Very old park in a very bad neighborhood


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Apr 13, 2016
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Abita Springs La....Born in New Orleans
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I’m sure this neighborhood park is a virgin park. I’ve been trying to figure out a safe way to get in there. It’s surrounded by homes from the 1900-1940’s. I decided to try this route and if approached I’ll tell them I work for the city and I’m doing tests to put in a FREE pool for the summer. IMG_2195.webpIMG_2196.webp

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Lived and hunted in Atlanta for over 50 years and one lesson I learned was that it isn't worth the risk to hunt in or close to bad neighborhoods. It seems that the older the neighborhood, the rougher the crowd gets there. I know some sites in and around Atlanta that can and have produced fabulous finds, but also have produced some extreme casualties amongst the detecting community. With age and wisdom came the realization to keep it safe, be happy with clad and the occasional gold that comes from newer and safer areas. I have detecting war stories and the attendant scars, but in hindsight realize I was just very lucky. Even keeping it safe, be vigilant, as you will still be targeted by roaming predators.

Probably not alot of mders in Africa for this same reason. The savage tribes haven't changed in 400 years and their ghettos haven't either haha.

Its all down to demographics....there are very few drops (rings etc)...because they have nothing to drop....

The Wiki world IQ map is quite telling. Remember - average is just that- for every 100 there are above the average of 55 IQ there are 100 under.... I just tried to find it and see that it has disappeared?? Theres now a wiki commons page that just says 'below65'

Most parks in crappy parts of town tend to be infested with trash. At least thats been my experience...and those bottle caps that sing up near the silver range can drive you mad.


Many "bad" areas of town used to be "good" areas of town, until the economically depressed, government dependent type showed up and lowered the property values, raised the crime rate and basically ran all the good folk out of town. I've seen it happen time and time again in my 40 years down here. Good neighborhoods turned to total crap in a matter of a few years.

Early 90's I had a white Dodge, the old body style, like almost every city truck in the state. I put a cone in the bed and I could park anywhere! Back to the OP... I have hit a few very old parks in dangerous areas expecting virgin ground but finding the opposite. I think lots of people don't care or else clubs hunt them in my area. Went to a sketchy park the other day, found clad while a few locals smoked a giant blunt for about an hour then left. Good luck!

I often ponder going up to Detroit or the East Side of Cleveland to detect. I use the risk to reward rational in my thought process and come to the conclusion that no coin is worth my life, so unless I could find a few other armed MDers to go as a group, those areas will be considered OFF-LIMITS. I have hunted some seedier areas in smaller cities and find that the abandoned properties are so full of trash that they are almost impossible to detect. Maybe if I had a Bobcat scoop loader and was allowed to scrape off a few inches, it might be another story.

I often ponder going up to Detroit or the East Side of Cleveland to detect. I use the risk to reward rational in my thought process and come to the conclusion that no coin is worth my life, so unless I could find a few other armed MDers to go as a group, those areas will be considered OFF-LIMITS. I have hunted some seedier areas in smaller cities and find that the abandoned properties are so full of trash that they are almost impossible to detect. Maybe if I had a Bobcat scoop loader and was allowed to scrape off a few inches, it might be another story.

I can see the headline now...

"Armed hungry group of coin hunters descend into ghetto in search of money confronted by poor local gangs - News update at 10"

Any "questionable" areas should always be hunt in the very early mornings...

this avoids most creeps... UNLESS you are hunting parks in which vagrants sleep / hang out.

Good admonitions about hunting the bad part of town. I hadn't thought about it much, but will definitely be more careful.

I carry bear spray as well

I can see the headline now...

"Armed hungry group of coin hunters descend into ghetto in search of money confronted by poor local gangs - News update at 10"

In this day of fake news the headlines might be.

"White Treasure Hunters Invade to Steal Treasure from the Poor" They might even change the term White Treasure Hunters to "Trump Supporters".

Wasp spray works better than mace, and if I'm not mistaken LA is a stand you're ground state. All else fails, barrow a strangers phone and call the police and report a shooting there, that should buy ya a little time ��

Wasp spray works better than mace, and if I'm not mistaken LA is a stand you're ground state. All else fails, barrow a strangers phone and call the police and report a shooting there, that should buy ya a little time ��

NEVER LIE! Report a shooting ONLY if there is a shooting. Police does prioritize calls so if you “fake” a priority someone else’s life may be on the line because of it. ...and that would not be cool.


I carry wasp spray..goes 20 feet

Go crack of dawn early and don’t go alone, try to team up with someone who can help you, don’t rely too much on mace, I don’t know too much about your area but here you whip out a can of mace and you will be shot! Good luck!

I also have a XDS .45 in the truck, but I see what you’re saying.

Probably not alot of mders in Africa for this same reason. The savage tribes haven't changed in 400 years and their ghettos haven't either haha.

Yeah this is in the 9th ward all ghetto with a sprinkle of liberal. Lol

Yep, go early early - before the zombies wake up is the way to go.

Can of mace doesn’t always work. I’ve emptied an entire can on someone and they just laughed at me. Also crack of dawn around here is when all the riff raff occurs because they hide in the shadows away from cops and that’s very hard to do during the daylight. It’s a hit and miss type of situation. You could go in the early morning hours and get mugged or it could be broad daylight. So sorry to say there’s really no good time. As metal detectorists we try to stay away from crowds but in bad parts of town you want to have numbers. Typically most suspects won’t steal from you when there is a group of people around you but in the rare case their on drugs it don’t matter if sheriff Joe is standing there either

They like shooting in crowds as well in New Orleans. I was born and raised there but live a hour away across Lake Ponchatrain Causeway Bridge with is the longest over a full body of water in America, 2nd in the world at 24 miles long. Too much water for the thugs to cross.IMG_2205.webp

Wasp spray works better than mace, and if I'm not mistaken LA is a stand you're ground state. All else fails, barrow a strangers phone and call the police and report a shooting there, that should buy ya a little time ��

Differently stand your ground state

Its all down to demographics....there are very few drops (rings etc)...because they have nothing to drop....

The Wiki world IQ map is quite telling. Remember - average is just that- for every 100 there are above the average of 55 IQ there are 100 under.... I just tried to find it and see that it has disappeared?? Theres now a wiki commons page that just says 'below65'

Most parks in crappy parts of town tend to be infested with trash. At least thats been my experience...and those bottle caps that sing up near the silver range can drive you mad.


I gotcha is was all white from 1910 to 1960’s. It’s the silver bug that’s calling me. I’ll square up no problem and stand my ground, but it’s a lot of problems that I might be asking for plus the Trump sticker on the truck doesn’t help. Hehe

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