I knew a guy from San Antonio New Mexico who had
one of them Dore Bar dudes ,
he got it at a Garage sale
the folks found it sittin' atop a boulder in the mountains when they climb up on it
to take in the View ,
for years those folks used it To hold down their trash can lid to keep
Racoons out of their trash
The guy who bought it , used it to chock the wheels of his old truck
About two decades went by
A Man in town saw the bar in the back of Old Mac's 1969 Dodge Pick Up
The man asked mac what it was
Mac told him : It's a Pig Iron Bar
The City man asked what Pigs do with the Bar
Mac laughed : " Well , they don't eat 'em , that's for sure "
The City man scratched his head , but bought the bar and took it
to the Pawn Shop .
The Pawn Broker traded him for a 1977 Class C Motorhome and bought him a full tank of gass
to boot .
The City man drove the Motorhome till it ran out of gas ,,,
He had it towed to an RV Park just outside of Apache Junction Az ,,,
where he supports himself with S.S.I. and collecting Aluminum cans .
The Pawn Broker encased the Bar in a Plexi Glass cylinder
The Tag states : " Found in a Well in Sonora Mexico , believed to be a counter weight for the Bucket "
one of them Dore Bar dudes ,
he got it at a Garage sale
the folks found it sittin' atop a boulder in the mountains when they climb up on it
to take in the View ,
for years those folks used it To hold down their trash can lid to keep
Racoons out of their trash
The guy who bought it , used it to chock the wheels of his old truck
About two decades went by
A Man in town saw the bar in the back of Old Mac's 1969 Dodge Pick Up
The man asked mac what it was
Mac told him : It's a Pig Iron Bar
The City man asked what Pigs do with the Bar
Mac laughed : " Well , they don't eat 'em , that's for sure "
The City man scratched his head , but bought the bar and took it
to the Pawn Shop .
The Pawn Broker traded him for a 1977 Class C Motorhome and bought him a full tank of gass
to boot .
The City man drove the Motorhome till it ran out of gas ,,,
He had it towed to an RV Park just outside of Apache Junction Az ,,,
where he supports himself with S.S.I. and collecting Aluminum cans .
The Pawn Broker encased the Bar in a Plexi Glass cylinder
The Tag states : " Found in a Well in Sonora Mexico , believed to be a counter weight for the Bucket "