UPDATE: Whites Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Old Navy Guy said:
I wonder what going to happen here. I have the same Handle (name) on Treasurenet as I had on Whites. I wonder how that is going to work out? Will I only have one log in now that they have combined?

Howdy Navy Guy!
You will still have your existing handle on the new White's forum site.
But you will be required to create a new password for that forum, as the
database for passwords will not migrate properly. That's what I learned

They are not being combined with T-Net however. Your T-Net account
will be one account, and the White's forum another account entirely, on
a different server, and not directly linked with T-Net as it was before.


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Its good to see some friends again :hello2:digit.

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Hi all,

The updated info in M-Taliesin's post is correct. White's is simply moving the entirety of the TNet/White's forums to our own server. If things go well, it will come back up on Monday and no posts will be lost. Your account will also be preserved, except for the login password.

This actually had nothing whatsoever to do with the sale of TNet. We had been planning this move for months and it just took this long to get everything set up and tested. When we finally decided to pull the trigger last week, Marc told us of the impending sale. Coincidental, oddly enough.

We hosted the White's forums on TNet all these years because TNet was an established forum site and at the time White's didn't want to take on the job of running forums. However, I pushed for this move because I want to make a number of structural changes to the forums and under the current situation I had to make all those requests through Marc. But another issue also convinced me to make the move... as many of you know, there are several excellent treasure forums and they tend to be somewhat competitive. To the point that you cannot mention the name of a competing forum, and certainly not a link to it. Since White's forums were hosted by TNet, I could not ferinstance help a White's user on the Findmall forum by linking back to a post on our own company forums, simply because the URL contains "treasurenet". It was very frustrating. The solution is to put White's forums on our own independent server.

Once the forums return next week I'll slowly start making changes to the structure and contents. I think folks will like what we do.


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Carl-NC said:
Once the forums return next week I'll slowly start making changes to the structure and contents. I think folks will like what we do.


Howdy Carl!
Thank you for clarification. That's wonderful news. I will be looking forward to the changes,
and hope they will be for the better going forward. With you running the project, I'm certain
everything will be better than ever for us White's forum junkies! Okay,... I admit... I'm a White's
forum junkie. And wow, I sure do need a fix! LOL!

As you can imagine, there was a great deal of consternation when the forum suddenly went
dark. I was among those who wondered what happened, and why. That pesky broadcasting
background led me to start trying to find out what was happening, and I started asking
questions from folks I felt could provide answers.

Now you've given us a unique perspective on what's been afoot. I think it just caught us
all off guard because we didn't know anything was coming down and were perplexed and
bewildered. Your post helps to clear the air and let us know what's happening, and that's
what we needed to hear.

I'll be eagerly looking forward to the new White's forum, and I know it will be a fitting
addition to our White's experience. The next step in the evolution of White's forum is
coming, and we believe it will be truly exciting! Way to go pard!!!


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

It sounds Great Carl :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Looking forward to the Return :thumbsup:

Thank You too Mel for posting this thread :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I like all the smileys :thumbsup:

Dave :icon_farao:

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Howdy Folks!
On the bright side, until the White's forum comes back up, we can get away with
saying stuff here that the mods would jump all over.

Stuff like: Republican or Democrat or Libertarian or Green Party or words of that
ilk. Why, we can even use the words "Politics or Religion" in a sentence without
having the whole thread locked.

That being said, I gotta say, I sorta miss having those guys around, keeping order
and ensuring domestic tranquility.

Until our forum returns, likely tomorrow, we still have a little advantage here.

There once was a lady from Norway,
who liked tectin' every day,
She hoped for the best,
as she dug with her Lesche,
and found her a cache out near Ordway!


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

thanks for the update Mel and Carl, as life goes there is always change, some for the good and some for the bad, we will soon see about the good on our new site if all goes well, as for the bad, I felt like I lost alot of good friends and input from our old forum.
looking forward to hooking back up with everyone.........


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Well with a new site coming Indy will have to make us new t shirts ;D

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Thats great news for all the Whites members, but Im not pulling my head out of the sand until Monday ;D, I was up at Tahoe when I heard the news and all I could think about was all the great friends I might of just lost, we are all a close nit family who care about each other through thick and thin, below are some of the funnier photos that brings back some memories, you will understand if you are were a Whites member

Our own Indy always taking second place

What you will never see in Roberts back yard

Sandi after losing a football bet
Clair after losing a football bet

Woody with his new son


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Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Great memories Steve :thumbsup:

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

After the superbowl

Nitro after surgery

Toads gal from California

Foxes secret recipies

Robert in the hole once again with Miss Sandles

Russelts record breaking century days

Our good buddie Rudy

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

hahaha...talk about 'off the leash'

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

This is absolutely great news. As a semi-professional lurker on the White’s Forum, I was beginning to feel homeless without the forum.

Seriously, when the White’s Forum disappeared, I felt lost. I immediately missed the White’s family that I visit every day. Then it dawned on me, the huge information base was also gone.

Thank you Mel for following up on this. There are a lot of us out here that are relieved by the info you and Carl have given us.

Am looking forward to the new and improved White’s Forum.


Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Ok.. This is good news.... :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: And Nitro looks great.. I wonder what he's doing friday night.. :-\ :-* :-* Nuttin like a woman with toes on 'his-her' hand...... :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Hi kids..... :hello: :hello: :hello: Toadles......

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Sorry for the downtime everyone. I ran into some major issues with this move and finally found a solution. I'm just about ready to install the new forum software that we will be using. I hope to finish getting everything setup tonight, and then tomorrow we have a bit of testing and finalizing to do, so I'm shooting for sometime Monday afternoon-evening.

If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to email me.

IT Department
White's Electronics, Inc.

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

jake@whites said:
Sorry for the downtime everyone. I ran into some major issues with this move and finally found a solution. I'm just about ready to install the new forum software that we will be using. I hope to finish getting everything setup tonight, and then tomorrow we have a bit of testing and finalizing to do, so I'm shooting for sometime Monday afternoon-evening.

If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to email me.

IT Department
White's Electronics, Inc.

Thanks for the update. :icon_thumright:

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

Thank You for the Update Jake!

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

You're welcome! I really hope you guys like the main thing that I've been working on over the past month. I've had quite a few interruptions and other tasks/projects I've had to work on, so it hasn't gone quite as quickly as I wanted it to.

Want to sneak peek? :wink:

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

i was up way past midnight trying to figure this whole thing out. :icon_scratch:

Re: UPDATE: White's Forum/What the Heck is Going ON????

jake@whites said:
You're welcome! I really hope you guys like the main thing that I've been working on over the past month. I've had quite a few interruptions and other tasks/projects I've had to work on, so it hasn't gone quite as quickly as I wanted it to.

Want to sneak peek? :wink:
Sneak peek?you peeked my intrest Jake (how?)digit

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