Hang in there with me folks. I have a lot to say, and a lot of crow to eat.
( not my first time. It's beginning to taste like chicken. )
My medicated post, just recently made and deleted, has forced me to admit openly that my time at my site is becoming more limited.
I wish it was not true, but it is. At the point in time whereupon the present writing of the story ends with that trip that I, had just one day left to finish the work there, due to the land owner at the bottom of the hill, telling me that they didn't want me up on their bluff again.
That ending is in the mail, to be read for the first time by anyone other than me. In short it reports that Weekender came to my rescue and, he did in deed do. The fact is that had he not done it, the story would have never had an end. He was my only hope, his skills and instincts saved that day, and subsequently the story was finished, after several editorial rewrites due to property owners privacy were at risk.
A few months passed and that last day at the site was eating at me, and unbeknownst to me, it was eating at Weekender as well. At some point one of us made a comment to the other about it, and gears started turning in our collective minds that we could not just let it go at that. I started doing more research and found the name that my first partner had made a contract with in both our names, but I had not met. I had found his name on a platt map..... Between the top land owners and the bottom land owners, covering over a hundred acres which including the entire bluff.
Could this be true? Had I been hoodwinked and lied to in order to cover it up?
My research had failed to find him, but yet again Weekender's talents and instincts rushed in like a big wave. He found him and his address and phone number! A new light came on that had been snuffed out by the hoodwink months earlier. But what about the book? Book things were already in motion.
We didn't know if any good would come from this new possibility, yet.
I did not want to bring it up on Tnet, without knowing if it would work out, so I asked Weekender to not let the news out until we could find something that would be worthy of our followers, so what we did was this...
After a new contract was made with the newly discovered landowner, which took much effort on both us and him, his name is John, we would remain silent until we could have something to show.
After a great deal of work trying to find a path to get to his land from the land owner's preferred area of entry, I failed to strike a deal with his adjoining land owner after multiple attempts. I gave in to the self-inflicted pressure to get back on site and on track to a treasure trail that had been previously blocked. I called the top landowner and she let us in. This process took months, and energy from Weekender and me, but we finally worked out the kinks to make a summer trip last year...
Meanwhile the story was working in two formats. One in my thread and another in Weekender's ( undisclosed location ) by agreement with each other, whereby any credit due to Weekender would remain his accolades. They still are.
The return trip simply set the concrete from the rushed previous trip.
All of this was slowly turning the current ending into something that would eventually either cause a rewrite to correct the facts, or call for another book. Too much to figure out at that point without evidence. Trapped by my own creation, I made plans to combine our next trip into a two event venue with Weekender, by spending most of the day taking him to all of the important places that the confined space that is available, and put a copy of the book in his hands as well as many other things that I talked him into.
I have no person in my life that has all of the abilities and trust to take on a possibly overburdening catch. He made it possible for me to return to my site and has gotten me home alive twice. His talents and abilities are clear but his loyalty to me has made him my best friend.
I will continue going out there until we find something, or I become too much of a burden to him. I will also finish the story unless it becomes his place to finish it for me.
The hole story is too important to let slip thru the cracks. It must survive.
The sad truth is that I am beginning to forget parts of the past, and my legs are far weaker Than I want to believe. So he is my backstop and I trust him. He will know all that I know about this story soon.
Jose is my first editor. He will tell me if I have failed to tell the story, then Weekender will have the same and then it will go to Homar for the same. Then the last revised version will get to the publisher.
I am tired and I have said much.
I hope that you continue with us to the end.
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