attempted on them.

for what its worth Rog, I believe you , always just kind of knew what you were saying, was the real deal .
and thank you for your efforts, your words have not fallen on deaf ears .

for what its worth Rog, I believe you , always just kind of knew what you were saying, was the real deal .
and thank you for your efforts, your words have not fallen on deaf ears .

View attachment 634878

When i stated the Doc Noss' photo of his La Rue Bars in 100 tons of gold , were of phoney bars.

this is because his bars had the name la rue engraved in them.

La Rue did not make bars with his name on them.

he had his strike mark on them.

In this image is his strike Mark burned into a Niche on a Boulder near His Mine
in the Organ Mountains.

Noss, ran a Con on his investor with that photo of a Phoney set of bars.

This is La Rues Strike mark.

and this SM, was on his bars, NOT his Name, for many priest of France had the name
La Rue.

This strike Mark was exclusive to La Rue of the Organs Mountains alone.

Hi Kanabite

thank you
as you know on how i feel about treasure hunting, and Government dealings in it with devious stunts,

telling the TRUTH, for me is what it is all about.

pee's me off, all the lies, spying and theft.

above, is the strike mark of La Rue, whose actual birth name was of the Ruxillias bloodline,
direct descendent of the Grand Master of the Knights Templar of the same name.

He, as myself, was as well a scion of Du Bruk, which is where my actual last name of BROOKS came from.

Hi Kanabite

thank you
as you know on how i feel about treasure hunting, and Government dealings in it with devious stunts,

telling the TRUTH, for me is what it is all about.

pee's me off, all the lies, spying and theft.

above, is the strike mark of La Rue, whose actual birth name was of the Ruxillias bloodline,
direct descendent of the Grand Master of the Knights Templar of the same name.

He, as myself, was as well a scion of Du Bruk, which is where my actual last name of BROOKS came from.

I too am a Knights Templar. I am also a member of the Grand masonic Lodge of England. I have heard the treasure stories and other things I can't discuss in meetings. I did go explore Victorio Peak a few times came up empty handed except for the last time. I ended up finding some old military stuff from the 1800's I find very interesting. Still waiting to find the letter from Pope Pius III. that is what I am after or some old spanish armor or swords. Screw the Gold I want something to add to my collection of old military artificats. Plus I wouldn't know what to do with gold if I found it seems to be more trouble than it would be worth. You can still get inside VP through one of the entrances. It is very interesting inside. Saw the writings on the inside. Looks like too many people have been in there. Saw fresh tracks maybe 2 days old around the peak. some rocks moved I guess someone was trying to find another way in. the military stays out of that area. I did do some metal detecting about 700 meters around the peak and in a few more areas heading back out northwest and west to see if I could find the 100 bars Doc buried the night before he was shot. No luck on the gold but I did find the 1800's military stuff. next up is the Organ Mtn's, and the Cabello's to do some cave exploring.

.... I did go I did do some metal detecting about 700 meters around the peak and in a few more areas heading back out northwest and west to see if I could find the 100 bars Doc buried the night before he was shot. No luck on the gold but I did find the 1800's military stuff. next up is the Organ Mtn's, and the Cabello's to do some cave exploring.

The Battle of Hembrillo Basin, April 1880.
The Hembrillo Battlefield
Fire Fight at Hembrillo Basin

Another Document...sort of.

Little clipping from the Albuquerque Journal, Dec. 15, 1941. Just a little "contemporary" snippet, enjoy.



  • AlbuquerqueJournalAlbuquerqueNewMexico 1941 Crop.webp
    AlbuquerqueJournalAlbuquerqueNewMexico 1941 Crop.webp
    107.3 KB · Views: 552
JEEBUS on a tower of babble

so much BS on the net about Victorio Peak and Noss

for cris-sakes folks ,, get REAL

Noss was a CON

Once again the chronology of the peak and the other store houses


get that straight

prior to king Solomon of 2900 years ago

Phoeniccian knew about the treasury of their anscestors THE ATLANTEANS




I travel
I at the moment live aboard my 28foot bayliner Cabin Cruiser in Portland Oregon

but, since Portland is a Slum

I am relocating to Avila Beach California to live on my sailboat ther
it is a wealthy arae, and with wealth, comes dignity, dignified people are whom i need to be around,,, not the Slum Bunnies of Portland.

as a traveler ( By lifestyle as a choice ) I move so ofeten that i have no need to make inter-connection with people wherever i happen to be.

In this, i as well have no connection to any Country nor politic

being or owning to that particular stance in life,, i care little for the manipulations of the Government of the U.S.A.
or it's Intel-squads.

Many of my words typed before now, and in this forum as well as all across the net, where i speak of future events that will transpire,,
have now come true.

Validity to me is my own, rather anyone else can grasp and hold what i have written to be true, is of their own free
perception , and matters not a twit to me.

Here, a point shall i posit.

Treasure is a desire
the obtaining of such can create WEALTH for a person
this is a given FACT.

My point : If you seek treasure , i can assure you emphatically that you are on a list.

There is a File on you within the NSA database.

WEALTH such as treasure , draws attention, correct ?

Indeed ,,

be mindful, you may not quite understand the truth of these words until you FIND treasure.

be at peace while you muse and read about it

but, KNOW, it attracts attention.


i enjoy each day, while i am consistently monitored by NSA

You, must understand, your entire life view, your habits and your perceptions will change if you discover treasure and are visited by Government agents.

I accepted that venue years ago and live fine with it.

Born a Man, raised a Man , i handle life as a man.

be advised, if any doubt of your abillity to handle the intrusion of spooks into your life

Then take it from one who lives with it daily,, you should stay at the Arm-chair

If Noss was a Con, why did the Army dug up his cave? Did the Army brought treasures?

I have personally seen the painted hands when I was a teenager at the east side of San Andreas mtns about 3 miles east of Vctorio Peak. What do they mean?

[h=2]The Victorio Peak books (The Gold House trilogy) are finally available!![/h]
Here is an update for you all, sorry about the long wait. After 8 years of research and writing by John Clarence and Tom Whittle, the Victorio Peak saga is finally available in hardcover and Ebook formats in a three-book sequel entitled the Gold House trilogy, which has been touted as the ‘Victorio Peak bible.’ I have read the reviews by prominent authors and scholars who support the charges leveled against the government and others made by Clarence and Whittle. I am also told the writers are planning to release a document book that proves the allegations made in the books. The books are packed with photos, endnotes, and an index and they are available on Nook, Kobo, Amazon-Kindle, iBookstore, and in a limited hardback first edition, which are available at Here is the subject matter of the new books that are being released by the authors:

“Book 1, The Discovery, covers the years when Doc and Ova Noss lived at their campsite in the Hembrillo Basin, before and after they discovered the treasure inside Victorio Peak. The Discovery details the events that took place during that time period and include: the discovery itself, the turbulent lives of Doc and Ova, the sequence of events that led to Doc’s murder, and Ova's removal from the Peak by the military in 1955.

“Book 2, The Lies, The Thefts, is a highly-documented account covering the years 1958 to 1978 when the treasure was being plundered by military and civilian personnel who were empowered by people at the highest levels of our government. Intrigue, documented thefts, lies, cover-ups, and murder are the underpinnings of this astonishing exposé. Names, dates, places, photos, and documents prove the case against the government and others.

“Book 3, Executive Order, spans the years from 1979 to 2000 when Terry Delonas, Ova Noss’s grandson, mounted an expedition to recover what remained of the treasure. This book separates the facts from the lies and meticulously details the corruption and the crimes committed by the military at White Sands Missile Range to cripple the expedition, including, but not limited to: lies and deceit, false and deliberate overbillings, and illegal changes to the expedition’s agreed-upon license contract are cited.”


The Victorio Peak books (The Gold House trilogy) are finally available!!

Here is an update for you all, sorry about the long wait. After 8 years of research and writing by John Clarence and Tom Whittle, the Victorio Peak saga is finally available in hardcover and Ebook formats in a three-book sequel entitled the Gold House trilogy, which has been touted as the ‘Victorio Peak bible.’ I have read the reviews by prominent authors and scholars who support the charges leveled against the government and others made by Clarence and Whittle. I am also told the writers are planning to release a document book that proves the allegations made in the books. The books are packed with photos, endnotes, and an index and they are available on Nook, Kobo, Amazon-Kindle, iBookstore, and in a limited hardback first edition, which are available at Here is the subject matter of the new books that are being released by the authors:

“Book 1, The Discovery, covers the years when Doc and Ova Noss lived at their campsite in the Hembrillo Basin, before and after they discovered the treasure inside Victorio Peak. The Discovery details the events that took place during that time period and include: the discovery itself, the turbulent lives of Doc and Ova, the sequence of events that led to Doc’s murder, and Ova's removal from the Peak by the military in 1955.

“Book 2, The Lies, The Thefts, is a highly-documented account covering the years 1958 to 1978 when the treasure was being plundered by military and civilian personnel who were empowered by people at the highest levels of our government. Intrigue, documented thefts, lies, cover-ups, and murder are the underpinnings of this astonishing exposé. Names, dates, places, photos, and documents prove the case against the government and others.

“Book 3, Executive Order, spans the years from 1979 to 2000 when Terry Delonas, Ova Noss’s grandson, mounted an expedition to recover what remained of the treasure. This book separates the facts from the lies and meticulously details the corruption and the crimes committed by the military at White Sands Missile Range to cripple the expedition, including, but not limited to: lies and deceit, false and deliberate overbillings, and illegal changes to the expedition’s agreed-upon license contract are cited.”

Should be an interesting read to see who is listed in book 2 since I was there in 1977 and represented the Apache Nation. I'm betting I'm one of the very few who was there and still alive. Hung out socially with most of the players at that time also.

Well Donethat,

You should know Victorio1 (Alex) very well.

Best - Mike

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