UPDATE: Whites Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

odave said:
Well with a new site coming Indy will have to make us new t shirts ;D

Howdy Dave!
ABSOLUTELY!!!! I'll order 5 right off the bat!

Indy... you out there somewhere amigo??? Haven't heard from you yet!
We got a chore for ya!!!


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

jake@whites said:
You're welcome! I really hope you guys like the main thing that I've been working on over the past month. I've had quite a few interruptions and other tasks/projects I've had to work on, so it hasn't gone quite as quickly as I wanted it to.

Want to sneak peek? :wink:
Waiting for the sneak peek :coffee2:

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Spooky said:
bowser said:
i was up way past midnight trying to figure this whole thing out. :icon_scratch:
Maybe if your avatar wasn't representative of child abuse, irresponsibility and lack of maturity, you would sleep better.
You just dont know him like we do, boy I cant wait to get back to the Whites forum

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

What do ya think?


  • screenshot.webp
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Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Howdy Jake!
I am liking what I see so far. Can't wait to get a shot at the real deal!
Thanks for the sneak peek!!!


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Great looking sneak peak!!
Thank You!!

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Jake is there still going to be posts in real time,the old "now"it sucks having to click refresh all the time. :laughing7:

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

mgtmadness said:
That is just my 2 cents.
I have not reported anyone even if I do not agree with what they say or said or even for there avatar's. Only for spam.

Howdy Amigo!
While I can relate to your sentiments, you express them without any need to
attack anybody. You give your perspective with clarity and dignity. I don't have
an issue with that. Going after somebody and slamming them (flaming) isn't a
good way to approach issues of that sort.

I may not particularly like an avatar that another user may have, but I won't slam
them in an open forum either. I am more inclined to express my concerns with the
individual in question directly, man to man. (or suitable variant thereof).

There ain't no need to attack another user. If somebody doesn't like something of
that ilk, that's what the mods are there for. A note to the other user first should be
the way to open a dialog. Slamming somebody simply slams the door of fellowship
among members, and isn't necessary or appropriate in my humble opinion.

We can disagree with one another, but we can do so in a friendly and constructive
manner. At least, that's my two zincolns worth.

When one member is open to being flamed, then who is next? For what reason?
For what offense to another? We can disagree respectfully, and address our concern
directly with one another. That would be a reasonable first step. From there, it can
be taken to the mods for their consideration if necessary. But flaming another member
just ain't the way to go about things, and all that really does is breed hard feelings and

We are like a family. We might not always agree on everything, but can disagree while
remaining friends, eh? Does this make any sense?

Thanks for your perspective.
Much obliged.


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

dignkansas said:
Jake is there still going to be posts in real time,the old "now"it sucks having to click refresh all the time. :laughing7:

Not quite sure what you mean... explain please.

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Spooky said:
if calling someone out on something that is disgusting and offensive somehow makes ME the "bad guy", well you guys just keep viewing me as that.
How about we look beyond the "buddy system" and look at rules and what is right.

Howdy Again!
I have no axe to grind, I don't know you from Adam. But I feel you can handle
this without name calling or insults. You could address this with the man directly.
And if you still are unsatisfied, then take it up with a moderator. There isn't any
need for flaming, which I believe, are also prohibited by the forum rules.

All I am asking is that you deal with your feelings in a more positive and constructive
manner than by flaming another member. Simple as that.

Let's make an attempt to keep things friendly, eh?


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

jake@whites said:
dignkansas said:
Jake is there still going to be posts in real time,the old "now"it sucks having to click refresh all the time. :laughing7:

Not quite sure what you mean... explain please.
in the old forum there was posts in real time that constantly refreshed itself it was all the different subjects grouped into real time for instance if i made a post in todays finds anybody looking at posts in real time could see them,each subject would be displayed in real time when you made a post or reply it would tell you digit replied 1 minute ago to evan/Tn post maybe Mel or someone could explain it better

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Offensive is in the eye of the beholder. I respect your opinion and will fight to the death for your right to hold that opinion whether I agree with it or not.

But I find it kind of funny personally. Take a photo of a sleepy baby and photoshop that result. I laugh every time I see it. And I'm a father of three and grandfather of five... probably will be a great-grandfather in a few years the way things are going.

Back on topic though... sort of... It seems that both the White's site and TreasureNet are in flux, and I hope they both pull through. I don't want to pee in any moderator's/owner's cornflakes here and hope that I don't get banned for this, but if you just need a place to be able to maintain communications with the friends you are afraid of losing while all this transition is going on, feel free to go over to

[mod]DELETED - TreasureNet is stable Bigwater, so no need for anyone to be concerned at all. What is coming is a change in ownership, nothing else. The future owners have contacted each of the Moderators and asked us all to stay on, and they have stated that no major changes are coming. However, the new owners wish to stay behind the scenes until ownership has been transferred. Until that time this is still Marc’s website.
On behalf of myself and the other Moderators, we would like to wish the new Whites Forum much success and it’s been a pleasure having y’all aboard TreasureNet.
PS, I will waive the automatic ban for trying to recruit members to another website this time only! ;D
PSS, I belong to a couple others as well, but seldom visit them, as I think TreasureNet is the best!

I'm not trying to solicit membership... just letting you know that there is a like minded community that is stable and willing to give you a place to hang out until your favorite boards are stable again. Please don't ban me, because I like this place as much (maybe more) as that place. I don't want to lose friends from here though... and nothing in logic says that you cannot be a member of two different sites on the same topic. I know in the past, even mentioning another treasure hunting site would get you banned from here. I'm hoping that's not the case now, as I'm seeing a lot of angst among the members as to the stability, and just suggesting a stable place for folks to hang out during the transition.

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Thanks for the invite bigwater I'll check the site out.

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

dignkansas said:
in the old forum there was posts in real time that constantly refreshed itself it was all the different subjects grouped into real time for instance if i made a post in todays finds anybody looking at posts in real time could see them,each subject would be displayed in real time when you made a post or reply it would tell you digit replied 1 minute ago to evan/Tn post maybe Mel or someone could explain it better

Still not sure what you're describing... we'll be using vBulletin for the new forum software, it is one of the more popular ones.

Well I'm going home for the night, but I'll do a little more work from home. Hope to have the forum up tomorrow afternoon/evening.

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Jake, please... contact me about this transition if you haven't figured it out 100%. SMF to vBulletin is hard and you'll end up with a stick in your eye if you aren't careful. vBulletin 4 is hard by itself, and the transition straight from SMF to 4 is dang near impossible. Transition to 3.8, then upgrade to 4 if you must. 4 is the bane of my existence, and I always recommend clients to stick with 3.8 for now, but most are chomping at the bit so hard that there's no holding them back from going to defective software. I've done this transition a couple of times and my butt is still sore, but I've learned a lot and can assist you with some general advice.

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

bigwater said:
SMF to vBulletin is hard and you'll end up with a stick in your eye if you aren't careful. vBulletin 4 is hard by itself, and the transition straight from SMF to 4 is dang near impossible.

Howdy Bigwater!
While I know this was sent for Jake to see, I surely appreciate your willingness to help
get our forum back online. It is of curiosity to me why Jake would prefer vBulletin over
SMF, but pretty sure he has reasons for that choice. I've tangled with SMF, and it ain't
nearly as easy as it is cracked up to be. Trying to transition form one BB system to
another must be positively mind numbing. Glad it ain't me doing that chore, I can tell
ya that!

SMF is a pretty good system, and it is an easier transition from SMF to SMF than
to another system. But even at that, I wouldn't have enough hair remaining to keep
pulling it out to make it all work as they'd like. Going to another system altogether
would leave me totally bald in real short order.

That being said, and I ain't sure it ever was, I personally wish to thank you for your
offering to help out with the transition, as a member of the forum who can't wait to
get our homestead on the internet back up and running again!

Hopefully Jake will reach out to you if he needs help, and speed the return of our
beloved forum!


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

my apologies to the people involved in getting this forum thing straightend out , if my avatar is offensive in you're eyes i will change it, I find that gentleman objecting to be slightly out of line in his remarks as i don't know him and have never had a conversation with him on the subject.I am certainly not anything like the person he portrays me to be, i am in fact a grandfather of 6 and a greatgrandfather of 1 .I think i would like an apology for some of his remarks, but i am quite sure there won't be any coming. To all the people that spoke on my behalf i thank you.It might be of interest to you ,my wife hates the avatar too. HH JIM

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

bowser said:
To all the people that spoke on my behalf i thank you.It might be of interest to you ,my wife hates the avatar too. HH JIM

Howdy Bowser!
Just shake the dust off your feet, and know that tomorrow is another day.
We will have our forum back, and things should be back to normal.

This particular fellow made a bunch of remarks I consider offensive, and any
attempt to reason through things went nowhere. I was especially annoyed with
his reference to you as being "Your boy!". Can you imagine how that sort of
dialog would float with Robert back in the saddle. I believe I said earlier, in a
jocular manner, that I miss their keeping things on the straight and narrow.
How I wish they were in control right now.

Don't let this whole episode bug ya pardner. To thine own self be true.


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

I've been a vBulletin consultant for many years. I truly loved the software over anything else available since 3.0 came out. When Internet Brands bought vBulletin though, it all went down the privy so to speak. They changed the licensing policy and offered great discounts to get people to pre-purchase the new version 4, then delayed the release for so long that customers were getting furious. Once they released 4, it was so defective that it was almost useless. They've had a couple of maintenance releases since then, but the software is still intollerable. It doesn't play well with itself, much less with any third party plug ins. I'm so frustrated with it that I just want to burn every system I have to deal with that has 4 on it. I've had three server crashes in the last month due to vb 4. I hate it, I can't tame it, and it's making my life miserable.

I would hope that vB will eventually get their stuff together and work the bugs out of the code. What makes me mad is that they didn't do that before they released this garbage on us. I still would recommend to Jake that he install the base 3.8.5 and run that... not upgrading to the 4.0.3 PL1 base at this point... because 3.8.5 is very stable and usable software. If you need a CMS, go to vbadvanced.com and download their portal. It's free and more feature rich than the CMS that ships with vBulletin.

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

bigwater said:
Jake, please... contact me about this transition if you haven't figured it out 100%. SMF to vBulletin is hard and you'll end up with a stick in your eye if you aren't careful. vBulletin 4 is hard by itself, and the transition straight from SMF to 4 is dang near impossible. Transition to 3.8, then upgrade to 4 if you must. 4 is the bane of my existence, and I always recommend clients to stick with 3.8 for now, but most are chomping at the bit so hard that there's no holding them back from going to defective software. I've done this transition a couple of times and my butt is still sore, but I've learned a lot and can assist you with some general advice.
Thanks bigwater, actually the import from both IPBoard and SMF to vBulletin 4.0.3PL1 has gone quite smoothly. The only problem I was running into was the limitations of my work PC not being able to handle the import of 600K posts. But once I tried it on the new server we're using, the import went very smoothly. I personally don't care much for vB, but it works, though I actually prefer phpBB, as I help moderate and do all of the backend work on another forum that is running the latest version. Carl has used vBulletin extensively, so he chose to stick with it, as he will probably be the main admin/mod on the new forum.

bigwater said:
I've been a vBulletin consultant for many years. I truly loved the software over anything else available since 3.0 came out. When Internet Brands bought vBulletin though, it all went down the privy so to speak. They changed the licensing policy and offered great discounts to get people to pre-purchase the new version 4, then delayed the release for so long that customers were getting furious. Once they released 4, it was so defective that it was almost useless. They've had a couple of maintenance releases since then, but the software is still intollerable. It doesn't play well with itself, much less with any third party plug ins. I'm so frustrated with it that I just want to burn every system I have to deal with that has 4 on it. I've had three server crashes in the last month due to vb 4. I hate it, I can't tame it, and it's making my life miserable.

I would hope that vB will eventually get their stuff together and work the bugs out of the code. What makes me mad is that they didn't do that before they released this garbage on us. I still would recommend to Jake that he install the base 3.8.5 and run that... not upgrading to the 4.0.3 PL1 base at this point... because 3.8.5 is very stable and usable software. If you need a CMS, go to vbadvanced.com and download their portal. It's free and more feature rich than the CMS that ships with vBulletin.

So far I haven't run into any major problems **crosses fingers**, but we'll find out what happens when we open the floodgates tomorrow.

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