Victorio Peak Documents, Symbols and Artifacts

lostcauses said:
.... The other problem is getting locked into a belief of a story, closing the mind. ....

The more you put your faith in 'accepted facts' and shiny books, the more difficult time you'll have arriving at the truth of matters. Sure, you can pile up all sorts of 'evidence', but most of it is disinformation of some sort. No difference here than in politics, history or religion.

Yes, I believe this story. Noss found a cave with treasure, and years later, the Army took everything away. What was done with the treasures?

Willy Daught ( Douthit ) Born 1909 Midland Texas

Skelletons popping up, time for Willy to go stay up at his aunts house.

Willy Takes the name of a deceased cousin and that cousins Birth Certificate

Leaves New mexico in a Family Dodge Brothers 1934 sedan


Willy lands in San Diago California and blends into a New world with a New I.D. and a New Life.

treasminder2 said:
Willy Daught ( Douthit ) Born 1909 Midland Texas

Skelletons popping up, time for Willy to go stay up at his aunts house.

Willy Takes the name of a deceased cousin and that cousins Birth Certificate

Leaves New mexico in a Family Dodge Brothers 1934 sedan


Willy lands in San Diago California and blends into a New world with a New I.D. and a New Life.

and a whole lot of money with Buster Ward.

Picture of heart on backside of Organ Mountains lol.

Pesky owl got in the way.

Well I don't care either way if the man was shady or not. All I know is I am in the military and I have unlimited access to Victorio Peak and I plan on searching for at least a year maybe 2. I also plan on going to the cabellos and doing some looking up there. I will bring a gun and a rope with a backpack. i figure i can hump at least 200lbs maybe a little more on my back been doing it for years. So If anyone knows anything more that can help that would be great. Here is what I am looking for

1. Where did Jolly find the cache around VP?
2. Where did he think the other caches were in regards to the Peak. Were they around it, or away from it.
3. I know 2 caves have been found in the cabellos so that should leave 4 more to find. On what side are the other 4 caves? And what markers were left to find them?
4. The crown and other artifacts were also buried around VP but where and did Doc have a certain way he would mark his areas or was it soley based off of memory?

And if there is anything else that would help in me finding something I would be glad to hear it. I am looking mainly for old guns, swords, armor, artifacts not really into finding gold or silver but if I do I have no problem taking it with me>

Last question is this if I were to find gold bars or ore, ignots or whatever what do i do with it. where do i sell it. I take it I just can't walk into a bank and go hey put this gold bar into my account or cash this. So just curious where someone would go to get cash for such items. thank you all

Well I don't care either way if the man was shady or not. All I know is I am in the military and I have unlimited access to Victorio Peak and I plan on searching for at least a year maybe 2. I also plan on going to the cabellos and doing some looking up there. I will bring a gun and a rope with a backpack. i figure i can hump at least 200lbs maybe a little more on my back been doing it for years. So If anyone knows anything more that can help that would be great. Here is what I am looking for

1. Where did Jolly find the cache around VP?
2. Where did he think the other caches were in regards to the Peak. Were they around it, or away from it.
3. I know 2 caves have been found in the cabellos so that should leave 4 more to find. On what side are the other 4 caves? And what markers were left to find them?
4. The crown and other artifacts were also buried around VP but where and did Doc have a certain way he would mark his areas or was it soley based off of memory?

And if there is anything else that would help in me finding something I would be glad to hear it. I am looking mainly for old guns, swords, armor, artifacts not really into finding gold or silver but if I do I have no problem taking it with me>

Last question is this if I were to find gold bars or ore, ignots or whatever what do i do with it. where do i sell it. I take it I just can't walk into a bank and go hey put this gold bar into my account or cash this. So just curious where someone would go to get cash for such items. thank you all

cant wait for treasminder2 to bring his always positive attitude towards what youre saying LOL! get ready Private!

cant wait for treasminder2 to bring his always positive attitude towards what youre saying LOL! get ready Private!

well jack
here is some positive reply for you.

Like you freaks believe,, i am one crazy *******.

and even a crazy ******* as myself,,,,,,,,,,, knows better than to expect any treasure cannot be found by Military Technology

MUL,, forget it dude, all that VP sh_t is long gone.

the rest of you,,,

crazy as i am
I'd go to Disneyland instead if i were any of you

reason being
it is nice to dream
it is great to live a dream

it is however a nightmare to be Tortured for a treasure you may find in your dreams.

But hey, go get it,,, go on,,, bust a move,,, quick, before they lock down the old dirt roads into the area ,, FOR GOOD.

yepper,,, ya need a good treasure

and ,, you need more laws

you need Nato
You need security

you need a nice fat $5 Latte

you need a new HD T.V.

You need a tracking Device on your Vehicle


and the Indians need you out of here.

take your trash with you, and fill in the holes you dug.

Because,,, you NEED to go back to Europe, because you are all just too sane
for this continent.

I hear your news once in a while

yep, political this
Oil that

Invade them
Invade us

law against this
law against that

Black Helicopter this
Nato training exercises in Denver that

Race riot this
race war that

Largest Race war in history

was Europeans Genociding the Red Race on this Continent.

Yep, you all are so sane.

go on and get yourself a big fat treasure

how you gonna move it?

where ya gonna take it ?

How ya gonna sell it ?

what ya gonna buy with it ?

Tell ya what you'll buy with it

Gov, will take it
sell it to Arabs
Take the proceeds

and start an Arab Spring with it..

Go get the treasure,,, and buy Greece with it

or Great Britain

or Germany

just get it and get out
Take 300 million of your fellow US citizens with you

Casca I love your photos! especially the ones from up in the Organs. If you wouldn't mind sharing the location of the large heart rock and the cave entrance that's blocked by stones, I'd love to see these places for myself. Thanks again for the pics.

Best Regards

Treasminder there will always be those who doubt what you post. I find your information to be interesting and helpful as well as historically accurate. I live near Bishop's Cap and would enjoy hiking into the Organ's with you sometime and see the things you've described. I have a few friends who love to explore so say when and we'll be there.

Best Regards

treasminder, i was skimming through 100 Tons of Golf just for shits and giggles again and i read about the cave your father found after following Doc Noss. the cave with 1400 crude steps and the last one that rolled and activated a boobie trap. i think in Hardscramble(sp?). can you elaborate?

treasminder, i was skimming through 100 Tons of Golf just for shits and giggles again and i read about the cave your father found after following Doc Noss. the cave with 1400 crude steps and the last one that rolled and activated a boobie trap. i think in Hardscramble(sp?). can you elaborate?

Love the typo " 100 Tons Of Golf " Sounds like a Tiger Woods summer camp for overeaters...LoL I was thinking of buying a copy of 100 Tons of Gold from Amazon but they want $39.00 for it and I've had mixed reviews on the book. Do you think it's worth the price Jackroot?

RaduTepes said:
Love the typo " 100 Tons Of Golf " Sounds like a Tiger Woods summer camp for overeaters...LoL I was thinking of buying a copy of 100 Tons of Gold from Amazon but they want $39.00 for it and I've had mixed reviews on the book. Do you think it's worth the price Jackroot?

Yeah I think it is. It provides us with many facts about La Rue, Cibola, the Conquistadors, the Jornada, and more historic points. "What Men Call Treasure" is more written in the current view. Not very much history behind it. This book is solid.

treasminder2 said:

as always, everyone even remotely connected to treasure hunting in that area
had survailence all over their backs.

if you did not live through it
then you have no true understanding of what that is about.

An Author shows up and ask questions about treasure ?

are you going to just volunteer to this person any real details ?

Not Dad.

for those who read books : Live vicariously through the words and dream

But, always keep in mind that LIES sell books

Marketing includes sensationalism.

Ask nothing of a man who has been through actions directed at him, by Gov. Agencys.

He is liable to view you as anything BUT, a person who has a need to know.

and that is where it is.

a cavern with 1,300 steps
with a roller stone that trips a bow string and shoots you with an arrow ?


David KNEW Dad was BS'ing him i am sure.


Got every damned dreamer seeking out my Dad for info.

GAWD, we really are a very stupid race of beings.

ONE MORE TIME for the dreamers of you




OK, anything that "WAS" there, is either GONE
or soon will be GONE

and you will never ever know it.

Inca Gold
Aztec missing treasure

Alexander the great's pilfered loot from his raids

all of it is located, and if not gone already
it will be as soon as it is figured out how to cause just cause to invade whatever country
any treasure is in.

can you dig it ?
Yeah, you can dig it

will you get it out and keep it ?

Sure you will,,,
and me and my sneakers walk on water.

and Jesus is coming back to save your soul

and Moses Raised his staff and said

and there is a heaven awaiting you if you been a good Santa Clause

and Governments are of the people,,, by the people,,, and for the people.

andf my Dad will inform the world through a Book where a Cavern with 1,300 steps is located
and people will travel a sidewalk to the entrance, go inside and find ,,,,


Hey GAWD,,, please Dude,, if you're gonna save me,,, save me from yopur freaks and believers.

So your father intentionally mislead the govt?

So your father intentionally mislead the govt?

where did you read my dad mislead the gov jack ?

are you dense ?

did i say he misled the gov. ?

here, i'll tell you a real story jack

lets see if you catch the gestalt of the story

in 2002 i left Eugene Oregon and travelled down to Las Cruces,, and per Oren Sweringens request,,,
went to Jerry Cheatums house of the Ova Noss Family Project

Jerry related to me a story Letha Guthrie told

the story goes that one day, about 1939, her and Ova together were on Vicky Peak,

and a Man, from some bushes began to shoot at them

Ova pulled her trusty side arm and shot back grazing the culprit and running him off by shooting near his feet as he ran all the way out of Hembrillo basin

Letha stated that the Man was Harvey Snow ( My Dad )

My Dad was born in 1927
he would have at the best,,, been 12 years old,, how'd he get there from florida

did he float on a cloud ?

Jerry recounted many a story that Ova and Letha had told

some included my Dads name in the story.

Jerry had one item going for him

he was Obsessed with VP and the stories.

The Gestalt ?

The Gestalt is Jack,,, that Jack Staley can write books using the Ova Noss Family Project material that Jerry Cheatum had in File Cabinets all over his entry way 0f his house and in his office.

Jack or John Staley of Clarence or any author can write those books

any TRUTH to these books ?

Dude, TRUTH is not a commodity in the VP so called saga.

why is it, i never hear about Doc Noss's Cocaine and Gambling addiction ?

I mean Jack, ONFP glorify a Known Criminal. an alcoholic drug addicted brutal psychopath.

and sure,,, my Dad was EVIL as Snake spit,,

but hey,, even Charlie Manson had his good days ,, i'm sure.

Ok Jack,,,, if you can understand that the 3 books have no actuall facts from credible witnesses,
whom i know for a fact, Made up fictitous stories,, then,, you next question will be:::

Well Rog',,,, what is true and will you tell us /

No Jack
VP was a major crime, it led to the death of JFK, and many other deaths and torture Jack.

No one NEEDS to KNOW the truth.

no one NEEDS to keep pushing it up out of the ashes and attempting to re-ignite it into life.

it's a dead story dude

most, if not all the players are now dead

Last i heard was a Saudi Prince who bought some of the treasure back in 1964, had died a few months back

The true story ?

HA! FOIA,,, every day,,,, all day,,,

you'll never get it

How'd you like the majic Bullet trick on JFK's gurney ?

worked well did it not ?

How'd you like the Hologram of a triangular ufo over phoenix in 1997

worked well,,, did it not ?
SPOOFED an entire city dude, but it was not flares, it was a lazer projected 3D hologram

Truth ?

Dude, truth does not sell well

Truth, gets people in trouble, and if they have power to do so, they KILL anyone who can prove the truth.

Do i have truth to tell ?

I am my dads son
dna proved that

Truth is
no one NEEDS to know the TRUTH

ingrained within the genetic code of western civilazation

is the Jesus Mythology

about 1,700 years of the Myth being hammered home into the minds of people
has created a Genetic coding as it can be called.

now children are born believing a MYTH, or at the least,, are born with the code in place
for the acceptance of the MYTH

Now, given all that trash i just wrote

what truth is in your genetic coding Jack ?

andis Homeland security aware of us rapping in this forum ?

are we being watched ?

should we believe it is all GOOD ?

200 years ago, my anscetors would have knocked the teeth out of a TSA agents for touching
an Elderly woman, or any female

200 years of brutal conditioning,,, and YOU will not even cuss at them

Truth ?

depends on YOUR truth. depends on what your consciousness is coded for.

Mislead the Government ?
My Dad ?

intentionally mislead the Government ?

STUPID,,, turn the Cart around Jack,,, has the Government misled YOU ?

is it doing that right now through me ?

i a TOOL Jack ?

are you a TOOL Jack ?

How would you know if either were true or not Jack ?

give that a thought folks

i can for a fact mislead
i can for a fact spin heads in whatever direction i wish for them to spin

and if i can get that done all on my own

what can a Government or chuch do with all the resources YOU provide them with
to do it to you ?

Mislead the Government Jack ?

Jack, is the Kettle Black Dude ?

treasminder2 said:
where did you read my dad mislead the gov jack ?

are you dense ?

did i say he misled the gov. ?

here, i'll tell you a real story jack

lets see if you catch the gestalt of the story

in 2002 i left Eugene Oregon and travelled down to Las Cruces,, and per Oren Sweringens request,,,
went to Jerry Cheatums house of the Ova Noss Family Project

Jerry related to me a story Letha Guthrie told

the story goes that one day, about 1939, her and Ova together were on Vicky Peak,

and a Man, from some bushes began to shoot at them

Ova pulled her trusty side arm and shot back grazing the culprit and running him off by shooting near his feet as he ran all the way out of Hembrillo basin

Letha stated that the Man was Harvey Snow ( My Dad )

My Dad was born in 1927
he would have at the best,,, been 12 years old,, how'd he get there from florida

did he float on a cloud ?

Jerry recounted many a story that Ova and Letha had told

some included my Dads name in the story.

Jerry had one item going for him

he was Obsessed with VP and the stories.

The Gestalt ?

The Gestalt is Jack,,, that Jack Staley can write books using the Ova Noss Family Project material that Jerry Cheatum had in File Cabinets all over his entry way 0f his house and in his office.

Jack or John Staley of Clarence or any author can write those books

any TRUTH to these books ?

Dude, TRUTH is not a commodity in the VP so called saga.

why is it, i never hear about Doc Noss's Cocaine and Gambling addiction ?

I mean Jack, ONFP glorify a Known Criminal. an alcoholic drug addicted brutal psychopath.

and sure,,, my Dad was EVIL as Snake spit,,

but hey,, even Charlie Manson had his good days ,, i'm sure.

Ok Jack,,,, if you can understand that the 3 books have no actuall facts from credible witnesses,
whom i know for a fact, Made up fictitous stories,, then,, you next question will be:::

Well Rog',,,, what is true and will you tell us /

No Jack
VP was a major crime, it led to the death of JFK, and many other deaths and torture Jack.

No one NEEDS to KNOW the truth.

no one NEEDS to keep pushing it up out of the ashes and attempting to re-ignite it into life.

it's a dead story dude

most, if not all the players are now dead

Last i heard was a Saudi Prince who bought some of the treasure back in 1964, had died a few months back

The true story ?

HA! FOIA,,, every day,,,, all day,,,

you'll never get it

How'd you like the majic Bullet trick on JFK's gurney ?

worked well did it not ?

How'd you like the Hologram of a triangular ufo over phoenix in 1997

worked well,,, did it not ?
SPOOFED an entire city dude, but it was not flares, it was a lazer projected 3D hologram

Truth ?

Dude, truth does not sell well

Truth, gets people in trouble, and if they have power to do so, they KILL anyone who can prove the truth.

Do i have truth to tell ?

I am my dads son
dna proved that

Truth is
no one NEEDS to know the TRUTH

ingrained within the genetic code of western civilazation

is the Jesus Mythology

about 1,700 years of the Myth being hammered home into the minds of people
has created a Genetic coding as it can be called.

now children are born believing a MYTH, or at the least,, are born with the code in place
for the acceptance of the MYTH

Now, given all that trash i just wrote

what truth is in your genetic coding Jack ?

andis Homeland security aware of us rapping in this forum ?

are we being watched ?

should we believe it is all GOOD ?

200 years ago, my anscetors would have knocked the teeth out of a TSA agents for touching
an Elderly woman, or any female

200 years of brutal conditioning,,, and YOU will not even cuss at them

Truth ?

depends on YOUR truth. depends on what your consciousness is coded for.

Mislead the Government ?
My Dad ?

intentionally mislead the Government ?

STUPID,,, turn the Cart around Jack,,, has the Government misled YOU ?

is it doing that right now through me ?

i a TOOL Jack ?

are you a TOOL Jack ?

How would you know if either were true or not Jack ?

give that a thought folks

i can for a fact mislead
i can for a fact spin heads in whatever direction i wish for them to spin

and if i can get that done all on my own

what can a Government or chuch do with all the resources YOU provide them with
to do it to you ?

Mislead the Government Jack ?

Jack, is the Kettle Black Dude ?

There's no doubt that the govt misleads its people.

ok folks
out of thousands of post and replys of mine throughout the internet forums

one common thread sticks out

in none of those, do i ever ask anyone a question
not on one single subject ever.

i ask jack in the post above questions i already know the answers to.

There are freaks who have scoured the net for my post, using my various inter-net handle's to find them.

Obsession is a monster for them i suppose


I make statements
posit idea's
and act as reconteur

but never ask any questions.


You know, if i was someone else
if i was jack, or Gollum
or any body who has drooled over my post

i would check that statement about Rog' never asking questions.

A Psy-Ops Shill, never ask questions unless it is to lead through handling of a target .

Psy-Ops never ask questions they do not already know the answer to.

not in a forum for sure

they will ask a Victim they are torturing ,,, questions

however, in forums across the web
a Psy-ops job is to lead the Rabbitt into the black-hole that Osy-Ops has dug for the Rabbitt.

hmmmm,,,, i think i gotta think about that question on whether or not i might
be a Psy-Ops operative,,,

heh heh

By the way folks

Try not to break an ankle out there in those mine shafts in Arizona and new Mexico

it can make ya's gimpy ya know what i mean Jeff? Phil ? Mike ?

treasminder2 said:
ok folks
out of thousands of post and replys of mine throughout the internet forums

one common thread sticks out

in none of those, do i ever ask anyone a question
not on one single subject ever.

i ask jack in the post above questions i already know the answers to.

There are freaks who have scoured the net for my post, using my various inter-net handle's to find them.

Obsession is a monster for them i suppose


I make statements
posit idea's
and act as reconteur

but never ask any questions.


You know, if i was someone else
if i was jack, or Gollum
or any body who has drooled over my post

i would check that statement about Rog' never asking questions.

A Psy-Ops Shill, never ask questions unless it is to lead through handling of a target .

Psy-Ops never ask questions they do not already know the answer to.

not in a forum for sure

they will ask a Victim they are torturing ,,, questions

however, in forums across the web
a Psy-ops job is to lead the Rabbitt into the black-hole that Osy-Ops has dug for the Rabbitt.

hmmmm,,,, i think i gotta think about that question on whether or not i might
be a Psy-Ops operative,,,

heh heh

By the way folks

Try not to break an ankle out there in those mine shafts in Arizona and new Mexico

it can make ya's gimpy ya know what i mean Jeff? Phil ? Mike ?

Rog, 99.9% of the members on this site are "armchair" treasure hunters. I know you've been through a lot based on what you've said, but everyyhing you say is over most of our heads. Maybe it's best we all just stop asking you questions because the answers you give us, most people can't comprehend. Me included. So with that said, I am signing off on my question asking to you. Not in a bad way, but Im not looking for the answers you provide. I'm stuck in the fairy tale. I want to be romanticized by a story of lost treasure and mystery. Maybe It's time for me to focus on "The Lost Pearl Ship of The Desert" forum. Hahaha. Good day Roger.

I wanna hear the myths. I wanna hear all the lies. You're right, truth doesn't sell. I'm not looking for the truth. I'm looking to he entertained. And there's nothing wrong with that. To each his own, ya know.

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