Two peaks

Don Jose

Thank you . Your coffee was strong and woke me up . You are right . Was my by hurry mistake . Is really the next canyon down . Maybe nobody will take me seriously , but , in the Latin heart this is the " FAUCES " .

Pass.webp Pass1.webp

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Yes .

I thought we went through this already then


Not at all . You didn't read my theory about the route and I didn't post these new pictures . But if you want to skip , no problem . I wish to to find your LAD one day .

Marius, ORO is tooo shy to ask, but he wants to home in on the iron pot and burned cabin.


I am surprised that you would think that - actually I am much more interested in the canyon; I suspect (strongly) that Mitchell already removed the coffee pot of gold, plus I don't usually hunt for buried treasures as they have a penchant for getting found and removed without the fact hitting the news. The mine however cannot be removed or completely cleaned out, hence my greater interest in that as opposed to the cabin and "pot o gold".

Sorry for derailing the topic please do continue.

This thread is about the 2 peaks in New Mexico the LAD group saw from afar. If you would like to discuss an alternative location in another state, perhaps that deserves its own thread?


To find the LAD in NM , you first must to search in maps or whatever for a gold mines complex or a gold mining region . For sure the LAD 's canyon has above a rich gold deposit . If this canyon has mines above , maybe exist another maps or another tales . Search for maps and tales which fit with your region of interest .

This thread is about the 2 peaks in New Mexico the LAD group saw from afar. If you would like to discuss an alternative location in another state, perhaps that deserves its own thread?

I was not proposing an alternative location, just explaining about the coffee pot statement. Please do continue,

I was addressing Marius

UncleMatt wrote
I was addressing Marius
Whoops my mistake amigo, I thought perhaps my previous posts had come across very different from what was intended. Sorry for the error, please do continue, I look forward to reading more.

Go scrabble up some firewood to keep the coffee hot Oro.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. and here I almost had Marius ready to give you the key to the iron Pot with the gold Nuggets. Beth, whop him.


I ask your indulgence to complete my thought about the " superstition " LAD . Thank you in advance .

The strange thing is how this canyon in my pictures has not name , and other smaller in the vicinity has . Why nobody gave a name ?
The second strange is how in all the treasure maps of this region which show the landmarks with a big percent of accuracy , this canyon is not depicted . In this place , in the most cases , is depicted a heart .

With your permission , I would to give a name to this canyon , unofficially , and I call it the Heart Canyon , until be proven how has an Indian name .

To close , I want to say how this canyon is connected to many treasure stories . How I know ? Another mystery ? NO . Just intensive search .

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Go scrabble up some firewood to keep the coffee hot Oro.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. and here I almost had Marius ready to give you the key to the iron Pot with the gold Nuggets. Beth, whop him.

Ah amigo that coffee pot-o-gold I believe was already found and emptied, by a fellow who worked many years for the RR; he spent his free time hunting lost mines and buried treasures, and collected the stories he heard and published them in articles which were later collected into two books. I believe your old amigo and competitor on Tayopa (Milt Rose) had the books published. The clue which convicts this fellow is found in the intro to those books, for instead of describing him as a life-long railroad man and treasure hunter, he is a "wealthy mining man" even though he never once did any mining. <*hint - Lost Mines and Buried Treasures along the Old Frontier> Besides even if that fellow did not find and remove the coffee pot, it is 100% possible that another treasure hunter, or anyone who happened to find it by accident, may well have found and removed it, without announcing it to the world. Hence I hunt for the mine itself, not the pot-o-gold. Mines can't be dug up and hauled away too easily.

Please do continue, getting off the rails here.

PS I think it is time for some of Don Jose's extra strong Mexican highlands coffee :thumbsup: Some folks are a bit too city-fied for sock coffee after all.
:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

...The clue which convicts this fellow is found in the intro to those books, for instead of describing him as a life-long railroad man and treasure hunter, he is a "wealthy mining man" even though he never once did any mining...

I would hardly 'convict' Mitchell based on that bit of innuendo, which may well have been a self-serving statement or even a joke. If you can demonstrate that Mitchell came into unexpected assets during his career, then the ice might be thick enough to support the idea that he found something. Besides, even if he did, why would you be convinced it was the LAD and not some other place? Ice too thin.

I would hardly 'convict' Mitchell based on that bit of innuendo, which may well have been a self-serving statement or even a joke. If you can demonstrate that Mitchell came into unexpected assets during his career, then the ice might be thick enough to support the idea that he found something. Besides, even if he did, why would you be convinced it was the LAD and not some other place? Ice too thin.

Springfield you are most welcome to go hunt for the coffee pot -o- gold; my post was explaining why I personally do not hunt for it. If however you can provide solid proof that the pot of gold is still there, then I might be more interested in looking for it. As I posted earlier, whether Mitchell got it or someone else, it is entirely possible that someone has removed it without notifying the world. I was not trying to make any case to convince you, or anyone else that Mitchell did it, just explaining my own reasons.

Good luck and good hunting amigos I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Thanks for clearing that up Oro. After decades of pondering the LAD, I have no idea if it exists, what it is, where it is or if it's still there. Yesterday, however, I was in a canyon that could be the right place for it. A rough zigzag canyon; an Apache farming ranchera downstream; distinctive twin peaks upstream; a major gold placer stream just out of view to the right; an army fort on a road a day away by horseback; and, in the heart of a major historical Apache stronghold. Nice rock faces too, for the rock face fans. ¿Quien sabe?


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hi Steve .
dam buddy an honest man ! and i admire that ! awesome picture amigo , and i hope you are not offended i called you that. I wonder just who all those things looking that way , might have mattered to?. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm probably not "anyone"credited in some Kenworthy book ..///bob

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... I wonder just who all those things looking that way , might have mattered to?. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm probably not "anyone"credited in some Kenworthy book ..///Bob

Want more? If, as I speculate, Marcos de Niza followed the Gila River instead of turning north at the San Francisco River in 1539, he well could have ended up in this canyon, not at Zuni. I've discussed this at length elsewhere. Later, according to a little known unpublished report that I have, a crude Spanish fort was constructed high up the canyon in the 1700's. Must have been something good up there. The Boy Scouts built a camp in the early 20th century at the site of the fort's ruins - the 'cabin' in the 1860's Adams legend? By the way, there is (or was in the late 1970's) a rock carving up there that said, ADAMs1880. It was in an odd location in soft rock and I carved my own name nearby. Two years ago, I went up there to photograph the carving, but after two days searching, I couldn't find it. Since I know that other carvings in the area have been removed (fortunately, not the 'good' ones), I assume the Adams carving was destroyed. Was the carving done by 'THE' Adams? There's no way of knowing. All things considered, this canyon - at the top - is quite an interesting p!ace.

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