Re. BRAIN SCIENCE & Treasure-Hunting... watching Neuro-Docs doing Open Brain Research, poking various "spots" of the BRAIN, may soon indicate "Focus Points" for Meditation & Frequencies/Wave-Length "Tune-in". R & I CONTINUES... "God Spot" may have already been found... THETA Wave-Length"
Hmmm. Theta brain waves are considered brain waves that oscillate between the frequencies of 4 Hz to 8 Hz (cycles per second). They have been linked to experiencing emotions, daydreaming, intuition, relaxation, and the subconscious mind.
It is common thought that theta brain waves help us make subconscious connections. Although alpha bridges the gap between conscious and subconscious, it is theta that is dominant when the subconscious is fully active. Also, Theta waves are tied to enhanced levels of creativity. This is in part due to the fact that “conscious” thinking is turned off and our right hemisphere becomes more active with slower wave activity. The right hemisphere of the brain is linked to emotion, images, and creativity such as with art and music. Think of musicians and inventors that daydream and have imagery come to them – this is the theta state.
Individuals that have a deep sense of intuition are able to get an understanding of something without any conscious thought. In other words people get a “gut feeling” or certain vibe about a situation and are able to follow their raw instinct. Usually if someone has a good connection with their intuition, they follow it and find that it leads them in the correct direction. Intuition is often based on strictly subconscious queues which involve little or no conscious thought.
There is some indication that suggests theta may be linked to paranormal experiences. When individuals are in a dream-like state, they may have “psychic” experiences, OOBE’s (out of body experiences), astral projections, or experience what is referred to as “lucid dreaming.” In the theta range, people experience dream-like functioning and it may contribute to reports of various paranormal reports.
All very interesting thoughts on the Theta frequencies. You may have something there, Rebel.
Accessing Your Theta Brain Waves |