Two peaks


You wrote " Nana was not in the LAD story " . Is only your opinion or you know the real story ? The story has a Nana , but if you want to write a new story , Ok. take my pen .

" Why " ? Why you believe Indians patrolled a reach in gold nuggets place ? Because up in this canyon , were some gold mines and was a sacred land too .

" Where " ? There , where I believe is the LAD and I wrote in my previous posts , here and in other thread . My theory is supported by three different maps which show the same place .
Where you believe is the LAD ? Somewhere ?


You wrote " Nana was not in the LAD story " . Is only your opinion or you know the real story ? The story has a Nana , but if you want to write a new story , Ok. take my pen .

" Why " ? Why you believe Indians patrolled a reach in gold nuggets place ? Because up in this canyon , were some gold mines and was a sacred land too .

" Where " ? There , where I believe is the LAD and I wrote in my previous posts , here and in other thread . My theory is supported by three different maps which show the same place .
Where you believe is the LAD ? Somewhere ?


WHOOPS!!! :laughing7:

"Nana was never in the LAD story" - It is my opinion based on fact and evidence.

"Why?" - You claim there was gold mines and it was a sacred place. So sacred that nobody else knew of it!?!
If you believe the story of Adams and the LAD (take your pick of which version I might add), then you really think that such a magnificent site is still hidden today?!?

Oh dear....???

"Where?" You have a "theory" with "3 different maps showing the same place?" - Eh?
Now there was 3 maps in the whole saga as well?!?

No doubt you will soon be showing us the evidence and results of your successful 'theory' with incontrovertible proof, seen as you know where the place is based on "3 different maps".

On the balance of probabilities which is what I base my judgment on, along with fact, evidence and documentation, the LAD was more than likely a spot which contained a secreted amount of gold which was more than likely to have been retrieved by Brewer at a later date.

But what the hell, I am sure that you truly believe that sooner or later you will be holding the nuggets the size of "hen eggs", after all, that is what the story says, and the ledge "20 miles long with gold quartz" will be yours to exploit.

I would wish you good luck, but you probably do not need it due to having such a overwhelming amount of proof.


PS. How could the people in the story have known who Nana was compared to any other Apache?
Did he leaving his business card or formally introduce himself to them???


My apologies for my ignorance, but what is LAD?

Ahhh! Thanks! I will have to look this up! Thanks again for the info!

Ahhh! Thanks! I will have to look this up! Thanks again for the info!

No problem, enjoy, but I have to warn you - there's some who have claimed to have found it and others who claim they are on the verge of it!:thumbsup:


No problem, enjoy, but I have to warn you - there's some who have claimed to have found it and others who claim they are on the verge of it!:thumbsup:


Darn. Oh, well. Back to the drawing board! LOL


Are few old hunters who know how , in my theory , the place up in the canyon is sacred . There , the Apache indians still use the area for ceremonies . The site is hidden only from those who don't believe or don't know .

You can believe what you want , but , I want to know , if Nana didn't left his business card to confirm his presence , did Adams and Brewer ?

Is simple . You respect my theory and I respect your . The time will show whose is the correct .

"Are (sic) few old hunters who know how , in my theory , the place up in the canyon is sacred ."
So they are part of the 'conspiracy' and know for sure it is the same canyon and do not wish to retrieve any riches therein?........hmmm....

"There , the Apache indians still use the area for ceremonies . The site is hidden only from those who don't believe or don't know ."
The present-day Chiricahua reside in Oklahoma state and on the Mescalero reservation. There was very few Chihenne Apache left during the final surrender and after the fighting warriors such as Nana, Geronimo, Chihuahua, Naichez, Mangus etc., died in captivity, very few of the remaining Chiricahua (then referred to as "Fort Sill" Apaches) knew of the 'old ways and rites'. The site is hidden from those that do not believe or do not know exactly what??
Also, the present-day Apache have no desire to enrich themselves and are still at war with the "white-eyes" and wish to remain doing their ceremonies in secret?
Please that is insulting to all concerned.

"You can believe what you want , but , I want to know , if Nana didn't left his business card to confirm his presence , did Adams and Brewer ?"

You say the above but it contradicts your own mode of thinking. You obviously believe that Adams was there and left a story as you are interpreting your beliefs based on what he allegedly said. I believe that there was a character called Adams as there is several eye-witness accounts, testimonies and different references. With Brewer there is the same and several verified property and birth records in the US and Mexico., hence why I mentioned fact and evidence in my earlier quotes.

"Is (sic) simple . You respect my theory and I respect your . The time will show whose is the correct ."

Over one and a half centuries have already passed without putting this story/legend fully, to bed. What is simple, is the fact that one should use evidence and proven data to back-up their theories as oppose to simply using "hunches", "ideas", "theories" etc.

By the way, where oh where did your "secret" maps that nobody else seems to have had before or since, popped into the equation from??:dontknow:



You are for sure a Tadvocate , which is different of a Thunter .

Sorry, I'll have green tea instead. You don't want to see me on caffeine

LOL, I hate to point this out, but you DO realize one of the links below is to a breast examination site for women, right? That is the danger of Google: it doesn't weed out the stuff you don't want.

I will check out the others, but most of them simply offer the same images as Google and the USGS uses.

G'd morning Matt, coffee??? For starters try -->

TerraServer - Aerial Photos & Satellite Images - The Leader In Online Imagery

High Resolution - Mammography Center Albuquerque, New Mexico (NM)

High Resolution Satellite and Aerial Images & Photos | DigitalGlobe

there are some thousands of site.

Don Jose de La Mancha

How am I supposed to get any treasure hunting done with mammary distractions diverting my attention?

I need no coffee, but women on the other hand...

A tip for free aerial pictures :

Go at Bing Maps - Driving Directions, Traffic and Road Conditions ---> Change the " Bird's eye " with " Aerial " ---> Go to the place you want and zoom in ---> Cick on " Print " ---> In the new window , right click on the bigger picture and choose " Save the picture as " ---> In the save window give a name or number to the picture ( because all the pictures will be saved as " Get map " and click " Save " ---> Close ( x ) the " Print " window .

That's it !

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You know where I believe is the LAD . but maybe you don't know my theory about . I believe Adams and his party started their trip from Sacaton to Florence and had turn north in Hewitt Canyon trail . When they reached the White Mountain , turned west to Malapais Mountain .
I believe in the story was written wrong ( intentionally or by ignorance ) the White Mountains instead White Mountain and Malpais Mountain instead Malapais Mountain .
In this direction , when they were upon a ridge , saw this image , which is the Weavers Needle behind the Bluff Spring Mountain .
This image looks like two peaks or two " piloncillos " .

Two peaks.webp

They went toward to the two peaks but had not reached them because the target was before . Very close to the target is a narrow canyon which has the entrance behind a big bulder . This is an aerial photo of this canyon .


The map which shows the same place and says how the gold nuggets are like quail eggs .

Chas Clark.gif

I don't want to convince you , but I believe is the most plausible and in part proven ( picture and map ) theory about the LAD . Now for the gold nuggets picture evidence , I leave a small cloud , and every hunter to act with his intuition and his experience .

G'd morning Marius: Coffee then to work. Frankly the next canyon down is far more logical, the one that you indicated apparantly requires climbing to exit it, then again ??


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Marius, is this the same location you posted at the beginning of this thread? Right outside Phoenix?

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