By request, here is my analysis and opinion about this coat. The evidence indiactes it is not an actual
military-issued coat, but instead, a civilian Fashion "knock-off" imitation of the actual US Navy pea-coat.
1- Its shape does not match the actual US Navy Enlisted-man's pea-coat shown in the photo at Wikipedia:
2- The excavated coat is also not the version for Officers ...because the buttons on the excavated coat show only a weak "gold finish" rather than actual gold gilt. By official Regulations specification, military buttons made for US Officers had heavy gold-gilting -- not merely a "gold finish."
3- In addition to the cheap "gold finish," the excavated coat's buttons show an eagle whose wing-tops are
very rounded. On actual US Navy buttons, the wings' tops are more V-shaped than round. The
very-rounded wing-tops are a typical characteristic of the Fashin imitations of actual US Navy buttons.
4- The excavated coat's brass buttons have rusted-out iron backs. Almost no actual US Navy buttons are iron-backed, because saltwater and even salty humid air are corrosive, causing the iron to rust, which would stain the uniform's cloth.
5- According to the Albert button-book, US Navy Regulations specify that the small (16-to-19millimeters) four-hole black plastic buttons (showing only a "depressed" anchor) is for pants. It should not be on an actual US Navy pea-coat.