I can relate, I was working at the Richmond county courthouse in the Bay Area when it was announced that the jury in the Rodney King trial had found the white police officers not guilty. Demographically speaking it is a not white area. So the natives started their usual destruction, rioting, So the contractor shut the job down and told us too get the hell out of there. It was exactly as you said, except I did not stop at stop lights or stop signs and lucky for them none of them got in front of me because I would have ran them over like a opossum in the road. We could not go back to that job site for a week. Fond memories!
Against The Wind, what about the Prozac hat??
I used to go to some sketchy urban parks with Against the Wind. He gave me a hat that read "PROZAC" in big white lettering. His theory was it looked like it said "POLICE" from far away and if you got close we would look like a couple of crazies.... true story. Still wear my hat for good luck....
Ahhhhh good ol’ racism nothing more nothing less
My M.A.C.E. container (Make America Civil Everyone) is manufactured by Smith and Wesson and the main ingredient is .38 cal. Hollow points.
Someone pointed out to me what it says on a can of wasp spray, something like "it is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner for which it is not intended" in other words thats how they will get you if they want to. I wonder if this law would apply to bear spray too, probably would I imagine. Now Glocks on the other hand are indeed intended for self defense against predatory humans. Dead men tell no tales as they use to say...Wasp spray works better than mace, and if I'm not mistaken LA is a stand you're ground state. All else fails, barrow a strangers phone and call the police and report a shooting there, that should buy ya a little time ��
Someone pointed out to me what it says on a can of wasp spray, something like "it is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner for which it is not intended" in other words thats how they will get you if they want to. I wonder if this law would apply to bear spray too, probably would I imagine. Now Glocks on the other hand are indeed intended for self defense against predatory humans. Dead men tell no tales as they use to say...
Tips for Metal Detecting Urban Areas | Detecting365 Metal Detecting Magazine TIPS FOR METAL DETECTING URBAN AREAS.. a post that has some tips and tricks for detecting in urban/ dangerous areas![]()
It was about a year ago I was KO'd at a park in a questionable neighborhood. Never saw it coming, or heard it either because I had head phones on.
ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings.
It was about a year ago I was KO'd at a park in a questionable neighborhood. Never saw it coming, or heard it either because I had head phones on.
ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings.
Shot?? You are in the Republic of California where guns are outlawed. LolGo crack of dawn early and don’t go alone, try to team up with someone who can help you, don’t rely too much on mace, I don’t know too much about your area but here you whip out a can of mace and you will be shot! Good luck!