I second Springfield's sentiments in terms of your story in 4 years that I've been reading various forums the story has always remained the same! It's all a scam and personally I want to know the truth. No disrespect to anyone. I always look forward to your input...for me the truth sells and in some instances share Treasurminder's views of the world. What he says is not that far fetched...we travel to space and soon to be mining in space! Sounds like there's almost nothing left here on earth. I know it's not exactly the case but the fact that they are sinking money into this idea makes you wonder. However there is much money to be made so that in itself says it all. It's always about the $$$$$!
ever think about this
if for years you have read my post
especially at the other forum ALT
you watched a lot of harassment of me.
Then, when some of what I stated became WELL KNOWN AND PROVEN
debunkers do not even try
yeah, exactly correct, about consistentcy
and as SteveNM stated: when you get there
i take you by the hand and lead you in,,,
and when we arrive, what i spoke of is : THERE, even the holes left behind from the Military
digs that took most of the treasure.
Granted, i am one creepy Bass Turd
and rightly so, i go straight for the facts when i speak of co-vert crap
without fear of any agents "F"ing with me
any man who has been tortured, NEEDS the inner strength something like that can bring into him
When i watched those F.B.I. Officers let those D.I.A. Agents go after i escaped them and made it to the federal courthouse two blocks away in downtown " OLYMPIA WASHINGTON"
That right there tied it.
too " F " ing PEE'd to care about fear
corruption at that level, denotes a failed system at it's extreme .
I at first, when beginning to recall what they hypnotized me to forget of the event of my kidnapping and torture and escape,,,,
I thought they had taken me to portland
then i thought Tacoma
on my way down from Seattle to Portland Oregon
I went into Olympia, the state capital
sure enough, i found the Courthouse,,, from there, i knew the Boarded up Building they tortured me in was somewher two blocks away.
circled until i found it.
I was tiled the whole entire trip.
Have THAT in your life,,, and if it does not make one well forged MAN out of you,,,
then you are not Me
sure, the boys who ran the operation could get stupid and have me off'ed
am i supposed to FEAR that ?
Bull-S_it !
For Capt. Fiegie
For My Dad and his friends
and for myself,,,
I'll expose every piece of work they engage in.
are they worried ?
they KNOW how the Sheep's sleep on their feets
no, worried they are NOT.
America is 310 million comfort junkies man.