"Tuning into" TREASURES...

For those who might be wondering - If such an ability to sense minerals exists, wouldn't it become overwhelming what with so many different frequencies emanating from the very ground we walk on? No, and I'll share my opinion on why it doesn't. You're not consciously "listening" all the time.

There are a bajillion songs playing over the airways at any given moment, but you don't hear them unless you "tune in on the radio". Hearing/feeling a frequency is very similar. Or, think of it like this....how many times have you tuned out your wife or girlfriend when she was prattling on about shopping, or her friends, or just about anything? She may be standing right beside you, but you don't catch a word of it...because you tuned her out. Or...what if you were walking by your teenage son's bedroom late at night and heard him whispering into the phone. Your ears pick up, don't they? Suddenly your attention centers and your hearing tunes in.

Tuning In requires Attention ( Intention ). The same thing occurs with these frequencies (once you learn to detect them), you have to tune in to consciously hear/feel them. ( You think that's nuts, wait til you hear my theory on how Intention resonates. Remember that study I mentioned about Random Event Generators? :sign13: )


Something I've also recently come to consider is that "tuning in" on the frequencies is enhanced by an affinity or special interest, or the emotion of pleasure, a good feeling....enjoyment, accomplishment. Like the song Releventchair mentioned. You wouldn't remember the song and be able to "pluck out the tune" if you didn't enjoy it, right? And when you enjoy something, it triggers a rise in Dopamine levels. A rise in Dopamine in turn triggers our "Reward Center" in our brain. It also enhances the Senses, taste, smell, hearing, etc. Why not other senses?

Amazingly, it can also affect our "belief system". Surprising? It was to me. An extremely interesting study mentioned in an article I read in Aeon Magazine, titled "The God Effect" *, showed some interesting correlations between dopamine levels and the belief systems we all take for granted. In short, people with impaired dopamine levels ( as in Parkinson's Disease ) would also tend to lose long held personal "Beliefs", such as religion for example. They would simply wake up one morning no longer understanding what they saw in it in the first place. Strange, but true. A chemical reaction that enables belief? I thought it fascinating. My immediate connection was neural pathways. Could dopamine be a factor in sensory input of subliminal frequencies as well? Dopamine activity in the right-sided limbic and prefrontal brain regions also affects our creativity and most complex thinking. Very interesting indeed. ( The entire article was eye opening on many fronts. Worth a read for those interested ).

Don't get me wrong, Dopamine in and of itself will not make you suddenly believe in something you normally wouldn't. If it could then we would have the cure for skepticism, wouldn't we, lol. ( Actually, in this instance, without dopamine skeptics would be rare as hens teeth, since skepticism is a belief system in itself ). All I am proposing is that this chemical may have a multi-function that may benefit/facilitate sensory perception as well.

Enjoyment = Increased Dopamine = Enhanced Senses = Tuning In = Reward.

Of course, becoming adept at Tuning In to particular frequencies would take training, plenty of "hands on" experimentation, and practice. A knowledge and familiarity with your own body's frequency is a must....and that's where meditation, centering yourself, becomes paramount. A child is malleable clay, but as adults it becomes more difficult. Not only has our world grown far outside our bodies, but we now have an incredible amount of mental indoctrination to overcome as well.

But having a natural affinity for Gold and Treasure is a good base from which to start, wouldn't you say? ;D

P.S. One more note on Dopamine, I am NOT advocating for supplemental use to enhance the senses. While increased dopamine levels may be beneficiary to the senses, it may also be extremely harmful. Too little can be seen in the effects of Parkinson's disease, too much can overstimulate and cause all kinds of detrimental affects like bizarre behavior, murderous impulses, episodes of rage, and emotional instability to name a few. Not something you would want to consider experimenting with on your own, for sure. I'm speaking of Natural levels only.

A fine line between Genius and Insanity? Apparently so.

* https://aeon.co/essays/the-dopamine-switch-between-atheist-believer-and-fanatic

"The God Effect", by Patrick McNamara, associate professor of neurology and psychiatry at the Boston University School of Medicine

WOW! Just WOW! TY, "D"! I have a book, The GOD EFFECT, in my basement... gonna look for it, today. GREAT "Link"! :icon_thumleft: I'm "into" Brain Science, too; different parts of the Brain COULD be "activated" by various ways... including MEDITATION. Doorways of "Perceptions"...

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"Tuning into" TREASURES...

I have a cousin in Pa whom claims she " SEE'S" people who have passed or in trouble, they come to her even from far away and strangers too? Most of us think she is nuts! Lol
Now how do I talk her into finding treasure?
What book should I ask her to read?
The story of the key in the desk sounds something she would say!

WOW! Just WOW! TY, "D"! I have a book, The GOD EFFECT, in my basement... gonna look for it, today. GREAT "Link"! :icon_thumleft: I'm "into" Brain Science, too; different parts of the Brain COULD be "activated" by various ways... including MEDITATION. Doorways of "Perceptions"...

I thought you might enjoy that. :wink:

Absolutely! The Buddhists/ Tibetan Monks are a perfect example of that type of Meditation. :icon_thumright:

Here's another interesting read in regards to your OOB's...


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I have a cousin in Pa whom claims she " SEE'S" people who have passed or in trouble, they come to her even from far away and strangers too? Most of us think she is nuts! Lol
Now how do I talk her into finding treasure?
What book should I ask her to read?
The story of the key in the desk sounds something she would say!

Oh, geez, where to start, lol.

Pretty much ALL of Joe McMoneagle's books, you can get them off Amazon or directly from his website, where Joe and his wife, Nancy, also have a great blog. As Rebel-KGC previously suggested, " Mind Trek " is excellent, but he also has a " Remote Viewing Handbook " that is pretty awesome as well.

Joseph and Nancy ( Joe and Scooter ) McMoneagle Only Official Home Page. Remote Viewing, Astrology, Psychic Research, Psi Services, Books, Personal Info


Anything by Russell Targ, but my personal favorite is: " Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness '. He has a new book out that she also might enjoy, called " The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities ". VERY convincing stuff. Here's a link to a short interview he did on it...

The Reality of ESP: An Interview With Russell Targ, Remote Viewing Pioneer | New Dawn : The World's Most Unusual Magazine


Paul H. Smith, another StarGate RV'er, you can find some of his videos on YouTube, but I recommend this DVD, it's good stuff!

Paul H. Smith - " The Shotgun Wedding Between Dowsing and Remote Viewing "



I would suggest topping it off with another of Rebel's recommendations, Stephan A. Schwartz. My pick would be " Opening To The Infinite ", but his papers on Remote Viewing Archaeology are a must read as well.

Stephan A. Schwartz

That should keep her busy for awhile, lol. :read2:

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I thought you might enjoy that. :wink:

Absolutely! The Buddhists/ Tibetan Monks are a perfect example of that type of Meditation. :icon_thumright:

Here's another interesting read in regards to your OOB's...

A Neurosurgeon?s Journey to Worlds Beyond: An Interview with Dr. Eben Alexander | New Dawn : The World's Most Unusual Magazine
AGAIN, TY, "D"... I know "E.A.", and have been to 2 lectures by him. We BRIEFLY chatted about experiences with SISTERS, in our After-Life Experiences; tho mine was not as "colorful" as his... LOL! :laughing7:

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Per "Post" # 66... LOL! WHEW! Need LOTS of JAVA!

Re. BRAIN SCIENCE & Treasure-Hunting... watching Neuro-Docs doing Open Brain Research, poking various "spots" of the BRAIN, may soon indicate "Focus Points" for Meditation & Frequencies/Wave-Length "Tune-in". R & I CONTINUES... "God Spot" may have already been found... THETA Wave-Length"

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LOL! Alright guys, your turn while I sip my espresso macchiato. :coffee2:

Have at it Reb..
Coffee ain't helpin much here in the back row , (egads , data overload) but not hurtin nothin either...shake/tremble aside.

What is this " Sock Coffee " of which you speak? It sounds Mind Altering. :icon_scratch:

Think I will pass on it this time, until further evaluation. :icon_silent: But thanks for offering to share(?).


Have at it Reb..
Coffee ain't helpin much here in the back row , (egads , data overload) but not hurtin nothin either...shake/tremble aside.

No shaking allowed, just stirred. :coffee2:

I apologize for the overload, I tend to be citation heavy when proselytizing my point of view, lol. Promise to contain myself if you'll move up from the back row and pitch in. :wink: ;D

Have at it Reb..
Coffee ain't helpin much here in the back row , (egads , data overload) but not hurtin nothin either...shake/tremble aside.
Drink DECAF... PROBLEMS, solved; you'll lose weight, too. I did...

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