Big black bears don't like confederate flags.Yeah it also does help having it in my truck already.
Well,here in Texas we can carry,however one has enough weight to carry around as it is.The tools I use to dig are weapons
in themselves.However I also know you don't carry a knife or small shovel to a gun fight.Nor mace.So your idea is a good one.
Maybe they will think you are just a worker looking for a water pipe or something.Maybe.
THANK GOD I'm safe in the good old UK.
Guns = banned
Mace = not allowed
Stun guns/tasers= banned
Lock knives - say hello to 5 years in prison
Knuckle dusters - nope = 5 yrs in nick.
Plus ZERO dangerous animals/insects/reptiles here.....damn i love the UK.
Unless you live in messed up parts of London...but i'm safe here in small, boring SAFE South Wales, UK...phew!
America guns legal.
Hence 13,286 people were killed in the US by firearms in 2015!
Yup, defo best country in world.
America, no insurance - pay $$$$$$ per plaster/band aid at the hospital and $$$$$$$ for prescriptions.
Yup, defo greatest country in world.
Got Cancer and aint got insurance...then pay $5zillion per pill.
100% defo best is da USA.
Here, get cancer?
Need months of pills and therapy etc? 100% Free.
Here...ALL and ANY prescriptions 100% FREE.
Get run over? Fall off a cliff be it accident or rock climbing...break every bone in your body and pay ZERO medical bills.
All free.
Cross the road in America anywhere other than a legal crosswalk....get Mr Officer Beatdown throwing you to the ground.
Yup, defo greatest country in the world.
Get locked up in America, could spend months in jail if you can't afford bail.
Here...all 100% free.
yup, USA defo greatest country on da
Good for you, Good come back.Matt stay in Wales that’s where you’re supposed to be. As far as innovation that changes the world I’ll stick to good ol USA. I’ve been to England, France, Italy and Macedonia and as from what I’ve seen GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Not impressed not impressed at all.
P.S. “Cross the road in America anywhere other than a legal crosswalk....get Mr. Officer Beatdown throwing you to the ground.” - Lmao You been watching to much fake news on yout tele.
And why do the Brits look at Wales as the lower white trash of England? I think that’s terrible.
Staffydog, the only thing about America you should be saying is Thank you! You know you guys are next in line to Canada for relying on the US of A to keep you and yours safe, and besides there is probably an American in your ancestry considering how many went through there defending you and Western Europe from the Nazi’s. JMHO.
Seriously, dudes. You give metal detectorists a bad name. Ugh. 😡
Maybe you missed, but I was quoting Detector Mom's response about the dog whistle racism.
It's not even consistent racism since you're parroting the "black people don't like water" schtick (post #38) then saying "tell them they're getting a free pool."
Can you cite any sources for those "facts"?
So "thugs" means democrats?
I said post #38, not post #36. In post #36 you dog whistled "ghetto" and differentiated between ghetto and liberal, which you now do the same with "white" liberal democrats.
Where do you see that I live in San Francisco?
What my point is racism has no part in a metal detecting forum that's supposed to be family friendly and civil.
1) cite sources
2) are you asking what a bay area is?
3) cite sources