"Tuning into" TREASURES...

Continuing on... "google" TVR, Technical Remote Viewing; Remote Viewing for Treasures; Remote Viewing for GOLD; Remote Viewing for SILVER; etc. HH! Good Luck!

My apologies for taking so long to respond, Rebel, was attempting to reach the owner of said recovery to obtain permission to make their story public. It is a matter of personal integrity for me, to always obtain permission before publishing any information shared with me privately. To that effect, I was able to receive permission to relate the story, but not reveal the names of the individuals involved, nor any photographs or facsimiles of the drawing itself or the recovered items. The drawing would have been a bonus, but I understand and respect their request for privacy. So with these constraints, and condensing to save space, I will relate the story as it was revealed to me and my participation in it.

The owner of the object locked away in a bedside nightstand, was the descendant of a well respected pioneer of Texas who had immigrated to the U.S. from Germany. In his personal effects, that had been distributed among his heirs at his passing, was a unique and highly decorated key. It might have been discarded, as no item was ever found to unlock with it, but a granddaughter found it interesting and beautiful with its intricate designs and kept it as a memento of the man who had taught her to dance as a small child, her feet firmly planted atop his own.

The story of this key may have ended here but for a chance meeting of this granddaughter with a lady psychic at a private party for a friend. Upon learning of her abilities, the granddaughter asked if she communicated with the deceased. Of course she did, and at the entertainment of all the assembled party attendees she proceeded to attempt communication with the aforementioned Texas Pioneer. The granddaughter's question for her grandfather was pertaining to the key. What did it open? After much meditation the psychic spoke in a monotone, " My child, there is one story I left untold, of Crown and Cross and Holy Gold, by this sign you will find what you seek, but of its design you must never speak. Drenched in the blood of Innocents, to which neither Royal Nod nor Smoking Censure gave recompense. Only by fire can the gold be purified for use, and to this I recommend you ". The psychic then closed her eyes, and drew a sign upon the tablecloth. And upon coming out of her trance, promptly fainted.

Spooky stuff, and perfect party entertainment wouldn't you say? Lol

But the words stuck with this young lady into her middle years, where she related the story to me. She still retained the key, now locked away in a bedside nightstand with other mementos from her younger years. I asked her if she believed the tale, and she emphatically replied Yes. You see, that sign the woman had drawn on the tablecloth was also carved upon the man's headstone. A little fact she had not revealed at the time of said communication. But she had never been able to decipher the meaning of his words and had long ago given up hope for further elucidation.

I then asked her if she was familiar with the term Remote Viewing. I explained the concept to her, and she agreed to give it a try. Together, we contacted a friend of mine who had shown such ability, and she sent him a photograph of the nightstand, not revealing the contents, as a test. The results were so strange it still boggles my mind how the rest played out.

Of course, we were expecting him to find the key hidden inside, as that would be the conclusive proof we were looking for. Instead, he sent her a detailed drawing of a woman standing beside a desk, a drawer removed and sitting on top. Failure, or so we thought at first. Upon examining the drawing closer, we saw that the drawer had the same sign as the headstone carved upon it. Suddenly, she jumped up and proclaimed " That's my Aunt's desk! ". As you have no doubt already guessed, the desk had originally belonged to her grandfather, and upon a thorough examination, a hidden compartment lay behind the drawer with the carved design.

On it was a lock into which her key fit precisely.

In it were 3 gold bars bearing an amazing mark. The Crown and the Cross.

I don't know who was more astonished, she or me! Suddenly her aunt gave a gasp and, turning, we found her standing across the room, holding one hand to her chest with the Viewer's drawing in the other. " Look at this! ", motioning to me. I crossed the room and joined her, looking from the drawing to the granddaughter standing beside the desk. It was a perfect depiction.

This was what the Remote Viewer had seen and drawn.

Now you see why I am a believer. True story.

I like Joe's take in this video, it mirrors my own thoughts regarding the need for more critical thought and less rabid skepticism in paranormal research.


Well, TN had a "Thread" REMOTE VIEWING... BURIED TREASURE(S) on the TECHNIQUES "Forum", back in July, 2008. it was INTERESTING. GREAT story about "The key"... & THANKS for Joe!

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TN Research & Techniques still has RV "thread"... page 2, I think.
I "posted" in that Forum/"Thread" today... asking for any "up-dates". :coffee2: Coffee...?

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Two Treasure Hunters from Roanoke, Va. (@ 15 miles WEST of today's Montvale, Va. on Rt. 460 WEST)... & one "SENSITIVE"/Psychic being HYPNOTIZED with a CRYSTAL on a string or chain; NOT a Medium with a CRYSTAL BALL! They were looking for a TREASURE alluded to by Clayton Hart's boss, 1st. Lt. Newton H. Hazlewood, CSA... that was buried on/near HIS land in today's MONTVALE, Va. CONTROLS: HART BROS; "SENSITIVE": Unknown PSYCHIC. They contaminated their story by "linking" with the Beale PAPERS pamphlet, which is FACTION... FICTION based on FACTS, a COVER STORY... (MHO).

I know the HART PAPERS has a "Medium" & Crystal Ball... HOWEVER, the TRANCE STATE of being hypnotized by the "Control", who asks questions...
1) What do you "see"...? Treasure(s), RAW Gold, RAW Silver, Gems, etc.
2) Look around you... what are "land-marks" (mountains, rivers, creeks, boulders, to help "id" the place).
3) Any "carvings" on trees, boulders, etc.
4) What OTHER questions...?

Gotta get "boots on the ground"...

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Does RAW Gold have a Frequency/Wave-length...? Does Silver...? Various Gems...? HOW to "do" Treasure(s)...

I "see" a NEW Paradigm for TH'ing coming forth; MAYBE Special Equipment(s) can be/is/are developed; MD'ing MAY become of technique of the PAST...

Wow, Rebel, I see I have some catching up to do, lol. Too much work and too little play, but hoping to get a breather very soon and will try to stay on top of my game here.

The Hart Papers was a very good read, Thank You! So tell me, have you some experience with RV or similar techniques you might want to share? We've obviously taken the same path in our study, judging from our libraries. Surely you have experimented a bit, what was your experience with it?

As for Gold, Silver, and various Gems, I would have to say most emphatically Yes - they DO have a frequency all their own.

And another Yes to a new paradigm in TH'ing coming down the pike, lol. Techniques are already in use, and new types of equipment are certainly in production and being tested as we speak. Some so simple you might slap your forehead and others so genius I can't even begin to describe them. My partner and I have at least two, possibly three, in testing trials right now - and the results are mind blowing. Of course, ours is proprietary for our own use, but anyone out there could build their own using the same principles. Who knows, after we deplete the world of it's natural riches, we might decide to share, lol.

Thing is, you have to have an open mind, and be able to think outside the box. Kind of a can't see the forest for the trees sort of thing. Like you have already stated - Slow Down, Listen, Feel...and learn to meditate, or center yourself, and practice, practice, practice with plenty of hand's on with whatever objects you seek.

I would love to hear from others who have been working with frequencies, and ways to detect them. Would very much like to open a dialog and share thoughts in this regard.

More to add, my new friend?

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Agree, we DO more input from others; glad you are ALREADY doing it! No personal stories to tell, at this point; some "Flying Visions"...

Would love to hear about them! Do Tell!

Would love to hear about them! Do Tell!
Maybe, they should be called FLYING DREAMS; sorta like "seeing" interesting sites/treasures during an "out-of-body" experience. Had MANY OoB's in my youth & young adult years; now as a "Senior" reading TN, I "see" these places in my mind's eye; EASIER to "do" at my age... LOL!

I've had similar experiences, only to later find myself in that exact place or conversation. Deja Vu, or something else? I'm curious, Rebel, do you keep a journal of these Flying Dreams? I do, and it has really opened my eyes to what the mind is truly capable of. Age may be a component, or more likely, experience I would guess. Training ourselves to be more observant of our subconscious wanderings? There is definitely something to it. But what?

Have you had an I can't quite put my mental finger on it mental distraction because of the location ,and it did not seem important or viable ?

It was /is not mine to focus on but a serious sized cache had remained un known to me a long time in the same place over multiple visits. Still there.
Only revealed by communication of it's owner.

A strange place "rollover" in a not strange place (if in it it's not strange)is the first alert ,to focus on or pass with focus seldom an option without luxury of time and permission on site.

Remote viewing and objects use to look are no longer sought , after part of a family history paralleled events in/with different family. Dark,not "dark", just unsettling and no desire to risk repeating or being exposed to such as others were known for.

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As in Not all gifts are good? I can appreciate that perspective as well.

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